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I think I'm going to quit my job.

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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I think I'm going to quit my job.

Post by bb_girl »

I quit my last job of almost 10 years (lots of talking with people) because of BB, and now I'm thinking of quitting my current job of 2 months.

Everyday when I step inside the door, I think they are thinking, 'Oh, here comes the person with the stinky mouth.'

I have a lot of huge crypts in my right tonsil. Everyday I am searching for a tonsil stone. I got the visible ones out, but when I rub the area with a q-tip, the q-tip is SO smelly! I want to go to my ENT and ask him what he thinks, but IF I do get a tonsilectomy, I would need to take some days off from work, right?

But my current job hardly lets people take off, so I should just quit while I'm still a newbie, huh?

Aaaah, I don't's so sad that I don't have a good day at work because of BB! It feels as though I'm the only one where I live that has this problem!

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Post by Jimi Stein »

I really dont get you girl. You have crypts and your bb can be solved and you are delaying it.

Why do you complain then??
If I would be you I would be in the surgery room right now.

***k the job, you can always get another one, or tell the boss about bb and operation and tell him to be descrete.

I mean people are already talking about you so if you tell the boss what can go wrong, tell him if he lets you off because of surgery, trust me he will do it.
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Post by DRASTIC »

Hi BB_Girl,

I feel your pain. I remember rubbing my finger onto my right tonsil
and I can honestly tell you it smelled awful. I did that everyday after and before gargling and the smell was just the same. I wondered what the hell was happening.

Well one day I got frustrated and bought and oral irrigator. I used it to spray water mixed with mouthwash into my tonsil crypt. I then used my finger to squeeze the hole like trying to push something out even though I didnt see anything. Well, I was shocked and horrified to see about 3 stones pop out. I didnt know they could fit into a hole so small.

Unfortunately, some of the crypts and stones cannot be reached using an oral irrigator. So I am still left with Chronic Bad breath.

Jimi is right. Do the surgery if you can afford to do it sooner than later. I only wished I could get my date for surgery soon. I am counting down the time and its 13 weeks maximum before the hospital writes me again to tell me when is the operation date. I know 100% that I can be cured if I do the tonsillectomy. I only wish I had money to do it privately because that is so quicker. I havent got a job like you because I had been laid off last month and can you believe it everytime I go to interviews people laugh at me and cough with disgust. They always turn me down. I know its the smell from my tonsils.

You will need money so if you can get time off your work now and do it privately you would be able to recover and be at work even better. Dont quit your job because you need the money to live. I didnt quit I was laid off and trust me life becomes even harder when you have bad breath and unemplyed its like double the depression. But I am keeping in high spirits just waiting for my letter from the hospital telling me when is my tonsillectomy.

try to come to some arrangement for your time off. Maybe if there is a problem take 1 week with pay and 1 without = 2 weeks recovery time. Atleast you know that your job will be there for you after the surgery. So financially you should be OK. Only use this option if your boss gives you a hard time with the 2 weeks recommended time off work.

I wish you all the best.

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Post by mindyb »

not trying to be negative. I had tonsiliths, tonsil stones, that were huge, small, all different sizes. I would cough them up, pick them myself and use an oral irrigator to get them out. When I would crack them open, oh the horrid smell. I was approved by insurance for a tonsilectomy. Stones gone, chronic bb NOT gone. Just be aware that the surgery does not cure bb in all cases. Maybe the new laser surgery does, but a typical tonislectomy did not help me. It may help you! Good luck to whoever has the surgery. Oh and the recovery sucks!!!!
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Post by Bloorain »

Mindy whats bad about the recovery? Is it the pain? Do the antibiotics or pain medication help at all?
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Post by viva »

Hi Girl:)
I fully understand your situation.Had the same thing.Swollen tonsils with lots of smelly stons.I took them out every single day and they keept on accumulating back.
But what is also important in my situation was that naisal drainage going down the back of the throat that accumulates in tonsils.When I took this drainage from the back of the tonsil it smelt horribly.

