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My Story

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:58 am
by Bestwishes
Hi I have a bad smell coming from the back of my mouth. I found some tonsil stones on both sides, I have very large crypts. On my right side, there is one crypt that gives off a very strong smells like a cheeseburger.
Everyday I wake up with a tonsil stone odor, after brushing my teeth I feel like theres an unclean smell permeating off of my tonsil crypts. I'm pretty convinced its coming from there. But Im not ruling out that it could be my diet too, and I have been reading about the low carb diet helping rid bb for some so Im very interested in that. I know alcohol gives me musty fart breath the next day all day long. Im the kind of person that when I eat something I give off the smell for many hours, especially salad dressing, peppercinis, pickles. I do think my system takes a while eliminating things. I dont suffer abnormal body odor.

I was normal as a teenager. Very socialable, I had close boyfriends, friends. I would talk to new people at school, at the mall, parties. I never took gum to school, the thought of worrying if I had bb never crossed my mind.
At age 18-22 I had a serious boyfriend, we would beer binge every friday and saturday, and thats when I started eating alot more food, and it was junk food, fast food, barbecued meat. Every morning, even though I brushed teeth at night, my bedroom would fill up with poop breath. If I didnt drink the night before I could brush it off my mouth, but if I did then I would exhale poop breath all day. Reaching this point didnt happen right away, it was 1 and a half yrs into it, and it got progressively worse. My boyfriend didnt suffer bb, at the worst his morning breath smelled like a fish tank. But his feet smelled like bread. Now that I have learned about candida that makes alot of sense. I guess the way his body eliminated smelly toxins was through his feet.

Then at age 21 my parents dental insurance stopped covering me and that made matters worse. I developed a plaque smell on my teeth and I worked in an office and some ladies commented about it. So about age 23 I started reading bb forums. I improved the plaque smell by switching from a regular toothbrush to a sonicare. And one time my sonicare broke and I was using a regular brush for a week and the plaque smell came back until I replaced it then it improved. Oil pulling helps as well to take plaque off of your teeth. I had a bad smell in my inner cheeks, smelled like smelly feet (dead skin cells and bacteria). Listerine would not remove it. Then I tried for the 1st time hydrogen peroxide and water, and it took it away! I was SO thrilled and excited about it. That was one less stinky smell in my mouth. I had a smelly fungus in my left nostril, and it would smell alot when I just stepped out of the shower, or if I was walking outside on a cool night. It smelled like a wet dog, and yes other people could smell it. I put peroxide and water in a dixie cup and poured it into my nostril trying to not get it too high up in there. It took it away, but it came back every 3 months, for 3 times more. The last time I cleansed it was about a year and a half ago. I havent needed to since.

Well the last guy I was seeing, after a while it became apparent that he knew that I knew that I had a chronic problem. It was embarrassing and I lost all my confidence around him. But he was a womanizer who lied to me and I found out he had a wife and kids, and they are divorced now. The last time I hanged out with someone was in October. I spent 15 minutes flushing my tonsils with apple cider vinegar before picking em up in my car, and unfortunately it didnt seem to help.
I have given up on socializing since then. I dont like that feeling of being self conscious worrying and stressing every time I speak close to the person afraid they might get a bad wiff, it is so humiliating , like the wost thing that could go wrong. Totally takes the fun out of socializing for me, I just dont enjoy it.

I feel I need to solve this problem first. Because I know from just going out alone shopping, and talking to retail people, saying the least words I need to say to them and sometimes their reactions, and
stepping into my car after shopping for a while and smelling my unclean breath even through my gum that it would just be an extra burden trying to have a friend around me and knowing my breath smells. At first it was hard and I felt so lonely and isolated at times. But lately I have gotten used to it.

