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Feedback about the Group UK Meetup in Manchester, England

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Feedback about the Group UK Meetup in Manchester, England

Post by Scientist42 »

Well guys, the UK Breath and Body Odour Meet up took place in Manchester, England last weekend (Sat 14th and Sun 15thJune 2008) and was a great success. There were 8 of us who attended, 3 were guys and 5 were girls, all were single ;) with ages ranging from 26 to 47, and coming from places as far away as London and Ireland.

Me and another guy from London took Friday off work and got the afternoon Megabus up but this was a mega journey also, nearly 5 hours! We arrived in Manchester with sore bums and in mega need of liquid refreshment. We had a delicious Thai meal and I could hear karaoke music upstairs. However, I resisted doing my Top Gun rendition of ‘Take my breath away’ =D>

Being a Friday night, we hit the pub and a few pints later we crashed out in the Gardens Hotel (which we had booked for the weekend); it was aptly named because it overlooked the Piccadilly Gardens in the city centre.
Somewhat wasted and bleary-eyed, I half woke up in the morning to a familiar tune. It was my mobile (I’d overslept!) and the first of the Group members had already arrived at the train station 100 yards away and wanted to know the directions to the hotel!

I dashed for the shower still carrying my mobile whilst simultaneously soaping my back (not wise!). Having scorched myself with boiling water I flung some clothes together and greeted the first guest who was by now sitting in the hotel foyer!

She was a beautiful blonde woman I had met once previously in London. I remember thinking that if she had never told me she has this problem then I would never have known. I have not been able to smell any of our UK members so far although I have no problem in detecting odours, thus suggesting many of us may have similar odours present.

We made our way to a Costa coffee shop on the opposite side of the square and made ourselves comfy in some soft leather sofas. Within a short while, several of the arriving members texted me on my mobile and I directed them there.

I guess the coffee shop is where we broke the ice. One of our Mancunian members (Mancunians means people who come from Manchester) is really extrovert and could talk for England!

I sat back and listened to her strange accent trying to focus on her words rather than the way she said them. That’s right, people from different parts of England talk with different accents and dialects just as people do in different parts of America!

Well, she was the first one who told me of the strange phenomenon of her breath odour being emitted as waves of intense odour that exude from her for perhaps 20-30 minutes then disappear as quickly as they had arrived. She talked about how she had confided in her work colleagues and a few of them had given her feedback about the odour, when it comes and goes, how strong it is and what it smells like.

She was the first one who told me about how her odour varies during her menstrual cycle, smelling like sour milk a week before her period, then a period smell then finally becoming faecal as she started menstruating.
The blonde lady had primary trimethylaminuria and told us all how she got greatest relief by following a low choline diet and taking probiotics and chlorophyll. These measures had reduced her odour around 80% as detected by herself and others.

There was one lady present who had tongue coating as bad as mine, and we discussed novel ways of reducing the coating. One lady swore her tongue became pink and healthy looking after taking apple cider vinegar and chewable vitamin C tablets. Another said the apple-cider vinegar made her smell different and worse.

We also chatted about foods that made our odour worse (eating lamb affects my odour terribly). I told members how I spray my clothes but not my body with sprays since direct spraying to the body makes the odour worse.

The other member from London who came up with me in the Megabus told me how his breath/body odour sometimes smells like phosphorous matches being lit and has a huge stress component, I have heard of this stress link to odour from a small number of members.

After coffee, we made our way to a restaurant and bar arcade called the Printworks and had a Chinese buffet. The guy from Ireland arrived and I remember feeling impressed that he had made such an effort and was even staying in the same hotel as us.

In the evening we had some drinks in a Weatherspoon pub near the hotel then went to the Trafford Centre which has one of the biggest shopping malls in the UK. We played 10 pin bowling and I impressed the gang with my 4 Strikes and, for good measure, even bowled the bar staff over with my breath! \:D/

We managed to miss the last bus back and had to catch a taxi. We sat in the Irish guy’s room and knocked back a bottle of sparkling wine mixed with vodka and I told them about how I started these meet ups some years back and what fun we have.

One of the points I gleaned from this meet up was how members expressed a sense of overwhelming relief in being able to finally talk openly about their problem and experiences with others who truly understand. I hope others here will also find the courage to reach out to a few members they like.

The other point I gleaned was that even amongst odour conditions that lacked an organic cause, there appeared to be a sub-variety of different odour related conditions, each having symptoms (based on location, smell, frequency, triggers etc) that were distinct from others. We concluded that these various symptoms need to be documented together in one place, as well as the factors such as diet, stress, menstruation, medication etc that cause the odours to vary.

This task is being done by the blonde lady. She is conducting the survey in conjunction with a metabolic specialist here in London. The aim will be to allow scientists and medics to know more about these conditions so they can be properly researched. Without this survey, we will not know the full extent of our problem.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

great post, did you smell other people?
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Finally someone does something about this!!!

Let me know how i can help
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Post by chomp »

Arun, You guys are wonderful!! You are doing something constructive to help address this problem. This is a start and hopefully more people will join the bandwagon. I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you all for doing this.

Have you ever tried putting a few drops of vinegar on your tongue before eating any protein (lamb)? I think that may help with digesting the meat. Can you please give it a try?
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Post by baguio »

Well done to Arun for organising this. I decided to go along with an open mind and the attitude that at worst, all there was to lose was a little time and the effort made in getting to Manchester.
For those of you who privately considered coming along to this meetup but didn't due to embarrassment or being mortified at the idea of being associated with a group of freaks, then I'd strongly advise you to reconsider next time round.
There were no freaks to be found (well, aside from myself :lol: ) - just a bunch of regular people with a common goal. Sure, its not the answer you want to give to a 'what did you do for the weekend' question on a Monday morning, but theres no need to advertise!
Discussing any problem can only be of benefit - and I'd imagine that all of us would agree that it was beneficial.

The one thing that has left me a little confused is that with a group of 8 people, there was no BB to be detected. I know others have suggested that people with similar problem can't detect the others but I find this hard to believe.
The other possibility being that BB is not constant. This has always been my belief - but again, over the course of a full day and 8 people, I would have thought someone would have presented a problem?
The survey is a definite constructive step in the right direction. But also, we need to pin down without any doubt, when we have BB.
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Location: London, UK

Post by Charley »

Fan-feckin-tastic! Well done for sorting this out, I was in Cornwall for the week so unable to attend but sooooooo looking forward to the next one.

\:D/ Count me in! =D>
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Post by Scientist42 »

Hi Jimi,
No I couldn't smell anyone. I think if you meet others from this Group then you may not be able to smell them either.

Emotional Rescue, when we do the survey, it would be great if you can fill it in. I will think of other things also and let you know.

Chomp, I am hoping this will indeed encourage others to advertise and hold meetups in their town. I will try your suggestion about the vinegar, thanks.

Charlie, I will invite you to the London meetup when we get a date for it. It may be in around 3 months time.

Baguio, thanks for coming and supporting the meetup. Let me tell you that this kind of thing isn't for everyone! Some would never have the courage!

I now know that if I get some research started up, that I would have a number of willing subjects who could possibly converge at one place at the same time. This is essential for this kind of research.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Did you get reactions from other people that were in the vicinity of your group?
Posts: 130
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Post by Scientist42 »

Hi Jimi,
No, I made sure we sat away from everyone. However, in a past meetup when 4 of our Group caught the metro back from London someone entered our carriage 15 feet away and straight away said 'what's that funny smell?'!!
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