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Bowels and Bad Breath

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:27 pm
by Michael123
Hi everybody,

I just wanted to ask whether bowel problems really can cause bad breath? I'm 90% sure that my problem is coming from bacteria in my mouth, but despite my best brushing, its still here. I do have issues with my bowels. Mainly I have irritable bowel like symptoms. I fluctuate between constipation and diaorrhea. So I'm sure that there are a lot of toxins built up there. Can any one confirm whether this may or may not be a possibility. Would cleansing my bowels help with the bb, or even cure it?

All the best everyone.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:19 am
by halitosisux
People have colonic irrigation as well as other measures to cleanse their bowels, including diets and generally it does SHIT for the BB. What we eat is far more likely to affect BB by the direct and lingering effect of the food itself on the oral bacteria, unless there are systemic problems, which usually have serious symptoms easily diagnosible by a doctor.
BB is much more likely to be due to bacterial related problems going on in your mouth, throat or sinuses. Focus on anything which might be responsible for that. Most cases of BB whether chronic or otherwise turn out to be caused by teeth or gum problems. If you clearly have strong odours coming from your nose then you have something going on up there which needs investigating - usually beyond the scope of the average ENT who only looks for acute sinusitis or structural defects he can butcher you with trying to correct.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:25 am
by ElGrizzle
I believe this is the source of all the problem. But a colon cleanse will not eliminate this. It might help There are antibiotics that have treated the problem. But only temporarily. We need to find a way to stop it from coming back.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:35 am
by wnaysha
I totally agree with u Elgrizzle,

I think this whole thing is related to stomach and bowel movement. I have tried everything and the only thing that has helped me yet is Aloe vera juice, and breathrx tongue spray with its tongue scraper. u should try aloe vera juice. If it helped u then we have a cure.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:21 am
by halitosisux
Are you saying that bowels are responsible for the nasal odours?


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:46 am
by anna.88
:( ..
My anderstanding of the hell that I am in is that i constantly am eating food which trigers the muces, from the nose to thicken and drip throught throught touching the tonsils and everything else on its way.(foods like milk, meat,bread)
And the sinuse infaction allows this to repeat every day...
(I have constantly one side of the nose closed...and am sure am not the only one)..
I am off the bread for 2 days now and i can feel a slight releafe of the off taste (i have been a vegan for almost a year for the above reason..).

on the totaly other topic....Are you people aware that we living in Melbourne/Aus are dieng off heat its been 46 thursday, 45 friday and tomorow they are predicting about that....its hellll out here...anyway let me know if your situation with food is simular to mine....

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:22 pm
by Vivian
I believe there's some truth to this!! I have a twisted colon, and moving my bowels is very difficult without the use of a laxative. For the last few years i have been using Senna to to assist with my regularity. I know that in the long run it's damaging my colon and I'll end up needing to use diapers when I'm older if i continue to use it; but for the most part i have no choice.

There was a posting on curezone that I saw posted a few weeks ago in regards to this issue, and how her brother was cured by increasing his fiber:

I have actually increased my fiber since reading this - perhaps not going on a full blow fiber diet like i should- but I've been able to move my bowels at least once. And noticed that the fecal taste/odor isn't as pungent, but still there.

Again, I definently think there's some truth to this issue and only people who actually have bowel issues can relate to it. ~V

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:09 pm
by halitosisux
I agree with you anna. If there are food intolerances or allergies which thicken the mucus or mucous membranes inside the nose which lead to congestion and increase the likelihood of sinus blockage/infections taking hold and causing irreversible damage if an acute case of sinusitis doesnt clear within a couple of weeks it will become a chronic case which can last indefinitely. This situation then becoming further exacerbated by the original problem that started it.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:46 pm
by wnaysha
halitosisux wrote:Wnaysha,
Are you saying that bowels are responsible for the nasal odours?
They are not 100% responsible, but they do most of the job. Heres why: when u eat food (onions, garlic, or something else) ur stomach tries to digest it, it goes down to ur intestines n when u sleep at night, since its there, ur body tries to absorb more n more of it, so when it absorbs shit, ur blood smells like shit, sorry i have to use that word, n that shit smelling blood goes to your lungs where u breathe, inhale (take O, n release CO2) when rleasing CO2 u also release that shit smell through ur nose, so I think its not one thing causing bb to happen but multiple reasons.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:06 pm
by halitosisux
Hi wnaysha,
Thanx for replying, and i also apologise in advance for graphic terms.
I agree on what you said regarding the pathway for onion-breath etc, but...
IF this is the pathway for the bowels to cause shit breath, why doesnt everyone with a tendancy to get onion breath in this way also have shit breath when they havent eaten onions? I can tell you with 100% certainty that people i know who eat spicy foods and get garlic/onion breath are normally completely BB-free.