I used to have a friend that I met four yrs ago. The night I met him he rubbed his nose alot, like every time I said something he would rub his nose. I didnt smell his breath at all. But now days the tables have turned. His breath has gotten really bad. Smells like bacteria, very unclean. I now notice his alot, and he doesnt seem to notice mine when I consciously try to not blow out too much air when I talk. But he started taking up smoking and it helped a little to cover up his breath. We arent friends anymore because he wanted to date me and so it was getting too weird. So now I have zero friends. But I probably could use a friend like that, with smelly breath or one who doesn't have a good sense of smell, so that they dont make a big deal out of mine. The scary part is meeting someone for the 1st time and discovering whether or not they are very reactant to your breath. I feel bummed I had to let my 20's pass me by. I was so rebellious in my teens to want to go out and have fun, and now that I easily can I don't. I have not had much fun, its been mostly lonely isolation.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:52 am
by halitosisux
Hi Bestwishes,
I closely read your first posting, and was about to make some comments, but notice you've trimmed it off :-s
You mentioned that you hadnt seen a dentist in all this time because you are no longer covered by your parent's insurance.. have you still not seen a dentist???
While i still had my tonsils, i would have bet my life that my BB was due to the very similar odours coming from them, and the daily buildup of plaque (tonsil stones) in the crypts. But i can tell you that having had them removed, it made not the slightest difference to my BB situation. I think that any anaerobic area in the mouth or throat will become like this - as a symptom of another process going on elsewhere, producing these odourous compounds, the sinuses or dental issues for instance.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:56 am
by halitosisux
Alcohol dehydrates the body, dehydration causes/worsens BB.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:25 am
by Bestwishes
Yes i have been to the dentist 4 times since then.. I now have insurance but need to go again soon. Wow so you had your tonsils removed and it didnt help. Is your bb the fecal kind, or how does it smell? Did you have tonsil stones when you had them? At what age did you start suffering from bb?

Yes I agree about your anaerobic comments, and I do think maybe my elimination system doesn't work too the diet I eat contributes to the bb. I know when I eat alot of sugar my breath is worse the next day. I am very interested in the carb reduction idea. I will do anything to starve off those little buggers if thats what will stop this bb lol. I haven't drank alcohol in 6 weeks, and i had 4 beers friday night, hungover and I caught that musty smell in my room and I was like hell no, I dont want to go back to that. My breath was worse than normal, and I didnt trust what weird odors might come out if I were to socialize. Last spring I went to a Marylin Manson concert and I drank 4 coronas pretty fast, the next day I was hungover and I had such strong horrible abnormal breath. Instead of socializing, I was stuck at home on a friday night reading a bad breath forum.

I have become interested in this idea that its the toxins that feed these anerobic bacterias and alcohol is a toxin. So I am thinking about kicking alcohol to the curb for good.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:57 pm
by halitosisux
Hi Bestwishes,
I had my tonsils out and like so many people who felt convinced it was causing their BB, discovered that the only change was that there were no more awful tonsil stones. Its hard to imagine while you still have tonsils and such odours which they seem to produce that they are not the "epicentre" of the problem, but this is how it seems to turn out. Therefore i can only conclude that tonsils smell as a symptom, and not necessarily as a cause of BB, tho they probably do exacerbate the situation.

Many factors can exacerbate or affect BB either positively or negatively, which lead us falsely to believe we might be onto something, purely out of hope, leading us to chase whatever it might be, spending a lifetime going round in circles.

I consider myself as having had a classic case of chronic halitosis. I had an awful smelling coated tongue, but fortunately not the odour from the nose which many seem to have. I understand that if the odours on the back of the tongue are bad enough, they can be perceived by others from the nose. But i strongly believe that where BB from the nose is clearly more than that, then something must be happening within the nose/sinuses. Biofilms inside the sinuses are a plausible explanation to this for lots of reasons. Once established, they become resistant to antibiotics and will sustain themselves indefinitely, without most of the severe symptoms of an acute case of sinusitis, making detection confusing.

For me, It's a long story but i eventually discovered it was one of my wisdom teeth, and since having that out all my BB symptoms have gone.
This is all it takes to cause the classic symptoms of chronis halitosis, and im living proof, along with a few others on here that an abnormal bacterial situation (eg sinuses or a dental situation) which can communicate with the rest of the oral cavity, can cause BB

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:39 am
by Bestwishes
I had my wisdom teeth taken out at age 17, and the dentist said that one tooth broke off during extraction so I have like a partial piece of wisdom tooth still in there. Now that I think about it , I should try and find out just what side is my partial broken tooth on, that would be rather interesting if it is on the side of my mouth where my extra smelly crypt is.

