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Very Short Stories ...

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:30 pm
by Busted

Johnny had been suffering from CH for at least 8 years. At least that is as far as he can remember. It all started when some of his classmates couldn't take his bb anymore and offered him gum. He was about 12 years old. At first he thought they were just being polite, but he soon realized that it wasn't that simple.

His friend who offered him gum was frustrated that he didn't take his gum. J could not understand why, until his friend asked him why he'd never chew gum. "I don't know, I just don't like the taste" J said. Then his friend walked away from him. When he got home his brother Brian just returned from holiday. He asked his brother a few things and his brother replied to him: "Did you brush your teeth today?" J was very embarrased and replied "yes I brush my teeth every day."

Next day J started to realise that there was more going on. He started to notice people avoided speaking to him directly. Every time he said something, the person he spoke to would avoid his bb. "There isn't much going on" he said. When he got home, he did not speak to his brother, because he was a bit embarrased. He was afraid to speak.

Until today he was still afraid to speak, but he had no other choice, since he needed to participate in this society. And he knew no other way to communicate with others.

Today J read about the miracles of vitamin C and decidede to get some. Johnny walks into the local pharmacy to get some vitamin C.

Lady in the store: Can I help you?
Johnnyboy: Yes can I get some vitamin C?
Lady in the store: (*backs off and grabs nose) I can't hear you, can you speak a bit louder please.

Johnnyboy (thinks to himself): I mind aswel speak loud and clear, otherwise I'll end up attacking her even more times than I have to.

Johnnyboy (to the lady): Can I get some vitamin C please?

Finally the lady heard what he said but unfortenately she was also annoyed. Probably because of his bb but what can he do about it. he had thought about writing it down on paper and giving it to her, but that would have been so weird. He could have pretended that he can't speak, but still it would have been weird. "So much crap just for some vitamin c" he thought to himself.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:34 pm
by Busted
Undisputed Champ

Mark had been suffering from CH for almost 5 years. He is a professional fighter and also the undisputed champion, which he has been for quite a while now. He is known as the most succesful fighter today. He has one special attack which seems to be very effecive. He combines strategy with power. Everytime he is facing an opponent in the ring, he waits for the right moment to strike. He uses his bb to surprise his opponent and then delivers his final blow. This is why he is unbeatable.

A lot of other fighters had been making jokes about him, but he doesn't care. Well he does actually, but he just pretends he doesn't care. Others also call him a cheater, but Mark says there's nowhere in the rules book where it says that you cannot use bb. Also nobody believes CH could really make a difference in a fighting match or that CH even exists. Despite of being such a succesful fighter, his social life was almost zero. This was also because of his CH condition.

He had to make a choice. If he got rid of his bb, then he'd probably lose the title in the next match, but his social life would be better. Because he had gotten into a depression he decided to get rid of it. The only way to do this is by having more social contacts in his life. Besides he had been champ for long enough now he thought. But after a few months he realized that this was a problem which he couldn't just get rid off. The toughest battle was yet to come. A battle against himself...which he probably couldn't win.

He ended up losing the title anyways because was in no mood to fight anymore.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:36 pm
by Busted

Dr. Z has one dream: all mutants and humans must live peacefully together. Most mutants had some special power which was very hard for them to control. Some could run very fast. Some could shoot laser beams from their hands. But thanks to Dr. Z's school for mutants, they learn how to control their power. There was however one exception. John is known as the "Double-B Kid". He had a power which was almost impossible to control. Everytime he said something, he ended up atacking his classmates. John had no idea what to do and even Dr. Z was clueless.

Until now the only way John could control his power is by keeping his mouth shut. But there was almost no other way for him to communicate with others. He had to write down most of things which he wanted to say. He kept most of his sentences short of course.

Dr. Z decided to come up with a special potion which might help him. He called it "Zerobreath". But unfortenately for John, he still couldn't control his power 100%. Both John and Dr. Z were clueless.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:01 am
by thanatos
He had a power which was almost impossible to control. Everytime he said something, he ended up atacking his classmates.

Re: Very Short Stories ...

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:45 am
by sharon
good stories :cry: thanks
can they be published somewhere so that people know our conditions more and wont' see us as they did.
Busted wrote:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Johnny had been suffering from CH for at least 8 years. At least that is as far as he can remember. It all started when some of his classmates couldn't take his bb anymore and offered him gum. He was about 12 years old. At first he thought they were just being polite, but he soon realized that it wasn't that simple.