It's been 7 months since my tonsils were removed.This reduced BB.But still if there is constant inflamation and drainage to the throat breath is not good.
After that my breath didn't improved dramatecally until I put Chlorhexidine Oral rinse twice a day on the tounge for 2 weeks.This was to decrease the number of "bad" anaerobic bacteria that produce rotten egg smell.The rinse was prescribed by a BB Specialist.

Right now my breath doesn't smell rotten eggs anymore.But still it's not smellless yet.The thins that contrubute to that are nasal drainage and dry mouth.Working on that.
To get rid of tonsils is a good thing.One source of inflametion less in the organism.
Don't think twice just do it.
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Post by Larc400 »

Yeah just do it -- one less place for the bacteria to hide.

But don't think it will solve it completely. Getting my tonsils out was like the 1st thing I ever did in this bb battle, and that was 12 years ago or something.

You probably have halitophobia anyway ;) ;) ;)
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Post by Ice »

mindyb and larc!
u both had tonsils removed and STILL HAVE BB??!!!
THERE WAS NO IMPROVEMENT??? so basically is isn't good to remove tonsils?-I'm worried if I remove mine, the "bacteria" will hide deeper, lower, in a place where I'll have even less controll over them, now the tonsils have a role, to catch bacteria, when they are gone, who will take their job?-lungs?...
please people who had tonsilectomy put some feedback on us!.I can not belive some had tonsilectomy done, and still leave others in the dark wheather it is good to remove them or not?! I'm 98% sure the reason is in the diagestive system, some sort of "reflux", since I've been tested for it, and result was negative, I still belive it is something in that area..because food is the reason that "couses" the breath to react. if u brush teeth, u'll have "average" breath for 2 hours, but if u eat something 5 minutes after brushing u'll have bb almost instantly! people who don't brush teeth in the morning, by 10.00AM don't have bad breath. We have it even if we brushed all morning, and our teeth look nice and shining, and other peoples teeth look "horible"-but they don't have bb!-what does that tell us?-it's not in the mouth area that is the problem!! it's in a place where we are unable to clean!.where is that intenstive, digestive system!!-(or nasal are-which I doubt.)
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Post by mindyb »

Yes, I had mine out- no improvement whatsoever. I was depressed for a long time after this, as I thought FOR sure it would solve my problems since my stones were huge and forthcoming everyday when I coughed or probed. I am 32, I had them out at 21. As soon as I healed I went out and about talking freely only to be crucified with comments and reactions- they, the comments that is, are still coming to this day. Stones are gone.
Thats why maybe the laser would work better in todays day to sew up the crypts better? I have no idea on that really though.
BUT, big BUT, just because it didn't work for me does not mean it won't work for you! My problem lies deep within and I'm still trying to figure it out. Recovery sucked for me because I couldn't talk for a week or swallow without wanting to cry. which probably did everyone in my life a favor right :-({|=
The drugs did help, but it was just very slow in getting back to normal. The pain the first few days was unbareable even with drugs. You just don't realize how much you swallow, and it feels like daggers in there when you do. I remember calling the ENT twice to refill my pain relievers.
Good luck, I would still have it done, how will you ever know if its was giving you the bb? Just do it if ya can, so you can either have a cure or cross it off your list in your search.
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Post by viva »

Couple of words from OPTIMIST about tonsillectomy.
Mine did't solve BB, BUT
1. my throat fills a lot better.Ther's no more itchy feeling in the ears, because drainage was accumulated in tonsils.
2. Now I could talk a couple of monits and my throat doesn't get tired so fast as it used to.

About surgery at SF General Hospital.

It was PAINLESS!!!!!!
Performed under general anaesthesia.Tonsils were cut off by a laser knife.
NO BLEEDING. Two burned white stripes inside,This is not a massacre in the throat. Little discomfort swollowing,as if there was a sore throat.I was able to talk noramally immediately I woke up.
The Discomfort was gone by the mid of the 2nd week.But repeat again You can normally talk.
If there's some pain it 's manageable by throat anaesthetic spray available at every Walgreens.

I was very positive about the surgery.I was literally flying to the hospital.

BE POSITIVE.Hopefully, in America it's done under general anaesthesia. My mum had it done under local anaesthesia.It's still done like that in some european hospitals.

Remember,that tonsilectomy is one of SEVERAL STEPS TO ELIMINATE BB. Think about that.