I agree about the biofilms in the nose luckily my odor in my nose was just in the front part where a little peroxide took it away. But we have large sinus cavities behind our skull so for some it is alot more difficult. In the past my dad used to sneeze and it would smell bad, and I remember he always complained that he thinks he has a sinus infection. But I think he has fixed it.

For me, I have lately been exploring my tonsils. One friday night I had a date with my tonsils as I called it while laughing at the insanity of it all. I starting smelling my dental pick after sticking it in the crypts on my left, there is a slight saliva/tonsil smell. Then I switched over to my right side and was like wait a minute this smells more intense. Then a few weeks later I caught a cold, and as I was getting over it looked at my crypts, there we a few specks of small soft white matter like maybe dead skin cells. I scooped up a tiny bit of that that was in that smelly crypt. Then I smelled it and it was so intensely strong it smelled like sewage perhaps. I could smell it from having my nose 6 inches away and it was powerful, it amazed me how such a small amount of matter could pack such a powerful stink, and that its coming from a small hole in the back of my mouth. I'm starting to think that the smelly juices/bacteria that comes out of that crypt mix in with my saliva and the stink spreads to the middle of my tongue and all over.

I have run a few experiments since then, and I grabbed a sterilized pick and took some mucus/saliva coming down in the middle back of my throat which I know is coming directly from my sinuses, and I smelled nothing. So from that evidence I am thinking my problem isnt coming from my sinuses, that maybe its bacteria thriving in that particular crypt that needs to be kicked out some how. Also I have been sick 2 times in the past 2 months with a cold, and both times I would sometimes feel an intense itching on my tonsils, but I noticed most of the time when it did itch that the most intensive itching came directly from that smelly crypt. It felt like the bacteria was really thriving and moving around in there. When I put a few drops of peroxide over that crypt it starts fizzing up alot.

As I read about people who have had tonsiloctomys it seems like a mixed bag, like a 50/50 chance, and such an invasive painful procedure. I think I want to keep researching first and try all other methods first. I plan to order a small dental needle less syringe online and try to get in there and gently flush out that crypt. I once read about a woman who did this and 30 small tonsil stones came out and she was cured.

I am keeping an open mind, I know I have dealt with bb from my sinuses before aka PND, and nasal fungus. And yes good teeth cleanings at the dentist will help, should be done every 6 months so they say. I am keeping in mind that some sort of dental tooth problem might be contributing to the extra bacteria being formed. Right own personal theory about my problem is that I have some extra bacteria packed in that crypt that I plan to try and flush out. And also I think that my diet contributes to these bacterias living and multiplying in the tonsils. So I do want to try a more cleaner diet to starve off the buggers and see if it works.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:02 am
by halitosisux
Hi Bestwishes,
I notice you've filled in the rest of your original posting back in with lots of useful info, now my reply makes me look more dumb than ever lol
You have made me realise something this morning that never occured to me til now. This wisdom tooth of mine which caused my odours was on the right side. While i still had my tonsils (which was over 10 years ago now) it was the right side which smelled far worse - no coincidence there!!
I reckon that its possible that if i still had my tonsils they would still smell to some extent, which may be a normal thing with tonsils, but maybe not.. and had i still had tonsils now my breath might still have been bad, so as a very last resort it may be worth having them out.. BUT......... you say that you've been seeing a dentist, and if i were you i'd be seriously focusing on a possible dental cause with these odours you've described in your dental plaque/gums and cheesy odours around your cheeks - that's definitely not normal the mouth, not even while i had my stinking problem did it cause the crevices on my left cheek to smell.
AND maybe these spells of nasal/sinus odours you had are from bad bacteria (which are only present during certain diseased dental situations) finding their way into your nasal cavity from simply sneezing or coughing air and material up there from your throat, but luckily for you you've managed to stop them taking over completely. Maybe this is how nasal odours progress from being a problem confined to the mouth, that they spread up into the nose, depending how susceptible a person is. People generally report that their BB has spread up to their nose.

This wisdom tooth of yours that broke during extraction, particularly if it was impacted, could still be causing problems. Especially true if the gum hasnt grown over it, but even if it has it could be having an "impact" on the next molar, breaking the gum seal allowing a condition which can easily cause a bacterial putrification.

