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PND smells or no? debate

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PND smells or no? debate

Post by azishazi »

I've heard people argue here that pnd mucus should not have a smell since many people witn PND do not have bb.

I got the following information from Dr Katz website. I know he cannot cure chronic bb but this is what his website says about PND:

Therefore, those people who suffer from post nasal drip, sinus problems, and other such ailments are more prone to bad breath and lousy tastes because the bacteria use the mucus as a food source and start to extract sulfur compounds from the amino acids that make up the proteins found in all this excess mucus.

Scientifically, the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath "love" the amino acids Cysteine and Methionine, which are the building blocks of the proteins that are found in mucus (and phlegm) and in dairy foods, too. In fact, many people notice that when they drink too much milk or eat too much cheese they end up with more mucous or phlegm in their throat (see my article on Foods that may cause bad breath). This is a natural reaction for many people and unfortunately, ends up causing more bad breath and lousy taste.

If you still have your tonsils, you may be harboring a higher number of the bacteria which can lead to an "interesting" and very often misunderstood phenomenon, called TONSILOLITHS. Literally translated, they are "tonsil stones" produced by the conglomeration of mucus draining down the back of the throat and the volatile sulfur compounds created by the bacteria which easily end up in the "nooks and crannies" of the tonsils, every time one swallows. I can't tell you how many stories I've heard from my patients who asked their dentist what these objects were, and more often than not the answer was 'food particles'. This couldn't be further from the truth! For more information, see my article about Tonsil Stones.

I think that my nose is the culprit.

I want to specially hear from people who argue that PND shot not cause b

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Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:01 pm

Post by TeamZissou »

I don't think it does when it's first produced. But if it sits in your nasal passages and doesn't drain well, then bacteria probably start to produce sulfur-compounds in it, making it smell.
Posts: 87
Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:01 pm
Location: dc, va, md.

Post by azishazi »

I was wondering then how come i feel short term relief ( 5 mins) after cleaning throat, tonsil and tongue and mouth.

Does that mean im have infection somewhere?

Because i do not have any symptoms.

As far wisdom teeth go, mine are all errupted but i definitely do not have any pockets, they are tightly bound to my teeth. I've tried squeezing on them and it does not seem like they could be a probable cause.
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