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How long Protein-rich food stays on breath

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:01 pm
by Larc400
So.... I had some icecream (dairy) at 8PM last night. It's now 3PM the day after, and the smell the icecream caused (kind of sewage-like, but unmistakably related to the icecream) is still there on my tongue, and I can even smell it with a normal exhale.

It's kinda scary how long it lingers.

So all this talk about eating protein-rich food at night, and you'll be fine the day after, doesn't seem to work for me. If anything, my breath seems to depend mostly on what I eat the day before... :oops:

Does anyone have similar observations?


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:03 pm
by nonsak
My experience should try to avoid animal product, it doesnt go away over night. Beans have protein, etc. Are you eating raw (uncooked or lightly cooked vegetables)?

The goal is, to starve the bacteria in order to kill them. I'm also glad people are finally listening about the foods they eat instead of trying to chemically treat the is it working for you?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:22 pm
by Snobuni
I've noticed the same thing. I usually try to stick to a vegan diet with only the occasional egg or piece of white fish. I usually wake up with bb, but not too bad a taste.

Last week I got totally fed up and ate everything bad for my breath, icecream, bread, fish, eggs, the lot, I noticed when I woke up the next morning that my breath was like rotting garbage, really awful!!! So I think eating protein in the evening ends up with the effects hanging about for the next day at least.

The thing is, I used to eat protein at every meal, so I must have smelt like that most of the time and not noticed. I only started noticing the smell when I cut it out then introduced it again!! Scary!!!! :!:

Doeas this mean that the smell is coming from our stomachs then, cos I completely clean my teeth, tongue and mouth before bed and it's still HORRIBLE in the morning after protein.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:33 pm
by Larc400
I don't think it means the problem is in the stomach. Those ****ing bacteria hide deep within the tongue etc, so I guess all the cleaning & scraping is not enough.

Anyway, tonight I will repeat the same thing: have icecream at 8pm, but this time clean incredibly carefully with Hydrogen Peroxide afterwards, and see if it's still there the day after...

Is there really a difference between animal and other protein? It's all built from amino acids after all... ...and I think my breath gets just as bad from vege proteins. Peanuts are the worst of all.

:-({|= :-({|=

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:52 pm
by nonsak
*shakes head* ya won't know until you try....

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:19 pm
by Larc400
why are you *shaking your head*? Hydrogen Peroxide is rather harmless 8)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:38 am
by austuser
Proteins are proteins. it doesnt matter where they come from. Certain bacteria eat proteins and then leave behind smelly waste, what we know as bad breath. This is a scientifically observable fact.

I know that having protein rich food at night time doesnt seem to have a carry-over effect the next day for me, but as i have stated i use a chlorine dioxide rinse twice a week so maybe this helps in keeping the bad bacteria at bay. However, if i consume proteins freely throughout the day even the chlorine dioxide doesnt work. I would suggest adding this rinse twice a week if you are still finding it difficult to manage your breath.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:18 am
by Larc400
I like your idea of getting a lot of proteins in at night, and theoretically it should work, if we can clean properly afterwards. How do you clean your mouth/tongue after your nightly protein-orgies..? If you only use the chlorine dioxide twice a week, does that mean you simply scrape/brush after the night-meals, and you still don't have a carry-over effect to the next morning..?

Is chlorine dioxide working better for you than the classic hydrogen peroxide (3%)?

Many thanks 8)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:35 am
by austuser
i use chlorine dioxide rinse on monday and friday morning. For me its the best thing ive tried.

after night meals i use the TUNG gel and TUNG brush to clean my tongue, then i brush my teeth and also floss. No different to any other oral hygene session.

remember that a heavily congested nasal passage and post nasal drip are a major protein source and must be dealt with morning and night also. I use a hypertonic nasal spray for this exact problem.

I dont know why but if i have eaten the right foods during the day and cleaned properly that night after a protein rich dinner, then it does not carry on to the next morning. Unless i eat dinner early and dont clean my mouth much later that night.

