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Stop protein NOW

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:46 am
by trialguy
Hi guys

I wish to be upfront from the beginning so there is no confusion about my intentions. I am former member austuser, who as many may remember was banned (partly due to my own attitude) and also bacause jimi believed i was pushing the agenda of a major bad breath company. Jimi was only doing what he thought was best for the members here, so i dont blame him for that.

because i was banned, i am unable to access the site even to browse trough the current topics, but i have managed to gain access to another computer and really wanted to share with everyone here what I have discovered and maybe help some of you out. I dont know when i'l be able to access the site agian, so i will try and be as thorough as possible.

As we all know, bad breath is a condition that is caused by various kinds of anerobic bcteria that, for what ever reason, thrive in our oral environment and cause much grief. Through my own dealings with smartmouth and its CEO i learned that it is not the bacteria itself that smells, but the biological action of this bacteria. They feed on amino acids (protein) and as with anything that eats, it has to shit, so the waste that this breakdown of protein marerials leaves behind is what we smell as halitosis. Now what smartmouth did very cleverly, was to somehow stop these specific bacteria (which "healthy" people dont seem to have) from eating proteins. ergo: no proteins, no gas. However the product is not perfect and seemed to lose its effectiveness for some reason.

Protein is in everything we eat. This bad bacteria feeds on it, thrives on it, and when its done with it, we are left to project its terrible waste onto the world.


For the last 5 months, I have completely changed my diet. I absolutely will not consume proteins from the moning until the night. Only at the end of the day do i load up on protein (because we do need it for our health) when i am able to clean my mouth and tongue properly.

This means dairy is out of the question. Cheese and milk being the worst offenders. Forget about chocolate, yogurt, creamy salad dressings and butter.

Meat is equally as bad. In fact, it is essential to read the nutritional information on EVERYTHING you eat.

For breakfast I eat Rice flakes with rice milk. Soy milk is not as bad as cow milk, but it still has a higher protein value than I am comfortable with.

For lunch, rice crackers (without flavouring) with lettuce or tomatoes. Or a bowl of plain pasta or rice without creamy sauce or meat of any kind. Margarine is ok.

These bad bacteria cannot breakdown carbohydrates and therefore will not feed off this diet. Without protein to feed off, it cannot produce waste and therefore cannot give you bad breath. And only drink water. Sports drinks are out of the question. Coke seems not to affect me, as these fizzy drinks have zero protein value.

before bed i will eat plenty of meat because i know i will be cleaning my tongue and mouth very soon. But i still avoid dairy.

People with post nasal drip, such as myself, will need to take care of that too. This is a major source of food for bacteria, as it is loaded with proteins. I use something called fess sinu cleanse. It is a hypertonic solution (meaning it has a higher salt composition than the human body) which delivers a continuous stream of mist into each nostril. I use it in the morning and night. Fairly cheap. You can use any saline solution really, but it is better if it is hypertonic as opposed to isotonic (equal salt compostion to the human body).

So my usual daily dietary intake would look something like this:


Rice flakes with rice milk. or
Plain toast with a glass of rice milk.


Rice crackers with lettuce/tomatoes/cuccumber. or
Plain pasta with olive oil or margarine and salt and pepper. or even tomato sauce. or
Steamed rice. You can add some some sweet chilli sauce (dont use soy sauce)


Anything really. You need proteins, but leave them for the end of the day.

With effective tongue cleaning and oral hygene, and a serious commitment to this diet, I have been bad breath free for quite some time. I have hit a few hurdles with having a piece of chocolate with lunch or eating some beans with my salad (beans are high in protein) and have paid the price for the rest of the day, but all in all it is quite a remrkable thing. Make sure you use a saline nasal spray to take care of the PND too.

It will cost you ALMOST NOTHING to try it. I suggest the usual TUNG brush and TUNG gel for oral hygene which most people here use anyway and it is dirt cheap.

so give it a try

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:30 am
by Jimi Stein
Yes you were banned but not because you were always mentioning therabreath, no, you were banned because you were acting super rude and you cursed me and stuff.

And here you go again, I just say if you are so unsatisfied go somewhere else. Healthboard will be happy you post there for sure. Just don't cause any more problems, I made this site for uniting people with bb there are thousands of people visiting site and I only banned 2 or 3 people, 2 were spammers and you were banned because I am just not happy people with who are not just a little bit grateful for this site cursing me out and like they are gods.

