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Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:10 am
by cursed4life
I don't know what to do. I suffer from breath that smells like ass for as long as I can remember. I've tried any treatment possible and now, pretty much broke. Theres always gonna be someone who cannot be treated. Im 21 now and barely managed to make it where I am now. I am surprised at how many friends I even have. Ive only been able or confident enough to tell 2 friends who wouldn't judge. They have been there for me. I hate having this disease. I hate how my life is going no where working some garbage ass job, living pay check to paycheck. Communication is probably the number one thing you need to survive in a world like todays. Halitosis has caused me to drop out of college, not make any friends, not meet any women, destroyed my social life. I can't even talk to my parents face to face. I wanted to be an architect or a police officer, but how is somebody going to respect you or even give you a chance if you can't abide by "simple hygiene". Unfortunately, it is not that simple. I can't enjoy living life. I can't talk to any females or anyone face to face. I can't see anytime in the future to where i'll have a wife and kids. I cant drink and have a good time, make memories, live life the to fullest. I cant stand being in an elevator or running into past acquaintances. I can't tell someone how i truly feel. I wish i had any other disease. ANY. Cancer, obesity, aids, you name it. Even knowing if I had 1 month to live with fresh breath, I would be the happiest person alive. I want to buy a gun and kill myself but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to bring pain amongst my friends and family. I wish something would just happen to me and take my life. I've lost pretty much any hope as to finding a cure for halitosis. Its too much of a complex disorder involving microbiology, and basically no one will understand it for quite some time. I dont mean to be a downer, its just it pretty much has fucked my life up. I wish it upon no one and to whomever has it, you will have my condolences for as long I as I "pollute" the air. I have started smoking cigarettes heavily hoping that lung cancer will take my life one day because if their is a second life, that means I will have a second chance of not having this problem. I live in Nebraska and everyday hope that someone out there would understand the severity of this disease in todays society.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:50 pm
by halihope
be patient you are still very young and already there is some help with this forum. I been suffering with bb for 9 years and now that this forum exist I can at least try what other sufferers suggest. Focus on the fact you have all your friends and since you have confided on two of them ask them to help you search for a solution. You can ask them if your bb is worst after eating certain foods or drinks or even how far can you talk to them without offending? I have confided on several friends and of course family and they all deny smelling anything, it makes me mad! Hopefully by the time you turn 22 or 23 there will be a cure or cures since it seems there are different causes of bb. By the way how is your dental check ups, your tonsils, wisdom teeth?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:19 pm
by Busted
Being patient probs won't be enough. His/her name pretty much says it all. I agree with that name 100%.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:28 pm
by lolalola
I read this today and this really hit me hard because I know exactly how you feel. The lost opportunities, so many chances lost, so many friendships that could not grow, loves lost and in the end having to live like this. I just don't get it. I am so miserable at work. I just know people are talking about my bb because people have a smirk on their faces when I approach their desks and if they are standing next to someone, they look over at them with the same smirk and they do it to each other while I am sweating bullets having to ask these people a question. I always stay outside of their cubicle to ask questions and they know that I know that they know I have bb!! LOL!! It never ends, I am just so disgusted. Why me??? Why this life??
I have to agree I have wished that I could have another ailment than this atleast I could live my life to the fullest whatever I have left and people understand and respect, accept all other diseases as being diesases except bb cause everyone's solution is why dont you just brush your teeth and use mouthwash!!! I hate it!!
I dread social events not that I am invited to much...I went to a internist lately and noticed that the woman's breath was so fresh that there were no hot air nor cold. Just like her breath didn't cause any change in the atmosphere, so just nothing! If I were to breathe on someone like that it would smell hot and fecal! YUCK!! I am done!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:15 pm
Hi Cursed4life,

All I can say to you is dont give up. If you believe in God then pray and trust God.

I was in this exact position in September. I took myself to a job. working with KIDS. Yes. I said it Kids. To make a long story short the KIDS EMBARRASSED ME. They shouted stinky shit get out of here. We dont want you here.

I felt humiliated. I felt down. I was depressed. I thought my world ended.

I have chronic bad breath and I suffered for years.

Life is a constant struggle for us even though we have the best hygiene. We brush all the time.

We must take action. Go to the doctors and get test done to find out whta is happening to you. It is a struggle but do it. I remember when I went to the hospital. All the nurses were looking at me strange like she STINKS. I know I do that is why I went to see the ENT. I suffered through the wait with the other patients waiting to see the ENT. They were rubbing noses, coughing and sneezing. They got mints out and started eating mints. When someone left, they put their bags on the chair because they didnt want me to sit next to them.