Your diet, if as you have found, affects your sinuses by increasing the amount of PND, is definitely worth looking into - Archimonde is the man on this subject. I dont think PND itself causes bad breath, although if there are other problems causing BB im sure it will exacerbate the situation. If PND is thickened for whatever reason, then it could be causing some putrification and a bacterial situation within the nose/sinuses which then finds its way into the throat eventually causing everywhere to stink.
You say you managed to catch some of your PND at the back of the throat before it comes in contact with the odourous areas there, and it doesnt smell (i've tried asking some to try this but i dont think they grasped what i was getting at) and you say it doesnt smell bad - this is a good sign that nothing bacterial is going on up there to cause your BB - so i would focus on any potential dental issues until you can completely rule them out (follow your instincts there dont listen to dentists when it comes to BB they generally dont have a CLUE)

After all this there plenty of other possibilities, but focus on these for now as they are the most probable.

It took me years to decide to finally get my suspect wisdom tooth out, because i felt that it was the same situation as my tonsils - that odours from an unknown reason were causing the odours to build up in the gum pocket which had formed there. It wasnt diseased, it was just a pocket of gum around the crown which absolutely stunk like the tonsils did. The simple fact is that any area that can become stagnant will build up odours until the source of the odour has been found - in my case the odour WAS being produced in this gum pocket. I was holding onto the hope that my tooth situation WAS causing my problems, and for the last few years i lived on this hope because had to focus on other areas of my life and this hope enabled me to do this - i wouldnt have been able to handle anything during this time faced with the despair of having no hope at all - and this was enough for me. It seems cowardly but mentally it was the only way at the time. Luckily it has turned out to be true, and it was only from recently taking up researching again that i found lots of encouraging information, including this site, and went ahead.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:41 am
by Bestwishes
Hi Halitosisux,
Wow that is interesting that the side your wisdom tooth was on, is the side that smelled far worse in your tonsils. Maybe we might be on to something here.

My broken wisdom tooth is under the gumline but I will sometime try a smell test and see if it smells extra bad. The thought of a broken tooth down in there under the gumline doesnt sound like a good thing. I had it done at age 17 and my bb didn't start up til about age 20. But if that is the problem it could be that it took some time to decay.

I do wonder if tonsils normally smell. I have been observing other peoples breath. And I have smelled that tonsil smell on two people who would seem to almost have normal breath. It smells like a bit of fish. NOt a really over powering strong intense fishy smell, but a soft fish smell.

Alot of times after shopping and going into my car I think my breath smells like a bit of fish. Its very hard to smell your own breath but thats what I think. I do think being in a car is the best place to determine the smell of your breath because your in a closed confined space and your breath can bounce off the windshield lol. So if I had to guess what tonsils smell like I would say a bit fishy perhaps. And you know its interesting they say a vagina smells like fish after a while if you havent showered, and that is a moist hole lol.

I hanged out with a guy and he had normal very clean breath, but the next day he kept yawning in my car and I swore I could smell his tonsils lol.

So you think maybe your tonsils would still smell huh. You know I look at mine and there are alot of big giant holes on them, I have many holes. And you know the flap in front of the tonsils, there is holes behind that too, and thats where I found a crypt loaded with tonsil stones. I feel that by the size of my holes and the amount of them, and plus finding that stinky crypt, that I would be better off having them taken out.

But first I will try and clean out the stinky crypt and see if it helps. I'll also try to somehow find out what side my wisdom tooth is on. See if I get anywhere with these issues.

Also I will sometime have a date with my teeth lol, I will sit around with my flashlight on a lonely friday night and smell my teeth and try to run experiments to confirm if there is an extra stinky tooth, and I will pay extra attention to the very back gumline as well.

I think I do want a tonsiloctomy eventually but am in no hurry just yet. Like you said, its a good last resort. I'm not scared of the pain, if it meant a good reduction or ridding of bb.

What does an impacted tooth mean?