Maybe I should ban you again and ban your whole city so you will have to go to another city to post. Maybe next time you will find the real cure.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:15 pm
by Larc400
Cutting down Protein makes a difference, for sure. Taking protein pills (essential amino acids) might be a good idea when going on a low-protein diet, too.

Pasta is a weird one though. I've had many instances where pasta makes the bb stench ****ing tragic :oops:

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:39 pm
by sunshine
Where can I find the fess sinu cleanse in the U.S?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:45 pm
by Jimi Stein
ok i unbanned you so behave austuser

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:19 pm
by emotional rescue
Jimi wrote:ok i unbanned you so behave austuser
well done jimi,

fair enough

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:49 am
by thanatos

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:27 am
by Eric
I really wanna try it, but ironically enough I also want to bulk up physically so I'm at least appealing from a distance lol.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:34 am
by Larc400
Eric, I have the same dilemma. Wouldn't eating loads of protein pills be enough to keep/build muscle though? At least those pills don't come in direct contact with the bacteria on the tongue etc.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:37 am
by thanatos

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:38 am
by Eric
Eric, I have the same dilemma. Wouldn't eating loads of protein pills be enough to keep/build muscle though? At least those pills don't come in direct contact with the bacteria on the tongue etc.
I'm no nutritionist, but I think if you aren't getting any natural sources of proteins and only the supplements it just won't be as healthy. Guess we should google it and find out.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:01 am
by Larc400
thanatos wrote:I was taking the protein pills & they seemed to help, but it took time packing the powder into the empty capsules myself.
So you lost weight even when taking these pills..? Damn ](*,)

How come you had to pack 'em yourself? Aren't amino acid pills with the essential amino acids enough..? Or is the powder more effective..?

There's protein in almost everything, so theoretically we should be okay with a minimum protein diet with added protein (amino acid) pills. I'd hate to lose weight though :(

P.S. For people who are confused about proteins and amino acids: Proteins are built from amino acids. Some amino acids can not be produced by the body, so have to come from diet: these are the essential amino acids.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:11 am
by austuser
ok so im back to my original username thanks to jimi for that.

I am not on a low or zero protein diet, i just leave all my protein for the end of the day. Im telling you guys, i have no more problems with bad breath when i strictly avoid protein for the majority of the day.

Smartmouth worked for a while but i did not like the altered taste perception that came with it and it still wont work if you eat a lot of protein.

Breezecare K12 probiotic system was OK but doesnt compare to what this diet has done for me.

I still use a chlorine dioxide rinse twice a week, namely, the kforce pre-rinse from breezecare. This is not an advertisment, just a fact. Using this pre-rinse alone will do nothing for you if u continue to feed the bacteria with a food source (protein). It is only when i started eliminating proteins from my diet that the chlorine dioxide mouth rinse gave any benefit.

Without the chlorine dioxide rinse i can still maintain fresh breath, but the bacteria just seem to keep in check better when i use a strong rinse twice a week (monday and friday). It is cheap as chickens when used only this much and keeps me satisfied. Again, the rinse alone is NOT ENOUGH if you keep up with the bad food.

Basically i taste nothing in my mouth when i avoid protein, and i have a breath confidant who has helped me realise that my breath is fresh when i do this. If i have an egg for breakfast or milk in my coffee then i will get the bitter/sour taste and i know my breath has gone to shit.

You really have to be strict with the diet, it should only take a day or two to see results.

I dont know about these protein pills and whether or not this will feed bad breath bacteria, but i would rather just eat my protein at night. i enjoy it.

i got my fess sinu cleanse from my local chemist, so dont know if i can help you there.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:16 am
by Larc400
Don't the bacteria feast overnight on those proteins though? Or do you wake up with an okay breath? Some of my worst comments have come the day after eating something protein-rich. It can linger for like 20hrs or so on my tongue etc. Peanuts seems to be one of the worst things possible.

Welcome back, btw :-({|=

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:12 pm
by Jimi Stein
You obviously haave a very mild bb like for example Oceanside, because all that crap helps you. YOu just can not generalize your experience with others on this board.

Maybe a little halitophobia is at work also.