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sigh...nothing seems to work

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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sigh...nothing seems to work

Post by perrymason »

Eh...i feel that i don't have the will to live on. HELP

I'm 17 and have been reading these forums for around 2-3 weeks now. I've been following Busted, and ocean side from some other boards, but I'm plagued by the "terrible terribleness" called bad breath :cry:

I visited an ENT around 3 weeks ago and she gave me anti-histamines and anti-leukotrines. Those have just dried my nose up, yet i still have bad breath. I mean, when i'm in class, people cover their noses and just HAPPEN to touch their noses as if it itches. It stinks even when I don't open my mouth. It comes out of my nose which just sinks me to a low. I have friends and i try to stay far away from them and keep a distance relationship due to this.

This is just bringing me down. I've been using a netti-pot but that doesn't seem to work either. I still get bad breath and I can see people covering their noses or coughing. I don't get what the thing is. If i have a sinus infection, antibiotics would clear it up yes? Then why the hell would by stupid ENT give me anti-allergy stuff. It clearly doesn't work.

My tongue is somewhat coated with mucus and it's kind of white. I try everything there is to get the mucus out/bacteria out (mouthwash, gum, gargling) but its just soooo stubborn. I hate having to distance my self from everyone due to this retarded nuisance. I don't get why I have PND/bad breath. Why me?

Sometimes I wonder why I'm even here ](*,) Does anyone here have any suggestions on what I can do to better this issue? Anything at all that could work. I'll buy anything and everything to get rid of this issue. why me :/

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Post by sweets07 »

have you tried:
1. TUNG brush
2. sugar free yogurts

those things are very helpful. also try to avoid toothpastes that make the mouth pH basic. a neutral to acid pH is best for reducing bb bacteria overgrowth. hang in there and it you can try to find a confidant to help monitor your breath and be a good moral support thru this.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »


welcome and keep the faith,

To try to get rid of your pnd you can try:

-Nasal irrigation stage 2. (you can browse it in this forum to know how to do it).

-Oil pulling with suflower oil. (you can browse it here too)

This two things are very cheap and natural,

Also, try two see other ents to get second opinions,
try to figure it out if you have tonsil stones, if maybe you have some polyp...... talk about the pnd and maybe they can recommend some nasal spry for you....most of the members didn´t have succes with the sprays but sometimes it helps.....

Don´t forget to drink some sugarles yogurt, and the tung brush,
And this could sound obvious, but don´t forget to floss

Also, some people has been having succes with K12 (it´s a probiotic) but still testing....

good luck!
Posts: 135
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:38 am

Post by perrymason »

ehh i hate life so much, people cough around me and i just feel like exploding and disappearing.

i just bought a TUNG brush @ and i'm hoping it'll help out.
MY PND seems to have dried out 75% using the nasal irrigation and anti-histamines/leukotrines. I still have bad breath though. I don't understand why...

If the source of food(mucus) to the bacteria in my mouth/back of tongue is cut off, how are they still living?
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Post by Eric »

If the source of food(mucus) to the bacteria in my mouth/back of tongue is cut off, how are they still living?
Thats kind of what we are all trying to figure out... Something to do with the conditions in our mouths/throats/tonsils being hospitable to these BB bacteria. But seriously I'm having a lot of positive effects from tung brush, probiotic yogurts, starting and ending the day by brushing with baking soda and peroxide, nasal irrigation, and possibly even K12 probiotic, but be warned the last one is way expensive.

My BB isn't gone by any means, but its range and nastiness has seemed to greatly diminish judging by reactions or lack therof. Also, back of throat doesn't leave a fecal smell on my finger if I touch it. Hope some of this helped :)
Posts: 135
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:38 am

Post by perrymason »

I'm really looking forward to getting my TUNG brush in the mail. I don't understand why the smell comes out of my nose though :/
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