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GERD treatment- anyone?

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Posts: 25
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GERD treatment- anyone?

Post by crazybb »

I just began treatment for GERD and am wondering if anyone from this board had found relief by treating GERD. I will really appreciate a reply.

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Gerd Treatment

Post by VICKSTER »

BEWARE...... your problem could be just the opposite .... not enough acid.... I know it is strange to hear but that is what happened to me. The dumb doc's for years had me fooled made my bb worse because they gave me that dam " purple pill " and all the others. I finally after spending. mucho $$$$ found out I was on the wrong drug The doctor he was on some vacation he won from the drug company for pushing that drug.!!! You might need HCL and Betaine ( $!2.00) to get rid of your GERD, you hav efeflux because you do not have enough acid to digest in most cases. Check out Brenda , she explains it . Good luck !
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Post by crazybb »

Thanks Vickster. I will try this pill for six weeks and see how it goes. So, for your GERD treatment, what did you eventually use?
Posts: 108
Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 6:25 pm


Post by VICKSTER »

I used Betaine and HCL and it worked like a charm.
My bb got so bad with those GERD pills that the doctor gave me people would litterally run away from me. One of my freinds said wow what did you eat your breath is so bad .... you smell like shit. If you go to Katz's website he has a list of medications that make your breath worse and I think those acid blockers are on there. The doc's have it all wrong, they are gonna kill all your good bacteria as well as the bad. What you need to do is go to an altenative guy who can give you a Hidleberg test for stomach acidity. I bet you any money you will come out with low acid.
DO NOt let them pull you through this... I resisted for years and went through hell because I too listened to them.
What foods make your bb worse... I bet all acid foods ? Crazy, by the way I teach science for a living and have an MS in nutrition..... I know a litle bit about the bod !!! I do not know you or your habits BUT.... I just know they have it all wrong.
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Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:56 pm

Post by crazybb »

Thanks so much Vicster. So u mean using using Betaine and HCL gave you some relief? How do I get an alternative guy to do this test for me? Do u know if they run this test in the hospitals or on the alternative do you know of a means of doing a self test at home? pls I need help here, I need to know so that I can eliminate one more reason for having a bb.
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Post by hello » have any idea where i can get a Hidleberg test done from...and what method did you use to confirm that your GERD was due to low acidity. and how much improvement do you see with HCL
Posts: 108
Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 6:25 pm


Post by VICKSTER »

I went ot an Alternative Doctor in NYC his name is Dr. Richard Ash big bucks.... There is someone better Dr.Ron Hoffmann he does the commericals for the Vitamin Shoppe. He also has a radio show in NYC on WOR 710 every night and Saturday afternoons. Iam saving up to go to him ...yeah these guy's are $$$. BUT.... I finally found out what my problem was.I would say the HCL has hepled greatly... I can now drink coffee and eat acid foods without smelling really bad. I still have bb , but not like before . I was a nightmare. HCL is fairly cheap ,too. Check ou Brenda Watson she does a nice job of explaining just what happens. Good Luck !
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