Well, I said to myself I am not leaving this ENT office until I get him to look at my tonsils because I have holes that collect food. Well, honestly I wanted to run out because I was so humiliated by their reaction to me. SO EMBARRASSED. I wished I was invisible then. BUT I HELD FIRM and stayed and got to see the ENT. He was a nice bloke who admitted I had halitosis. Serious halitosis. He agreed to take out my tonsils.

Well, praise be to God I got my surgery date a week from now. So hold faith. DONT GIVE UP.

I am not saying that you have to go and get your tonsils out. Infact, it might not cure me but it could help reduce the halitosis and make it more manageable.

What I want to say is just encourage you to be positive. Dont give up. BE proactive.

GO to Specialist doctors like ENT
Do blood test diabetes, thyroid, liver, kidney, acid reflux test etc.

Dont be afraid to get tested. Just dont give up.

Lots of people on here care so talk to us if you feel down.

You could even Try some of the probiotics and raw food diet.

I wish you peace and strength while you go through this.

Take care.


I hate some people

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:57 pm
by tiredofcrying
I know how everyone feels. I've been suffering BB for 8 yrs now. I'm in nursing school and one of my classmates keeps calling me out in front of the whole class. Yesterday she was like hey and called me by my name and said are you alright. I said Yea and just gave her a shitty look cuz I know her and her like clique talk about me. Then she was like oh I was just checking cuz you are so quiet today, I thought you stupid bitch I don't talk to you ever so what's it to you anyways. I felt so embarrassed and everyone was just looking at me. I hate stupid people like that. I don't care I'm going to become a nurse and I don't care who I offend anymore with my BB I can't do anything about it, and I'm tired of living inside of a bubble.

Re: I hate some people

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:23 pm
by faith59
[quote="tiredofcrying"]. Then she was like oh I was just checking cuz you are so quiet today, I thought you stupid bitch I don't talk to you ever so what's it to you anyways. I felt so embarrassed and everyone was just looking at me. I hate stupid people like that. I don't care I'm going to become a nurse and I don't care who I offend anymore with my BB I can't do anything about it, and I'm tired of living

I'm 49 yrs old and I've worked with that kind of female bullies/ bitches ... until you stand up to her and tell her (with confidence) , you can say it nicely but very firmly that " thanks for
your concern but I'm doing just fine. DON'T FORGET TO LOOK HER RIGHT IN THE EYES when you say it!!! She'll back down.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:38 pm
by d.karma
please don't give up up. this disease has made my life a living hell. i recently visited a dentist, but was too embarassed to tell her about my problem. anyway i'm planning to visit a good ENT.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:33 am
by viva

The more one acknoledges something ,gets out of their comfort zone towards the goal,uncertainty dosn't seem so frightening and one gets more confident.

I understand these emotions so much,but what really hurts is not regular people being rude to BB,but doctors being arogant and insaficient.


feeling depressed today

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:56 pm
by tiredofcrying
That whole situation at school the other day has me really down and I have been crying because I want to have fresh breath and to be accepted by my classmates. I think I might drop out of nursing school. I just can't take all the stress of having BB and knowing that people are talking about me. I went to my family Dr yesterday for a routine check up and I asked her if I had BB and she said no. I don't beleive her cuz I could taste it and smell it myself. She wants me to beleive its in my head in my nasal drainage but I don't see how. I feel like its on the very back of my tongue. Could it be PND? And if so how do I reduce it and get that bad taste off of my tongue? I really need some help. I don't want to quit but I can't stand for people to treat me like I have AIDS or something. It just hurts so bad, I just want people to accepted me. :cry:

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:59 am
by halihope
Tired... Don't you dare give up and give in to those mean, unfeeling creatures!! You go ahead and realize your dream and I know you will be one of the few and rare nurses who actually care about people. I been in hospitals so many times and I been blessed with such nurses but not always and they sure make a huge difference as far as making the patients feel like human beings and not numbers with $ signs. Hang in there and don't believe your doctor, they lie so as to not deal with something they know nothing about. Request an appointment w/ ENT and when you do go don't ask if you have bb tell him/her that you know you have it because your family confirmed it or something like that, otherwise this doctor most likely will also lie to you. Ask Jimi how is it going with his nasal rinses w/ peroxide.


Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:27 am
by tiredofcrying
I don't want to quit because I know I could be a very good nurse and I truely care about all my patients when I do my clinicals. I just hate facing them stupid people in my classes. I know I shouldn't quit because I'm tired of letting them stupid people when and run me off. I think I will make an appt with and ENT and tell them that people at work and friends have told me I have it and go from there. Thanks for your encouragement. I really needed it. Oh and my Dr like laughed when I asked her if it smelled it was like she thought it was a funny question to be asking a Dr. So I will go to an ENT. I looked in my throat my tonsils look really small. I wonder if you can have stones and not see them. I don't know I just knew what caused this to happen. 8 yrs of complete isolation is making me really crazy.