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Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:22 pm
by perrymason
deleted ;

back after 2 years and am NOT cured. Been to 2 different ENTs.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:50 pm
by Larc400
I defo do have that problem. I've had the worst comments even when not talking.

It can still be a stench from the back of the tongue though, as the air passes by that area. Does the back of your tongue stink? Please put your fingers way back there for 10 secs, then let dry for 40 secs, then check if there's a strong scent.

Can you detect the shit stench from your nose yourself?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:38 pm
by Eric
I believe I have nose odor as well. Weird thing is I am not able to smell it, or my mouth BB for that matter, except for on rare occasions. I believe Larc is right that it is probably only coming through your nose because the air is passing near the back of your tongue. Though, it's worth getting checked out for sinusitis and nasal polyps/obstruction.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:47 pm
by perrymason
I stuck my fingers down my throat/tongue and i can "somewhat" smell the sh*t smell. Personally, i think the bacteria that harbors in the back of the tongue has gotten into my soft pallate and into my nasal passages. I believe it is breeding and feeding itself on the mucus in my nasal passages causing me to have a terrible smell out of my nose.

Sinus infection maybe? I'm about to add some vinegar / lemon juice into my netti pot and see if that'll work. I'm about to start vitamin C chewables and activia yogurt (going to the s-market in like an hour). I also bought a TUNG brush so we shall see.

And I can't smell the odor, but sometimes (rarely) i can smell it as i take a deep breath. What do you do to help soothe it / mask the odor?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:47 pm
by engrhaider
Def nose stink with mouth and really stinky farts(excuse me). Seems I am terrible, though if someone comments on my breath I don't let it go, and agree with them, so to minimize passive bullying.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:20 pm
by perrymason
engrhaider wrote:Def nose stink with mouth and really stinky farts(excuse me). Seems I am terrible, though if someone comments on my breath I don't let it go, and agree with them, so to minimize passive bullying.
well, no onecomments on my breath, not even my friends. People just rub their noses and cough and whatnot :x

I bought Activia yogurt but the fruit flavors. Any idea if this is bad since it has sugar or what... I bought a crap load of oranges and 500 mg vitC chewables

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:23 am
by Archimonde
pervy19 wrote: well, no onecomments on my breath, not even my friends. People just rub their noses and cough and whatnot :x
Same here. Some people cough violently around me, wether i'm talking or not. Even people 20 or 30 feet from me! How strange is that? I don't think it's an actual odor that's making them cough but bacterias or something. I've never heard anyone say something like 'it smells like shit in here' or similar comments people on this board get.. i only hear coughs or ppl rubbing their nose, clearing their throat.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:05 pm
by Larc400
In that case, I bet $200 you don't have an actual problem. People who *actually* smell like shit will hear it sooner or later.


Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:53 pm
by spygirl
Go for CT scan to check whether you have nasal obstruction or polyps. Stop taking those nasty mouthrinses. In my experience, nasal bb became very aggravated by k12 and trioral/smartmouth and nasal irrigation (step 1) did not help at all. So I stopped all of them. After several months, my breath is better and my pocket is heavier :lol: .

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:12 pm
by perrymason
To Larc, My breath has been commented on before (confirmed by my younger brother), but some people are just nice enough not to comment on it guess. You owe me $200 (paypal is fine with me) ;)

To spygirl,

The irrigation is reducing my post nasal drip but i've noticed that the odor from my nose has increased :shock:. I'm just really desperate hoping to get rid of this. I hate having an assigned seat during testing and sit like right in the middle of the class. Everyone starts coughing like crazy and rubbing their noses and starting wildly at me. GAHHHH life sucks.

I'm going to call my ENT and set another appointment for within the month for some scanning. Til then, yogurt + tung brush + a crapload of vitamin C and some irrigation!

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:26 pm
by Eric
Same here. Some people cough violently around me, wether i'm talking or not. Even people 20 or 30 feet from me! How strange is that? I don't think it's an actual odor that's making them cough but bacterias or something. I've never heard anyone say something like 'it smells like shit in here' or similar comments people on this board get.. i only hear coughs or ppl rubbing their nose, clearing their throat.
My experience is similar to this. I have had a straight out 'shit' comment once from a stranger who didn't know I was emitting the smell. But it was only that one time... And before I realized I had this and started treating this I would get excessive nose rubbing and coughing fits within about 10 to 15 feet. Luckily I've seemed to reduce the effective range and power of it. (Less people reacting from closer distance)

I think maybe what is making people cough is literally bacteria, almost like mold dust, that we are spreading through the air.

Re: BB from nose. anyone??

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:08 pm
by OneDay111
pervy19 wrote:Does anyone else have bad breath / a terrible odor coming out of their nose? It smells like fecal matter or a fart...

Even if i keep my mouth closed it still stinks up the place. Any ideas on how to prevent? I do nasal irrigation and i don't have a lot of mucus coming down due to antihistamines.

Anyone with this problem feel free to share what you do / have done to help with this!
Common Sense.

If you have no mucous. Then the problem must be coming from inside you!

Becuase if u have mouth odor but no nose odor more likely something is wrong with your mouth.

But if BOTH. Then its coming from throat lungs or somewere else. As nose and mouth are connected.

Re: BB from nose. anyone??

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:20 pm
by perrymason
OneDay111 wrote:
pervy19 wrote:Does anyone else have bad breath / a terrible odor coming out of their nose? It smells like fecal matter or a fart...

Even if i keep my mouth closed it still stinks up the place. Any ideas on how to prevent? I do nasal irrigation and i don't have a lot of mucus coming down due to antihistamines.

Anyone with this problem feel free to share what you do / have done to help with this!
Common Sense.

If you have no mucous. Then the problem must be coming from inside you!

Becuase if u have mouth odor but no nose odor more likely something is wrong with your mouth.

But if BOTH. Then its coming from throat lungs or somewere else. As nose and mouth are connected.
Well, there is no such thing as no mucuous. I won't try to be rude, but you can't just go around saying DURDURCOMMONSENSE when even the smallest child can realize the mouth and nose are connected. If it comes out of the nose, the possiblity of a sinus infection is still around. It doesn't necessarily mean the cause of this = my lungs.

I believe it's either the bacteria all the way in the back of my tongue emitting the odor which then goes out my nose when i exhale, or i just have that bacteria inside my nasal passages feeding off mucus, but not post nasal drip. Just the mucus in my nasal passages! :|

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:57 am
by Busted
I think I have this problem too. People around me cough all the time when I'm just breathing through my nose. But they don't always notice that it's me so it's always better than saying something for instance.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 12:16 pm
by Archimonde
Busted wrote:People around me cough all the time when I'm just breathing through my nose.
The coughing doesn't come from an offensive odor, it's from the bacteria.