I am so happy for you to have found your cure. I think if we all buy dental tools like a pick to look around the area (can get them at the drugstore) or whatever works best, flashlight, a mirror, and get serious about exploring our mouths some of us really can find our cure. And you are a perfect example of that, you found your cure by examining for yourself. I think this is one of the best ways to try and find the source if it is in your mouth, or even if its sinuses you can test your mucus coming down your throat. I mean usually a dentist or a dr will not run smell tests , except for the laser dr in Israel, man do we need more like him in the usa lol.

Well that was so good you found the courage. Did you have the dentists telling you nothing is wrong with your wisdom tooth, were they discouraging you? I did read your thread. I understand you first discovered it was extra smelly around the gumline of your wisdom tooth. So did you have a crown with a cracked tooth under and that was causing bb bacteria? Then after you kept having bacteria around your wisdom tooth still, and that was causing bb bacteria as well?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:17 am
by halitosisux
Hi Bestwishes,
Thanks for that reply, i have loads more to reply with which i'll do now before i go and get a shower, im off work today and i'll be around for a while, if you've gone to bed you'll find it next time...

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:26 am
by halitosisux
Yes i never realised that connection until yesterday, its over ten years ago since my tonsillectomy so memories are beginning to fade, but i clearly remember it was always my right side that smelled far far worse, i never thought anything of it other than perhaps it was more crypted or other structural reason. The left side smelled, but it was more like the smell you get after you've cleaned the crypts out, which i think is normal.
Im not sure about fishy smells, but like you say about certain moist holes (lol) i know that certain kinds of bacteria produce such odours in such environments. I've never thought of the tonsillolith odours as being fishy but i guess there is a hint of rotten fish in it. To me its more of a poop fecal odour.
Anyway, back to your broken wisdom tooth.. even though you say the gum has grown back over it and appears to be sealed off again, there is a possibility that it is interfering with the tooth next to it, possibly breaking the seal of the gum between them or even causing decay because of the pressure between the teeth underneith. Make sure this gets ruled out. You might even have an abscess or a cyst which can form from broken or rotting teeth which sit inside the gum.

Dentists just think that BB is only associated with diseased gums or decayed teeth. If you have any area where the seal of the gum isnt perfectly intact or where an area of abnormal tooth structure allows an anaerobic pocket of gum to form, this can harbor bacteria that go WILD in there. And like a fridge when something minor is rotting in there, it doesnt take much to cause the whole mouth to stink, particularly the absorbant surface of the tongue.

I had many such "dates" with my mouth, lol. But if i hadnt i would never have known about my tonsil odours, nor of the stink coming from the gum around my wisdom tooth. I'd seen different dentists about my BB, none of them had the expertise to realise that the situation with my tooth/gum could be causing a constant discharge of odours, i discovered that for myself while prodding around. I've even read on here that some ENT doctors had never heard of tonsilloliths. What chance do we have unless we find things for ourselves?. And once several different dentists tell you that you have no dental issues to cause your BB, you tend to believe them, along with ENTs.

I found the best way to smell my own breath is to stand in the corner of a neutral smelling room, with your head a few inches away, breathe out slowly, then breathe in sharply. What i could smell always correlated with what i'd been told my breath smells like. But i never relied on this this, nor did i ever rely on reactions of others, mainly because i did everything i could not to subject anyone else to it. My brother was always my way of knowing. Car windscreens sound reliable too, as long as the car isnt moving or anyone can see you, lol.

Definitely from my own experiences i would leave tonsils as a last resort, because i dont think they cause anything unless the tonsil tissues are truly infected. Tonsils are meant to sample the bacterial composition in our mouthes, but when there are so many bad smelling chemicals from other sources, they build up in the "holes" designed to capture germs, and odours build up in there. Its a symptom not a cause in my belief.

My tooth wasnt decayed at all, nor was it cracked, it was merely the pocket of gum formed around the crown which was pushed right into the back of my mouth from an overcrowed jaw. Gum cannot adhere to the enamel part of the teeth, so any enamel buried under gum will form a bacterial pocket there.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:48 am
by Bestwishes
Hi Halitosisux,
You definitely have given me lots of great info, and next time I run experiments I'll check my teeth and see if I find any extra bacteria. Thanks so much for helping and being so welcoming on my first post, it means alot.


Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:51 am
by halitosisux
You're welcome. I hope my experiences can help anyone in this nightmare figure out the root of their cause.