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New Face, new input

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:37 am
by asd
Hey I've only just found this forums but am happy I have. I wont give an in- detailed story, I'll just try to give my findings in my own BB situation.
I think mine started with braces/adolescence, they came at the same time, and my oral hygiene was poor when I was young, and during when I had braces too.
Think it began as occasional BB around then, got the whole tonsil stone issue about a year ago, which was so much worse than the BB I previously had, which I just got on with and led a good life. This was when it actually affected me, but I have controlled it if not cured it.
I did this using a waterpik, which is invaluable for tonsil stone sufferers imo. I cut some of the head of one of the nozzles off, so it was a much softer jet, and I pumped water and salt/peroxide into the crypts. It worked for me at least. I got them from may 2007 to around decemer, I stil get the occasional white lump there, but they dont smell, and are small and easy to clean out.

Ok im trying not to make this too long, my BB isnt too bad(nothing on what it was when I had a shit smelling tonsil stone lodged) , but I have black fillings, and my oral hygiene is now good, the one issue I have which makes things more tricky, Is my sense of smell is diminished, it gets better and worse, so I cant always judge the taste in my mouth, which I use to get a rough idea how bad my BB is.
Recently due to this forum I realised that BB comes out your nose too and makes you give off a smell, not just when you breathe on someone, that had rocked me a bit.
Ok I'll wrap it up now, I'm going to try some of the stuff on this forum, starting with sterling silver, which some girl cured herself with. Also going to try Vit C just in case.
I read on an abc homeopathy forum, that a guy with pnd and BB cured it by removing gluten from his diet.

So does anyone else have the loss of smell too? and how likely are amalgam fillings to be affecting me?