My opinion on the bowel connection to the fecal odours in the breath is that they are old-wives tales from the days when bacteria hadnt even been discovered and it was not yet realised that some of the bacteria which live in the gut also live in the mouth - some 600 different species so-far identified.

the cure

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:53 pm
by good breath now
Hello fello sufferers, I have had this problem ever since i can remember. I want to share the cure with you, I tried dr Katz and all the other profresh etc...In my case I believe it starts in the gut, besides that I have food intolorances, and it gets even worse if I do dairy, I also stay away from eggs, and wheat, this could be differant for others.... if a food bothers you will get gassy and frequent bathroom visits. I have 3 natural antibiotics that I take, even natural antibiotics should be followed by probiotics several hours or more after taking the last antibiotic for the day, I don't believe natural antibiotics only kill the bad bacteria, also I am staying away from any sugar even fruit juice which feeds the bacteria and makes the problem worse. I now only drink water. I wanted to get this info to you so I haven't had a chance to test fresh fruit yet. first I'll mention the natural antibioitics I take,

Colloida silver > Mesosilver......................................taken on an empty stomach, put in plastic spoon before taking
olive leaf extract > EAST PARK RESEARCH................pill form take anytime
oil of oragano > North american herbs and spice ....take 3 to 5 drops under tounge, hold for a minute, wash down with water

It seems like after a day or two on this if I follow the diet my breath stays good, so I only need one olive leaf extract per day its almost like there's this bad bacteria in you once you kill it and replace it with some good bacteria you might not have to take it as much. I am going out tonight and don,t want to take any chances so I am going to take an olive leaf extract a few hrs before I go out. I used to think it was protean that might be doing it but the last couple of days I have only been eating meat, I also read once that this gut problem can also cause bacteria at the back of the tongue also, I believe this because when I tested a small amount of orange juice and then apple juice I got a bad breath reading it only lasted a couple of minutes, I drank water to flush away. and was fine after that, If your problem is PND I would think this would help you also it all comes down to bacteria, ...if your worried about becomming ammune colloidal silver and some of the other claim that won't happen with their product. but just incase switching from one to the other should prevent that. good luck

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:24 pm
by ElGrizzle
I went through a book of diseases last night. there are over 64 disease of the mouth alone, and many more of the throat and nose.

None of them contain symptoms of bad breath without some very obvious symptoms like bleeding or burning pain etc. And out of mouth/tongue diseases I went through only one was coupled with bad breath, and it had some rare and intense symptoms.

We all have had our mouths checked by dentists, and even we can tell that they are healthy. If we have coatings on the back of the tongue that means there is bacteria in the intestine.

Bacterial overgrowth is the cause.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:06 pm
by snoopsister
it definetly is stomach for me.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:49 am
by wnaysha

It is just so SAD that we all have BB because of Stomach problems, and there r ppl here trying to convince us that we don't. WELL IT S OUR BODY, N WE R THE ONES SUFFERING, I JUST DON'T KNOW WHY SOMEONE HAS TO DISTRACT US FROM FINDING THE CURE,

OK, We all have stomach problem, that tells us bb is related to stomach and it is caused by STOMACH,

i wish i could yell it out loud in their ears and blow their heads up with my voice.


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:59 am
by halitosisux
wnaysha when you can come on here completely cured, with a full explanation of what was causing your BB, then people might start believing in it. To claim that constipation ALONE can cause BB is absurd. Anyone who thinks they have BB because they are constipated is probably just detecting a *very slight* release of odour from their lungs or their other secretions, but its NOTHING to do with the types of BB experienced by the people on this site.
Yes, digestive problems can lead to poor general health which can lead to other problems leading to BB, but most digestive issues are controllable and once health improves, the causes of the BB can be diagnosed and dealt with.
Dont you think that your theories and any other ideas you may get havent been tried before? did anyone genuinely get cured by candida diets, liver flushes and all the other fad NONSENSE out there? Most people with BB dont even have reliable feedback on their problem, so what sense can these people be making when a cure corresponds to the amount of times people rubbed their noses or coughed or spluttered.
ITS A F*****G CRAZY PROBLEM which leads to illogical and irrational CRAZINESS that makes people dismiss the LIKELY for the UNLIKELY because the UNLIKELY means you can just spend years farting around with things at home like different diets as an EXCUSE not to GET OUT THERE trying the LOGICAL.

The fact is wnaysha, the causes of BB ARE known. And while MANY people have dental problems and all it took was ONE single wisdom tooth to completely RUIN my life for the last 20 years, i think people need to hear about that and NOT endless nonsense which has all been tried again and again and again.