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Hi everyone

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:00 pm
by Daniel
Hello everyone. I came to this site by accident surfing the web researching products on how to stop bad breath. Even though I have not been successful yet, I'm so glad I found this support group. I too thought I was alone in the world with this bb problem.

I'm in my early 50's and have had bb since I was in my mid 20's. Fortunately I married a wonderful woman that inspite of my handicap loves me. I'm so lucky. I count my blessings.

BB has limited my life as far a being social, work, and being more intimate with my mate. I really miss making-out. Even though I manage, its an uncomfortable feeling that hangs over me. I always worry about my bb interacting with ppl. I feel cursed! I will spend lots of time reading your posts so I can start to understand how to deal with my life with this condition. I hope I can learn much from you all. I am not alone anymore. Thank you all. - Daniel

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:37 am
by Bestwishes
Saying hi back to you, I posted my first post last night. This is a great site to find and learn lots of new things, best of luck to us all!