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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by MDB »

Firstly i cant believe im actually writing on this BB forum...Seems that i am worrying a lot to be doing this but gonna look to the future and see if i can get some answers !

Im a 27 year old guy from London...And i have been worrying about BB since i was at school. I have constant post nasal drip and have been given crapy nasal sprays from the doctor (that dont work), i have usualy got a strange stale taste in my mouth and it feels hot but dry most of the time (weird). I brush my teeth 3 times a day, use non alchoholic mouth wash (dentyl ph), floss twice a day, scrap my tongue, wash my mouth out throughout the day, and i allways eat sugar free sweets and gum when in public.

I basically resulted to drugs when i was younger (still do sometimes but not as much by far), mostly weed but later on cocaine and ecstacy, i found that when i began to take drugs i forgot about what i thought was a problem, i thought to myself im young, i love music why should my worries of BB stop me going out having fun. I used to sniff cocaine and take ecstacy basicaly so i had enough currage to talk to people in a club or bar without worrying about BB. This slowly became a big problem and i was depending on drugs to be able to communicate with people i obviously had all the side effects, paranoia, nausia, lack of self belief, mood swings, loss of weight etc. I smoked so much weed and took so many drugs to try to get over this problem i turned into a depressed, unmotivated wreck and became nasty and rude to my family and friends, loosing a lot of people who i cared about !

From a combination of stress and excess cannabis smoking I developed a desease called geographical tongue which basicaly causes sore, red patches on my tongue sometimes up to a mm deep that bleed...this is incurable and and my doctor cant prescribe me with anything to help me...Some weeks its not as bad and others its awful and i cant leave the house. It makes my mouth dry and worry about BB much more.

Not sure if youv'e noticed but throughout this post i have said worrying about BB...I am not 100% sure if i actually suffer...To be honest i dont think i want to know because im so scared...I have been to a private fresh breath clinic in London that cost me £150 a visit and had to go twice a month, the main doctor said i have a problem but his secretary who made me count to 10 while she smelt my breath said i dont have to worry...i stopped going as i couldnt afford the treatment...but it was worth the visit as they were sympathetic and the treatment seemed professional (i can put people in touch if your interested in checking them out online).

A few people have made comments about my breath over the years...and its killining me...I cant open my mouth, if im in a lift and someone speaks to me, i just nod or smile like a weirdo, if im in a car and someone opens the window im convinced it because of me, if people laugh or talk im convinced its becuse of me, when i speak to someone and the itch their nose im convinced its because of me, if i go to kiss a girl they usualy give me their cheek even girlfriends the list goes on...I have asked some close friends and they have said im being stupid...but i feel they just dont wanna hurt my feelings...I just dont know ??? All i know is im unhappy, my heart breaks, my stomach turns and im scared to speak EVERY DAY ! I havent got the motivation to get a normal job, i still live with my parents (they dont understand), im just getting bored of this now ! Oh and why do un-hygenic people with nasty looking teeth who dont even brush regularly not suffer from BB thats not fare !!!

Ive got loads more to talk about (by typing haha) this is just the start of many stories.


Excuse my spelling and think possitive everyone, we all understand :)

Posts: 82
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:27 pm

Post by lolalola »

MDB, read other stories in my story, most are similar in how it makes us feel and how what we do to survive this curse. I wish there was a cure for us.
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Post by Busted »

How does one talk withm outh closed? Do you mean he's just mumbling? Well at least he has a sister who wouldn't criticize him because of his way of communicating. But to be honest I think it's better to just talk because if you mumble others will most likely smell his bb too, somthing you cannnot avoid. But now he is seen as the mumbling bb guy. Others won't see a connection between the bb and mumbling.
Posts: 82
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:27 pm

Post by lolalola »

Yes but I also mumble, been doing it for ever but yes each person who suffers is known as "something". I am probably known as the "mumbling girl with really bad bb"!!! I wish I could be known by my name and just a human being.
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