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Post by Snobuni »

I go the dentist twice a year for a check-up and twice a year for a clean. As with almost everybody else here, everytime I go, the dentist says my teeth and gums are very healthy.

I was wondering if there'd be any benefit in getting my teeth x-rayed. Apparently, even if your teeth look amazingly healthy, there can still be decay under fillings or between teeth that the dentist can't see just by looking at your teeth.

It's a long shot, but I'm going to get some x-rays in a couple of weeks and rule out once and for all the possibility of my bb coming from a decaying tooth. Sounds odd, but I really hope she finds something!!!

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Post by halitosisux »

YAYYY!!! Snobuni,

We have to be 100000% sure its not our teeth and gums. All it takes is one small gum pocket or one decaying tooth to infest our mouths like some minor thing rotting in the dustbin, we can smell that a mile-off. We trust our dentists but from what im reading lately and what dentists have repeatedly missed in my mouth as a very probable cause of BB, we cant trust them when it comes to BB!! Don't forget they may also be able to see if any teeth are interfering with your sinuses with x-raying.
We may simply be more susceptible to having BB in these circumstances than people with poor dental condition who dont seem to have BB.
I've got an appointment this thursday. Good luck!!
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Post by Snobuni »

Hey Halitosisux,

Thanks for the support! :lol: I feel like a bit of a hypochondriac going back the dentist (I was only there a few months back), but because my breath smells musty and not fecal (I read somewhere that tooth decay usually has a musty smell) I feel like I'd like to rule this out once and for all. I also want to ask her about the possibility of a wisdom tooth invading the sinuses and see if she can take an x-ray of my wisdoms (if not, they should show up on the CT scan, hopefully).

Are you going to ask about getting your wisdom tooth extracted? Are you in the UK? I think over here, they tend to send you to and ENT to have them extraced 'cos it's quite a tricky op. BTW, if you are in the UK, how much do you think your dental x-rays are going to cost? I think it's going to be about £30 per x-ray, and I'd imagine she'll take at least 2-3, it's going to be expensive, but it's got to be done, even just to put my mind at rest. :-k

Let me know how it goes on Thursday, good luck!
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Post by halitosisux »

Hey Snobuni,

Thanx for your support too. I thoroughly empathise with what u say and its these negative feelings which keep us trapped in our nightmares. If someone could just tell us that one day we'll be free, our approach to this problem would be completely different, but we have these deep-seated feelings that its something so much deeper going on that we've lost sight of our problem. This is our depression i think.

Yes, im going about my lower-right wisdom tooth (uppers are both removed). I feel very excited now, even if its just to eliminate this as a possible cause. I will push to have it yanked out straight away because its almost fully in-line with with the other molars, but its kinda sunken into the rear of my mouth and if i prod things around i can clearly see a huge pocket around the crown of the tooth. If not then it will have to be done at hospital, and i'll have the left-lower horizontally unerupted wisdom out at the same time.
Im in the UK, but i dont know how much x-rays are atm. Last time i had one it was something like £40, i only remember having one which rotated around my head and took a panoramic view of the entire jaw. He pointed out the left unerupted horizontally impacted tooth, and said it will need to come out eventually, but didnt mention the right tooth, which is the one that is infested with stinking germs all around the gum.
My worry was always that its the bacterial overgrowth on my tongue that everyone else seems to suffer from, causing this odour (like it did with my tonsils), but ive proved to myself recently that is isnt, because i keep the tooth as clean as i can with the tip of my tongue and the only place that stinks in my mouth is the constant flow of putrifying crap coming from the gum around that tooth.
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Post by asd »

the bacteria around the tooth, if it is solobacterium moorei or not, could change the oral environment to favour and allow for the solobacterium moorei on the tongue. Bacteria have the effect of collonizing an area and changing it to suit itself. These organisms have been around millions of years, they are going to have there tricks.
Keep on with that halitosisux, that tooth sounds nasty.
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Post by halitosisux »

Thanx for the encouragement asd..
What you say makes sense, and is possibly what happens in every situation of chronic infection somewhere in proximity to the oral cavity, such as the sinuses. The entire oral flora changes and i think this causes people to become fixated on their tongues when that is merely a symptom of the greater problem. The reason for these flora changes could be highly complex, with chemical, hormonal and immune system alterations, all contributing to the overall halitosis.
Im noticing some subtle differences since ive been consciously keeping this tooth clean - its as though i've flicked a switch in the way you've described there. Even though i still have this putrid corner of my mouth, i've got a MUCH cleaner overall taste , even in the morning, and it seems to be getting better and better by the day. Also my skin usually has a musty odour towards the end of a day, and that has changed too.
Normally, whenever i've had any improvements like this, such as when ive taken antibiotics or other chemicals, or when i've experimented with different strains of live yoghurt, it wears off. But with this it feels as though i've "struck gold" with this tooth.
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Post by Snobuni »

I just found this interesting sight about gum disease and gum pockets.

I don't think I have infected gum pockets, but I can get my floss quite far up on some teeth, my dentist says these aren't pockets, but surely these areas must be trapping bacteria.

It's confusing, 'cos I'd say my bb definately comes from my tongue coating, but surely the tongue coating is a symptom of something else (sinus infection, tooth decay, bacteria trapped in gums, bad digestion?)
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi Snobuni,

On another posting somewhere i mentioned something regarding pregnancy and halitosis. If i remember correctly, due to hormonal effects, the gums can swell and has a similar effect to having gum disease.
Its very likely that anywhere saliva cant get to in the mouth will harbour odour producing bacteria.
Usually where a gum area has true pockets that might cause a BB problem it can be detected by touching with a finger and seeing if it smells, but this could be difficult and misleading if the whole mouth is putrid.
I'd like to say you can rely on dentists with diagnosing such things, but NOT ONE mentioned my putrid wisdom tooth in all these years, which i only discovered myself by chance - but mine wasnt a straightforward set of teeth i guess, my teeth are quite overcrowded and its not like a typical case of gum disease, its just a wisdom tooth that is pushed as far to the back of my gum into the rear of my mouth, partially covered by gum/tissue forming a pocket.
Mention your concerns to the dentist, they should then focus more closely on any possibility of gum causes or tooth decay and put your mind at rest.
Its good to see you arming yourself in preparation for your dental appointment, im sure that unless there is some dental connection to your BB at least you can rule it out and focus the same energy on other common causes of BB until your cause is discovered.

Im convinced that tongue odours (which EVERYONE has to a certain degree) are a symptom of something else, which is inherently worsened by bacterial activity going on in it's proximity.
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Post by halitosisux »

I've just got back from the dentist to see about my wisdom tooth. He asked me if i've ever had any pain from this tooth - just as i was lifting my right arm to punch him in the eye, i realised he must have meant physical pain. I said yes (there's always a dull pain deep in the jaw, and a few times ive had quite severe pain) and he gave me a prescription for amoxicillin and told me to come back next week - another dentist will be there who he says will extract the tooth.
I took a picture of it this morning, just incase i never got another chance to - this is my lower right side. Its much further into the rear of my mouth than it seems on there.
I didnt mention halitosis on this visit, because in people who dont have this problem, they think you are NUTS that it causes you a problem, and its like you shrink to a pile of shit on the floor. I just said i want it out because it hurts.

DAMN i was intending to place my tooth photo in here, but i cant figure out how to.
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