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Need quick opinion plx

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Need quick opinion plx

Post by asd »

I had tonsillectomy last week, still hurts and hasnt healed fully. Basicly today the doctor prescribed me chlorohexidine 0.2 mouthwash. Should I use it? I remember reading about it but the search didnt find any results.
The doc didnt give it because im infected or anything, just to give me something or maybe work towards his prescription bonus or whatever.
So I dont really need but my mum willl probably try and make me do it so if its safe and wont do anything like make my BB worsethen ill do it.
Fast replies will be much appreciated xx

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Post by DRASTIC »

Hi asd,

Glad to hear that you are ok.

I also had my tonsillectomy last month.

My routine was to use chlorhexidine to brush my tongue. If you want you could rinse you mouth with it but dont go gargling anything. Wait until your throat scabs heal properly before you go gargling. OK.

Also, dont use it for more than a week or two weeks.

Hope this helps.

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Post by halitosisux »

Hi asd,

Hope ur doing ok, my ENT told me to eat cornflakes and try to eat as normally as possible the next morning, he said this would help keep the yellow/white stuff that grows over the wounds to stay clean. As long as you are able to control pain, i think this was good advice because i wasnt given antibiotics and i had no problems apart from the pain, which is to be expected.
I wish my ENT had prescribed me chlorhexidine just to help freshen my mouth out. Its probably a good idea since you wont feel like brushing your teeth for a while. As Drastic said, just rinse the mouth - jeez you'll probably go through the roof if any got into your throat!
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Good luck with recovery

Post by markt »

I had a tonsillectomy about 2 years ago. Always suffered from still there but not so bad.I remember the sorness and difficulty swallowing food. They always say try to eat normally..but easier said than done. I had the unfortunate problem of my throat bleeding constantly about 4 days after operation. But this is rare or so i my advice is just keep topped up on painkillers and soon ur throat will be fully healed. Might look a bit of a mess at moment ..such as creamy yellow colouring where tonsils used to be. This is quite normal and will dissapear over the course of the next few days..just continue with mouthwash forget teeth cleaning for few days....Good luck.. ;)
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Post by viva »

Don't use Chlorhexidine to mouthwash and gourgle under no circumstances.
Aren't there any other antibacterials that a doctor can prescribe?

Chlorhexidine can stain the teeth in small amounts like applying on the toungue only not mentioning gargling.
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Post by Snobuni »

I can't quite understand why so many people are so down on the use of chlorhexidine. It's the only mouthrinse that has any sort of positive effect on bad bacteria. It breaks down biofilms and it's been found that bad bacteria can't become resistant to it (there's been quite alot of scientific research done on it's effectiveness). Plus it's the only rinse that has ANY effect on my bb. The only down side is that it can stain your teeth badly, although I've only every had minimal amounts of staining and I've used it twice a day for along time.

On the other hand, 'cos it is quite a strong rinse and can have alcohol and mint in, it might not be a good idea to get it near your scabs cos it'll very likely be extremely painful!!

When I had my tonsils removed I could barely get my mouth open enough to brush my teeth, it's a tough time!!
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Post by viva »

Hi Snobuni,
A dentist who prescribed Chlorhexidine to me advised to be very careful with it.and not gargle for mentioned above reasons.I applied it on the tounge only and got teeth stained.

Bad bacteria leave under toungue bristles,so the tounge is the right place to apply Chlorhexidine on.

There are certainly other antibacterial mouse washes.and after SVC bacteria are being reduced one needs recultivate the surface and take probiotics.

Espessialy after tonsilectomy.

I used mouthspray anesthetic with phenol,helps to relieve pain.
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