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Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:59 am
by Snobuni
I'm going to see an ENT next month and amongst my list of things to ask about (phayrengeal pouch, deviated septum, fungal sinus infection, soft palate), I was going to mention the possibility of removing my lingual tonsils and/or adenoids.

I had my palantine tonsils removed about 4 years ago, as I has tonsils stones, and although I think this improved my bb slightly, it never got rid of it (no more stones though).

I read the previous thread, from last year, on this subject, but it didn't really go anywhere, and didn't come to any conclusions.

I was wondering if anybody has had all of their different types of tonsils removed and still had bb after? I really don't want to go through the horrible experience I had when I had my palantine tonsils out (I ended up with appendicitus, long story!!!) for nothing.

Also, do you think going in and outlining everything I want the ENT to investigate is the wrong way to go about it, or will it show that I've done my homework? :-k

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:26 pm
by daveparker
if u ask him all that, he'll think ur paranoid and wont take you seriously.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:44 pm
by Snobuni
Do you really think so? Surely if I go in and just say I have bb, he'll just give me a nasal spray, some anti-histamines and send me on my way.

Would it be better to just mention a couple of things, i.e. deviated septum (I have a VERY bent septum) and adenoids/lingual tonsils? :-k

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:16 pm
by JZ
Snobuni wrote:Do you really think so? Surely if I go in and just say I have bb, he'll just give me a nasal spray, some anti-histamines and send me on my way.

Would it be better to just mention a couple of things, i.e. deviated septum (I have a VERY bent septum) and adenoids/lingual tonsils? :-k
They fixed my deviated septum but it did not help the bb.
Don't mention too much possibilities to the ENT.
Because most docters want to be THE DOCTER and make their own diagnose.
There is nothing wrong with that because it is their job.

I advise to mention one possibility at the time.
Lingual tonsils has been less examined in combination with bb. (lasering)
Why don't give it a try ?