You also need to make sure there are carbohydrates in your diet. If you are only eating salad to avoid protein, then your body will begin to metabolize ketones and this gives you ketone breath (a major side-effect of the atkins diet). Make sure there are carbohydrates in your diet like rice/ past/ potatoes etc... which really shouldnt be an issue with the low-protein diet anyway

another point, and i dont mean to advertize, but the benefit of bliss K12 is that it lives on the tongue surface and does not metabolize proteins. If you are having problems keeping the breath under control with the protein diet only, AND if you have tried chlorine dioxide rinse and this STILL doesnt help you manage your breath, the bliss k12 bacteria is a good thing to have living on your tongue. The more of that there is, the less of the bad protein-eating bacteria there is. I dont use it anymore because i dont have to. but it might be worth a try WITH a low protein diet and CD rinse if all else fails...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:34 am
by scottyboy1234
I've developed bb over the last 6 years and didn't know why. I've finally figured it out. It is from the digestion of protien!. With just a spec of meat in my diet, my breath will stay bad for about three days. My breath gets so bad that it can smell up a room in a short time and almost feels like vapor coming out of my nasal passages. Within as little as 20 minutes, the bad breath kicks in. After playing with my diet and after all of this time, i've figured it out. Eliminating one food at a time for a week or more.

guess I have to go vegetarian. A small price to pay to get my life back.

I think over time, my body doesn't digest protien (meat specificly) the same as it used to. Age 37 fyi and has been going on since my early 30's.

Good luck everyone!

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:26 am
by compor
Re: scottyboy1234

I stopped eating meat 3-4 months ago for the same reasons you mentioned. It helped my bb however I did not take additional B12 vitamin pills. B12 deficiency symptoms are:
The main symptom that arises from vitamin b12 deficiency is a type of anemia that causes you to feel tired, weak and lethargic. You might also feel nauseous, constipated and become very flatulent (gas). You may also lose your appetite and suffer weight loss.
I had all of the above, lost more than 10 pounds, always felt tired, constipated and gas problems.
More severe cases can give vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms, which include:

Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
Loss of memory
Lack of balance
Digestive problems
Liver enlargement
Eye problems
Inflamed tongue
Breathing difficulties
Neurological damage
Tinitus or ringing in the ears
I also experienced Loss of memory and Depression (which is probably due to bb and other stuff, so kinda irrelevant but I certainly am Depressed). I had 5 vitamin shots (1 each day), constipation and gas problems are almost gone.
You're most vulnerable to vitamin b12 deficiency if you've vegan and don't use the available dietary supplements containing vitamin b12.
Vitamin B12 is taken into the body by eating certain foods, including lean red meats, poultry, fish, and dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt.
Sadly, all abovementioned foods make bb worse. So I think it's necessary to get tested for B12 levels if you are avoiding these foods.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:59 pm
by brightonguy
I tried a low protein, high alkaline, low acid diet and it made my breath worse. Remember that aydinmur stated that changing what you eat can make your breath worse (in terms of Type 1 sensitivity).

I'm really pleased for any of you who think that changing your diet has worked to decrease your BB but it's no panacea. In accordance with what aydinmur said, a change of diet only made my BB worse.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:02 pm
by elliott
brightonguy wrote:I tried a low protein, high alkaline, low acid diet and it made my breath worse. Remember that aydinmur stated that changing what you eat can make your breath worse (in terms of Type 1 sensitivity).

I'm really pleased for any of you who think that changing your diet has worked to decrease your BB but it's no panacea. In accordance with what aydinmur said, a change of diet only made my BB worse.
"Remember that aydinmur stated that changing what you eat can make your breath worse"

I don't agree. There are no facts that any member here can impose upon everyone with this disease.

Try for yourself and do not let the internet do it for you. For me changing diet has a positive effect, but certainly not at first trial. It takes a long time to see what foods affect me and how. It is clearly obvious that certain foods trigger extreme symptoms, and avoiding them keeps myself from having extreme odor. Can I solve my problem? No. But listening to MYSELF and not the internet, so far has been the best cure of all.

I'll say it one more time. Don't let the internet replace your own brain and intuition.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:54 pm
by brightonguy
I'm sorry elliott but I don't think you actually read what I wrote properly. I said that changing your diet can make your breath worse not will. In my case it did make my breath worse and this concurs with what aydinmur said. Who's imposing facts on everyone with this disease? I agree that there are many and varied causes and what works for one person won't necessarily work for another but there are important commonalities too particular within different types of halitosis - read my post, I was referring to Type 1. Finally, don't underrate the information available on the internet. Of course you have to figure out what works for you but a good way to do this is by finding out information from forums such as this. If I hadn't come across this forum I wouldn't have figured out the value of probiotics or how mouthwashes don't work or how changing your diet can only make things worse. Obviously I didn't figure any of these things out without listening to my body too. I stopped using mouthwash based on some of the things said on here and my breath improved.... and so on.