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Halitosis: Different Causes = Same Symptom

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
girlie girl
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Halitosis: Different Causes = Same Symptom

Post by girlie girl »

Halitosis: Different Causes = Same Symptom
Although many people have halitosis, the halitosis symptoms could have developed due to different factors of “ill-health”. For example, if your immune system is weak, bacteria may run rampant in your mouth; the result: halitosis. Or you may have digestive weakness and improper balance of flora in the gut; not enouth pro-biotics; the result: halitosis. Or, perhaps your PH levels are too acidic, weakening your body in general, and unable to properly control bacteria in the mouth; again, halitosis. Or maybe your body can’t keep up with your current intake of sugar and breads, which feeds bacteria, and could result in halitosis; sugars also upset the PH in the mouth - again, halitosis. Or, as already discussed in this blog, chronic constipation may have set your body on a track of auto-toxification; a combination of typical detoxing and reduced efficiency of elements above, and you’re a candidate for halitosis.
Found this and thought how true. We all have different reasons for our affliction.

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Post by Larc400 »

So true. Where's this quote from? I suspect my immune system is fucked as I also have some weird allergies.
girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

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Post by hopeful »

Based on personal experiences, I suspect most of the people on here suffer from:

- poor immune system
- poor circulation
- poor digestion
- hormonal imbalance

A combination of these conditions cause our symptom: chronic bb. If we can't figure out what is wrong inside, forget any hope of a cure.

Personally I've tried almost everything anyone has ever suggested on here and no luck. Maybe the proper combo would help.
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i feel the same

Post by tiredofcrying »

I'm taking 4 probiotics and some herbs from Natures Sunshine. They are called Gentle Move for my constipation problems and the other is ALJ for my sinus and allergies problems. Today I felt like I had a much cleaner mouth no sticky white stuff on my tongue when I used my tongue scraper. No bad reactions from people today. I felt 80% at times I did start to feel like my mouth ws getting dry and that nasty taste but I chewed some sugar free gums and it was better for once usually it makes it worse. I'm going to buy some grapefruit seed exract and colostrum tomorrow to see if I can reach that 90% or 100% confidence.
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Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:31 am


Post by tiredofcrying »

What makes me so mad are the people who think I'm nasty or dirty and don't like me because of how my breath smells. They automatically think GOD she needs to brush her teeth or she need to brush better. I had a girl I used to work with and I over heard her talking to another girl and she was saying I needed to brush better cuz I have stinky breath. Little does the B know I brush 2 to 3 times a day and I tongue scrap and floss. People that are ignorant like that make me sick. People don't realize that it could be a health issue and not becuase you didn't brush your teeth good. My teeth and gums have alwasy been healthy my whole life, I thought it was my mouth causing the BB but I really think cuz I'm constipatied all the time, I have digestion problems, acid reflex sometimes, sinus, and allergies. I hate all the commericals on TV and radio talking about someone's BB and I hate those because them people don't realize how hard it is to live with BB and to have good oral hygiene. They only want to label us has nasty diryt people who don't brush which isn't the case at all. I have thought about ending my life cuz I didn't want to go anywhere, I couldn't keep a job cuz I was always running away from the people talking behind my back. But then I had a son and I have something to live for now and I will keep fighting my BB until it is gone cuz I didn't always have this it started 8 yrs ago. So I know its possible to be normal again.
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