My problems are nasal drainage,thick saliva and dry mouth. Hopefully the amout of anaerobic bacteria was reduced to norm.29 points Haliometer.
Now I'm trying to figure uot why I have constant nasal dischage and thick saliva?????
Well,got an interesting point about low Immunoglobulin A.
that is to protest mucosa membranes. I have signs o f secondary immunodeficiency not HIV.So I'm seeing Immunologist to take tests.

I believe that together everybody will find the sollution to their own case.

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Post by Larc400 »

Get with it, Ice-boy. I've mentioned this hundreds of times during the years :-({|=

And I'd also do it again. One less place for bacteria to hide, and no more tonsil stones.

The recovery was a walk in the park. A bit of pain for a week never killed anyone :-({|=
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Post by elliott »

I wouldn't quit. Unless you're rich, you need income. One thing I don't have to worry about is the stress of not being able to buy this and that. Also insurance is a nice thing to have, if it's available.

AT work, I just numb myself thru the day. Take it hour by hour, day by day. No matter where you work, there is nothing you can do about everyone else's perception of you. It's just something that you learn to ignore, brush it off your shoulder and move on. One good thing is that people who don't HAVE to speak to you... WONT. So ultimately after some time, you have less to deal with. Just one more thing. DO NOT start an argument at work. No one will take your side. Many people translate BB to incompetent, for some curious reason... people will generally look at you as inferior. Get some headphones if allowed, and do what you have to do.

However: Any stockbrokers, day traders here? I was thinking that it might be an option for a stay at home job. I trade a little, but not enough to quit. I know people who are good at it, and make good money in the comfort of their own sofa. Perhaps few people here would like to help each other learn trading in a separate thread? US Market is bad right now, but hey there will be lots of $ to be made in the near future. Just a thought.
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Post by Archimonde »

elliott wrote:I was thinking that it might be an option for a stay at home job.
Trading stocks isn't a job, it's very close to a zero-sum game, when someone makes money, there's another person losing money (or will lose in the future), money isn't created out of thin air except in case of government bailouts but other than that it's zero-sum.
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Post by DRASTIC »


To those who had their tonsils out. YOU must admit that you bad breath reduced no longer chronic-maybe still bad.

MANY people have had their bad breath cured because they had a tonsillectomy. I personally think that if your tonsil stones only appear on the surface of your tonsils. And if you tonsils are small then chances are your bad breath is due to something else like gums and or stomach. The reason I say this is because My tonsil were not as bad as this 10 years ago. When I was an adolescent I remember having tonsil stones that were on the surface. I popped them out EASILY and then gargled.Problem gone.

BUT 10 years later my tonsils have gotten worst and I no longer have tonsil stones on the surface of my tonsils. The last time I have seen one on the surface was when I was a teenager. Now in my late 20s my tonsils have DEEP crypts where liquid and bacteria seem to be stuck in and cannot just pop them out. THUS THE SULFUR BACTERIA HAVE ROOM TO HIDE AND GROW. THIS IS WHAT GIVES ME and MANY OTHER PEOPLE in the same condition Chronic bad breath.

I would encourage anyone with thse cryptic tonsils to get them out. It will improve your condition or POSSIBLY cure it. Just look at how many other people have been cured by a tonsillectomy.

For everyone cured by tonsillectomy there are some who are not cured. I believe that they were not cured because they did not have deeply infected tonsil crypts. Some people who werent cured were those whose doctors didnt even want to do the procedure in the first place.

So, if you are thinking of getting tonsillectomy done then think long and hard. Do you have deeply infected tonsil crypts? Are the crypts big enough to trap food and liquid thereby feeding bacteria? THEN DO THE PROCEDURE. DONT WAIT. I ONLY WISHED THAT I HAD THE SENSE TO DO THE TONSILLECTOMY A YEAR AGO WHEN I CAME DOWN WITH TONSILITIS.
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Post by Larc400 »

elliott wrote: However: Any stockbrokers, day traders here? I was thinking that it might be an option for a stay at home job. I
I'm keen on this, but where to start?

I guess our safest bet would be if we found the 'cure' for bb and invested in whichever company would make the remedy :oops:
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