His friend who offered him gum was frustrated that he didn't take his gum. J could not understand why, until his friend asked him why he'd never chew gum. "I don't know, I just don't like the taste" J said. Then his friend walked away from him. When he got home his brother Brian just returned from holiday. He asked his brother a few things and his brother replied to him: "Did you brush your teeth today?" J was very embarrased and replied "yes I brush my teeth every day."

Next day J started to realise that there was more going on. He started to notice people avoided speaking to him directly. Every time he said something, the person he spoke to would avoid his bb. "There isn't much going on" he said. When he got home, he did not speak to his brother, because he was a bit embarrased. He was afraid to speak.

Until today he was still afraid to speak, but he had no other choice, since he needed to participate in this society. And he knew no other way to communicate with others.

Today J read about the miracles of vitamin C and decidede to get some. Johnny walks into the local pharmacy to get some vitamin C.

Lady in the store: Can I help you?
Johnnyboy: Yes can I get some vitamin C?
Lady in the store: (*backs off and grabs nose) I can't hear you, can you speak a bit louder please.

Johnnyboy (thinks to himself): I mind aswel speak loud and clear, otherwise I'll end up attacking her even more times than I have to.

Johnnyboy (to the lady): Can I get some vitamin C please?

Finally the lady heard what he said but unfortenately she was also annoyed. Probably because of his bb but what can he do about it. he had thought about writing it down on paper and giving it to her, but that would have been so weird. He could have pretended that he can't speak, but still it would have been weird. "So much crap just for some vitamin c" he thought to himself.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:06 pm
by Busted
I'll post more stories in the future. Most of these stories are very LAME, but I just like to vent this way. I tried to add some morale to each of the stories. Hopefully some of you can figure them out.

Unfortenately, I don't think a non-CH sufferer would understand any of the stories.

Thanks to those who read em btw.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:12 pm
by Busted
J (part 2)

"Man why is this shit happening to me" J thought. He was sitting in a train next to some other passengers.

(J thinking to himself)
"Look at how they communicate, so easy and smooth. I've been paying attention to others a lot. I've hoping to pick out someone who also suffers from bb, so I feel less lonely and strange. But look at them, each and everyone of em can just communicate like a human is supposed to be able to. Oh well but I guess there are also others with handicaps that have problem communicating. But I have to be in situations of embarassment. Embrassed and thinking what others are probably thinking of me after they just got attacked by my bb."

"But what can I do about it now. Not much, maybe I'll go through the internet and see if there are others who have the same problem. Maybe it's not even important what others think of me. I don't have a life anyways. My parents have been criticising me of not being able to make any friends in the last couple of years. Thank you, cause that really the last thing I needed to hear."

A lady next to J asked him a question. Something about how to go to certain place, however J didn't hear her, because he was talking to himself. After the lady's third attempt to try to get J's attention, J finally realized the lady next to him had been asking a question a few times. He wanted to answer, but how? "Screw it" he says. "You have to get out on the next station" J said. The lady immediately stood up and said "ok". Then she walked up to the door. "My bb will lead the way" J thought to himself.

J was pretty much use to chasing people away with his bb. He looked around searching for any strange reactions after someone opened his mouth and said something. Nope, no one near him had CH like he did.

"Owned!" someone near him yelled. Although he wasn't talking to J, J had no other choice but to agree.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:14 pm
by Busted

Jo has just graduated from college. College has been almost like a nightmare for her. Afraid to say things and constantly worried about her bb. There was one guy at school which she really liked. But she was always afraid to speak to him. The guy seemed to like her too, but everytime he said something to her, she just smiled. Eventually he stopped talking to her. Jo remembers the first time when she saw him. She hoped that she would get a chance to speak to him, but when she thought of her bb, she'd always change her mind.

"I mean who wants to talk to someone with bb" she thought to herself. Despite of this bb problem, she still had some really good friends. They have only told her about her problem once, but when they realized that she was really hurt, they never mentioned it again.

She heard how ambitious most of her friends were. They all had very big dreams: big cars, big house ... However Jo only had one. When one of her friends asked her what her dreams were, she had no idea what to say. For her this dream might be even bigger than any of her friends. Her friends would probably think it's the weirdest dream ever, so she just smiled and said: I don't know.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:10 pm
by lolalola
Busted, the last story bought a tear to my eyes. That is the story of my life in college. The sad thing is my dream still has not come true.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:58 pm
by XXdEaThBrEaThXX
Amazing last story, reminds me of my time at college.

Heartbreaking stuff. Great to read these stories.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:03 pm
by MrDoubleB
Man, very good stories!!

Funny, sad and true