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Itchy ears and bad nose breath?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:19 am
by sharon
Is there anybody feel itchy ears which seems to be hard to reach by any means at the corner of tonsils?

I do have the feeling that now and then once my ears start to be itchy and as long as the itch lasts, my breath becomes strangely bad that even if I close my mouth, people react fiecely, which does not happen all the time.

Even if I changed my diet to vegeterian and gargle with salt water so often, and I myself can not smell anything stinks there at my tonsil by my finger, the condition keeps to be there, nothing can help.

I have been trying to use warm saline solution gargle, tilt my head to let the water fill the holes around my tonsils, and when I lower my head and spit out the water, some solution can flow out though my nostrils, then a lot of mucous can be blew out, sometime I can find a little bit yellowish stuff mixed in it, and after which usually I feel my breath get much better. But these days this does not work, I don't know why, I have totally no clue, what can be the reason, the only clue is that I have a feeling that something stuck around my Eustachian tubes and throat and my ears itchy. I once told an ENT doctor about the problem, but he insist it's impossible to relate to the eustachian tube and told me I have no tonsil stone at the moment and I really should take some anti-acid flux drugs. I was so disappointed.

But the problem is there, I can feel it is there related strangely to my nose and ear.
I don't know what is this? I'm in the edge of crazy, I want to drop my job and study to go back to my country(I'm not American, sorry for my poor English) to have the tonsillectomy done immediately....

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:21 am
by Snobuni
I get this too, really itchy ears, itchy eyes and itchy under my chin. It generally happens when I've eaten a food I'm intolerant to (usually sugar, wheat or dairy). Try cutting out these kinds of foods, or anything you think you could react badly to, and it should go away.

It's also thought to be a candida reaction, by eating these foods you're feeding the candida which causes these symptoms. I've had a tonsillectomy and I still get these symptoms alot, so I don't think it would get rid of this problem specifically. I don't get tonsil stones anymore though, but I do still have bb. I hope this helps. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:27 pm
by Charley
Snobuni wrote:It's also thought to be a candida reaction
I strongly second this. I now take tablets for the candida and no longer get itchy ears.

Previously I would try and 'scratch' the itch by grating my throat, even did it in my sleep which drove people mad as it would wake the whole house!

Have had tonsils out but nothing helped until I treated the candida.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:43 pm
by halihope
I only have mouth bb but for a while my nose and eyes itched. I notice this went away when I started using astelin 30ml nose spray. Also the accumulated mucous that I couldn't cough up was gone, so I think maybe this accumulated mucous causes itching. By the way I would only itch from evening on.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:18 pm
by sharon
thanks for your suggestion, everybody!
it helps! I think it IS caused by candida. I took candida tablet, and tried not to eat too much sugur, the condition improves to no reaction. To make sure, I went to see a doctor and had a pill of Fluconazole, because I do have a tendency to get yeast infection. The doc says I should strengthen my immunity, to aim this, I should eat more protein. Though I 'm worried about my bb, I decided to try eat more protein, because I need to know which is more contributing, and because it's weekend I am not going to meet my boss...