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For those who have lost faith.....

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:09 pm
by Susie
For those who have lost faith I have a story for you! Yesterday I witnessed a miracle. I never thought in my life time I would be special enough to ever witness something like that but I did. 14 years ago I had a precious baby girl. Right after that they put 5 or 6 root canals in my mouth and crowns and I also had metal fillings. Over the years my health went downhill. I don't drink, smoke or am not overweight. Finally after researching for hours on the computer I realized all this dental work was making me very sick. I went from dr. to dr. with nobody understanding what was wrong (they wanted to always send me to the shrink). I finally ran across a few open-minded ones who helped me out. In Sept. 07 I went all the way from Oklahoma to Ohio to a Jaw specialist. I told him my thoughts on my health and I also told him I thought that is why I was infertile for all these years. (had no problem getting pregnant with my daughter). He was very open-minded and told me he had cleaned up people's mouth and 6 months later they would be pregnant. You know that went in one ear and out the other b/c it had been so long and I was also 38. Well 3 weeks ago I went to the dr. and they gave me a pregnancy test and SURE ENOUGH I'm Pregnant. Yesterday I heard the little one's heartbeat and saw him/her on the ultrasound machine. My point to this story is don't lose faith. Yes, I still have bad breath. But tomorrow we could have a cure. It could fall right into our lap just like my baby did (not lap but stomach haha) If I had listened to all those dr.s who tried to send me to a shrink when I said these teeth issues were related to my infertility I would never have gotten to witness the miracle I did. Keep the faith folks!


Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:33 pm
by j0n1982
thats a nice story, and congratulations on your soon to be baby..

i have a feeling though that most of us will grow old angry and bitter........and i am 1 of the first who will admit to that

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:07 pm
by Susie
thank you Jon.

About being bitter. Everybody handles things different so I will not fault those for that. But I do wish great strength for everyone on here to help us all through this. I look at it this way. I'm not a real religious person, but I feel like this..... how crazy is it god thought I was strong enough to deal with this on a daily basis? It takes a strong, determined, compassionate person to deal with this everyday. I asure you 95% of people could not handle this. We all have our bad days, but we keep getting up every morning and continue on.....why? B/c we were given the strength to do this. You and me and everyone on this site. Not everyone gets that kind of strength.


Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:35 pm
by Jimi Stein
Great news SUsie congrats.

Did he clean out your cavitations? How come you had so much root canals? Was is because of mouthwash or your teeth were just sensitive?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:08 pm
by Susie
Thanks Jimi! I'm really excited. It makes all those trips to all those dr.'s, all the tears I shead worth it!!

Yes, it was the cavitations he cleaned out. Actually he only did part of my mouth and we were going to wait till that healed up and go back this summer and he was going to do the rest. Now we have to wait till the baby gets here. If this isn't proof about what dental work can do to mess you up I don't know what would be.

I've had teeth trouble since my teeth came in. Apparently when I was little they put a bunch of metal crowns over my teeth and messed them up permantly and they also came in with no protective layer of enamel. I guess I was doomed since then....LOL Actually they should have just pulled them all out and not put all that nasty metal in there which made things a million times worse.

I have decided if I have healthy baby boy his first b-day gift is going to be a micrcoscope!! (think I'm kidding, I'm dead serious!)


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:10 pm
by Busted
Haha congrats.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:11 pm
by halihope

Having a child is a wonderful thing and yes why not give your baby a chemistry set for birthday. Pray this child is a genius and will find cause of bb by the time he/she turns 2.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:32 am
by Jimi Stein
Did you have pain SUsie, how did you suspect cavitations?
Did the surgery hurt?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:02 pm
by Susie
thanks halihope and busted!

I didn't have to much pain only when I would start pressing around on my gums. But what I did develop was several different smells beside my normal fecal smell (since 12 y/o.) Also I all of a sudden had a positive ANA. My hands and feet were always really hot and my Sed rate was higher than normal. I haven't had my Sed rate checked lately, but my ANA which was positive for several years is now negative. I'm pretty sure all the inflammation was causing it to be positive b/c they tested for all the normal diseases that go with a positive ANA and they couldn't find anything with me. I also had alot of brain fog which I think was due to all the toxins and metals.

I know even today after all this proof there are some close-minded stupid dr.'s out there that don't believe how closely related the teeth are to every single body system. I still have some issues and still believe I still have some bad bone in there.

The surgery didn't hurt but I have a really high pain tolerance. I think part I'm just hard-headed haha!


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:23 pm
by Jimi Stein
SO he cleaned out all the cavitations or just some, how did he discover them?
Is you bb any better after cleaning?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:46 am
by Susie
He cleaned out the right side b/c that was the worst. It takes about 6 months for those to permantly heal up and we were going to go back and do the other side. 1/2 the root canals were on one side and the other 1/2 were on the other side. He used a cavitation machine. It works similiar to an ultrasound machine. He put all this Gel stuff in my mouth and ran a wand looking thing around my gums.

My breath was better but it's not gone. It really took away a nasty farm smell which you could smell the worst of all the smells. I still have a fecal smell and rotten egg smell. I know the rotten egg smell is coming from the side he didn't do b/c I can press where those root canals were and smell that smell. As far as the fecal smell I don't know where the hell that is coming from. I had that way before I had all the root canals.

He's got a website if you want to check him out. He said people from all over the world come to see him. They usually come to see him cause they feel the root canals are causing them health issues.


Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:53 am
by Jimi Stein
Yes that machine is called Cavitat I think, I have researched a lot about root canals and cavitations so this is really interesting topic for me.

What I have learned that the bacteria in root canaled tooth is streptococus from family fecalis, so this has to be a conection wtith bb.

Are you going for implants, or did he do a bridge. I have checked his site and didn0t see anything about cavitations?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:09 pm
by Susie
Hey Jimi,
If you go to his website and click on osteocavitation lesions in the blue box right under TMJ blue box, there's a bunch of info.

Before I went to him I had a bridge but I finally had it removed b/c I felt I couldn't keep things clean and would be better off with a partial. I tried implants but they wouldn't take. And my opinion is b/c the bone was bad up there. After he gets it all cleaned out I could probably try that again, but I'm not going to. I don't want anything metal screwed into my bone. I feel it just isn't worth the health risk. Plus we've already spent thousands and thousands of dollars on this crap.

I really hope you find what you are looking for. Oh, another thing I used to not be able to eat peanut butter b/c the taste would be so nasty in my mouth for hours sometimes days but now I can eat it and it doesn't leave that taste anymore.


Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:30 am
by Jimi Stein
THey pulled on of mine teeth also and I got a crown and a bridge attached only on 1 side, they made it too big so it is all fucked up.

Who designed our teeth, I mean it is a disaster, I really dont know what to do. I have pain right now for over 1 month afer getting this bridge. THese fuckers dont clean the bone when they pull out the teeth.

I did not want a metal implant also but I wanted a zirconium one, that is without metal and is more friendly to our bodies, but that surgeon recommended crown. I was so stupid to not get an implant.

I got 2 teeth pulled, one was at the back and the dentist just lefet all the ****ing bone in there, I was later spitting up bone coming out of the gum. ****ing butchers I am so pissed at dentists right now.

How is the partial, can you eat on that side or is it difficult?