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New member introduction

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:57 pm
by dlb023
  • javascript:emoticon(':D')Hi everyone, I'm so glad I found this website. I was doing research online about laser crytolysis and came across you guys. I must say I know exactly how you all feel about bb. I've had it for at least 10 years now.

    In summary:

    javascript:emoticon(':(')Childhood of many, many episodes of tonsilitis, strep throat, pnemonia (forgive spelling, please). Numerous rounds of antiobiotics, many more subsequent throat infections. Mother never insisted my tonsils be removed, drs. didn't want to.

    Fast forward to age 22, finally a doctor that would remove them! However, I believe the old fashioned way of slicing them out didn't get all of the tonsular tissue. A few years later, bb in a big way! I wondered if tonsils could grow back, but the doctors assured me they couldn't.

    Neverthless, upon inspection, in the area just past former tonsil area, near where I swallow, there big irritated bumps, not smooth as on the other side of back of throat. I've had tonsil stones in the past, even after removal, but not recently. I wonder if they can collect back there, calcify, and have skin grow over them?

    I've tried everything to cure this problem, with the best result from Therabreath extra strength. It works great for the frontal tongue area, but not at all for the back throat. Used it 10 times a day, for 3 years and never got the stank out of my throat.

    Fortunatley, my partner swears he doesn't care or smell anything. And I've taught my young son that we do not value a person based on how they smell, or look. But I know it is embarrassing to him. I don't volunteer at his school anymore.

    It has debillated me socially. I went back to school to get a degree in veterinary technology a few years ago. But the whispers, looks and comments from fellow students and professors was just too much. After 3 years, I'd had enough. The only ones who didn't mind my breath were the animals. It was so hard to give that up, but I continue my work with them at home.

    I've got an appointment at Oregon Health Sciences University with an ENT tomorrow. I've printed up scads of info to take with me. I sure hope they can help, but based on previous doctors and dentists reactions, if it isn't life threatening, they don't care and recommend listerine. How totally condescending!

    Well let me share some of the good things I've realized over the years, (as I try not to blubber at how many opportunities I've been denied from this affliction):

    It has taught me not to judge others so quickly. Especially elderly and those with health problems that may be incontinent or smell for whatever reason.

    It has allowed me to be a better parent by teaching my child that some afflictions can't be helped, and we do not deny love because of it.

    Only those who truly love and accept you are those worthy to be in your life. I am a stubborn, proud 40 year old, and if I've got something to say, I'm going to say it. I don't care if it smells! (besides, I'm acclimated to it, I don't smell a thing!)

    Thanks for letting me share.

    Diana :D

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:16 pm
by yogs
Diana..Welcome to the site.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:07 am
by austuser

I dont know why i didnt think of this earlier (maybe because i was happily sedated) but when i went for my endoscopy a few weeks back for a different issue, the doctor had to spray my throat with anisthetic. When shee looked in my throat she said "wow your throat is very red, you must have a sore throat". I didnt think anything of it, but now i can see what she meant. I dont have a sore throat but when i look in the mirror and open my mouth i do notice that my tonsil area is very red compared to the roof and other areas of my mouth. I wonder if this is related to bb. I always have a lump in my throat but i dont produce tonsil stones (at least not for a few years).

the results of my endoscopy found that i have a pollyp in my osopheagal junction (sp?) which causes gerd and reflux and possibly the 'lump' that i always feel in my throat. I have to get it removed. Basically the pollyp is deep down at the bottom of my osophegus where my stomach is. My stomach sits partly above the valve at the junction rather than beneath it, and this may have caused the pollyp. I wonder if any of this is related to bb?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:55 am
by baguio
Welcome dlb023.

Dont forget to come back and tell us how your ENT appointment went - and check out the live web chats every Sunday.

ENT appointment

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:15 am
by dlb023
Hello everyone, I'm new here and posted a few days ago about my bb problem. Today I went to see the ent at OHSU. I wasn't expecting much from the doctor, but it wasn't all bad.

This was a young, Indian resident doctor. He asked me to explain why I was there. I told him of my theory that I may have tonsil tissue left over from a tonsilectomy and maybe that was why I had bb. And that I had tried many, many products with little to no success. He went over the no alcohol, coffee, anything drying or acidic, etc. Wanted to know if I used a alcohol free mouthwash, yes of course.

Here comes the weird part. He sprayed lidocaine in each side of my nose. 5 minutes later he comes back with an endoscope! It was cool looking, but kinda scary. I wasn't expecting it. My nasal passages are extremely small and tight, which might account for the thick mucousy post nasal drip. A definite contributor to bb. He slowly passed it through to look at my throat. The whole thing took about 5 minutes. It didn't hurt so much as it was uncomfortable.

Everything looked normal to him. He said no left over tosil tissue. But I did have larger than normal tonsilular tissue on my back tongue. The round bumps near where I gag. He said everyone had them. Tonsils are part of the lymphatic system, the so were these bumps. They could also be part of the problem. I had no crypts that he could see and everything looked healthy.

I explained how hard it was to have this problem socially, what can I do. He wants me to use a saline spray for my nose every night, since in the morning I have thick nasal discharge. He also said to use flonase at night. It may help. He recommended lots of water. Keep using the water pik, gargle with mouth wash. You know the drill.

He confirmed my breath problem, but didn't seem to think it was as bad as I thought it was. He also said that he had removed an adult patient's tonsils for the same reason (bb) last month. He's not sure if it cured the guys problem, but his tonsils were rotton and needed removal. Was totally stumped as to my having no tonsils, tonsilular tissue, tonsil stones, crypts, etc.

I'm wondering if my monthly hormones have something to do with it. It seems my bb and reactions of people are worse around that time of the month.

This guy was somewhat informed, listened to everything I had to say, but thought I should do the saline mist, flonase, water pik, mouthwash for 6 to 8 weeks. If not resolved, come back and see him.

At least he didn't make me feel foolish, stupid. All in all, I'm sort of pleased with how it went.


p.s. I had brought a bottle of my Therebreath rinse and toothpaste. He said it was expensive snake oil. If something doesn't work, don't keep buying it. :-)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:19 am
by Jimi Stein
I have the same small bumps at the back of my throat and if I brush there with tongue brush theer is this jelly substance that has a taste like medicine or something

everybody please buy yourself a dentist mirror and just look what is happening at the back of your thriat, just stic the mirror in there and report

I have white spots there and tshis jelly gel, that may ba causing troubles

I can remove the white spots with tongue brush easily but this substance is after i bsush it all over my taste, it really taste like a medicine of somekind and I do not take any medicines for years.

So report about that also buy yourself tongue brush and a dentist mirror \:D/