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dose anybody have other oder besides bb??

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dose anybody have other oder besides bb??

Post by keepfaith »

iv had bb for 22 yr .( ... i was always a really panic kid stessd anxity...and as i got older i developed a underarm smell also...dose anybody else have this to???? i feel like it may be my body temperatue cause iv heard people say my bb is hot make jokes that im on fire...and soooo many mean thing...and i meet a man that had the same issue....i could smell his bb and it was hot he was chewing gum and his breath was hot and i went to see the Dr for breath treatment and he told me he hears that alot...ofcourse alll his stuff he sold me did not work......????? sorry im a bad speller lol

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Post by FedUp »

I sometimes get funky under arm odor but it's strange because it''s only my right arm pit that produces this odor. My breath is hot when I breathe against my hand, but the further forward I move my hand the cooler it gets.
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Post by flavouredpig »

Hi Keepfaith, I had excessive sweating (and along came with it body odour) at the end of my 13th year of life until I was 21 or 22 years old. At the start of high school (year 7) I started becoming really anxious because I discovered boys and I think that resulted in a constantly aroused autonomic system which resulted in excessive sweating over time. I had anxieties throughout high school (high school in Australia is year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12) and so my sweating continued throughout high school. After I got out of high school and I was 18, I could finally go to the doctor without a guardian/parent, so I did and I was determined to find a solution to this excessive sweating problem, my general practitioner referred me to a dermatologist, who referred me to a specialist for my excessive sweating, the surgeon (specialist) told me to consider other methods before considering surgery but I decided surgery was the best option. so after a few years on the waiting list for elective surgery, I went into an outpatient hospital (I fasted since 9pm the night before and I went into surgery the next day at around 5 or 6pm) to get the endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy surgery where they cut one of the nerves that led to my underarms (which was located somewhere on either sides of the chest), they did this on both sides (for both underarms). I stayed the night in hospital, my chest felt extremely painful, then I was discharged with medications to take for about a week (I think the medications were antibiotics and painkillers). I couldn't work for about a week because that was the surgeon's orders. So after that week I went back to work, and I noticed that my back and thighs has started to sweat (before this surgery my back and thighs don't sweat, just underarms and hairline/forehead/back of neck area sweated a lot when it was hot but underarms I sweat even in winter), I noticed that my hairline/forehead/back of neck area has stopped sweating, it remains dry until this day. So I still had excessive sweating (which comes with body odour unfortunately). So I went back to the surgeon, I told him it didn't work and he referred me to a neuropsychologist. I made an appointment and went to see the neuropsychologist, she suggested I give botox injections a try (for free, paid by medicare), so I said okay and then I went back to her again the following week and got botox injections. I asked her if I needed to wear any deodorant and she said if I want to but it wouldn't matter because my underarms won't sweat and she also said that within about 3 or 4 or 5 days I would see the result of the botox. So within about 3 days I noticed that my underarms has stopped sweating completely (even though my back and thighs still sweat) and I didn't even have to wear deodorant or antiperspirant. The botox lasted about 5 to 6 months, and then I went to get botox injections again (this time I went somewhere else because I moved away, so I had to pay $1500 for both underarms and this was like a discount price too). after six months later, I went back for underarm injections again (Well I didn't go straight away after six months because I was short on money and so I waited and tried my best to keep my underarms dry until the 8th or 9 month mark and then I would go for another injection). After 4 botox injections over the period of about 2.5 to 3 years, the botox has started to not work as effectively on my underarms anymore, so now I have started wearing this rexona for men clinical protection anti-perspirant deodorant sport and this really helps. I also think that what helped the most was that I am now able to relax myself to prevent underarm sweating.

I know this post is long and that's because when I was younger (which was before I got the botox injections and was searching desperately on the internet for help), I wished people would detail as much as they can about their story to success (stopping underarm sweating) so that I could trust them. I didn't like reading suggestions like "I got botox injections and it worked for me" because it sounded fake, like I become sceptical of it about whether they were advertising botox or that they don't truly understand how a person with excessive sweating feels about stopping this sweating forever and not just temporarily. So I hope this post helps you. Also, now I do still sweat but hardly much and that's because I am able to control my state of arousal because I use the memory of how I felt when I still had botox injections and I was sitting in the front row of the classes (I go to uni) and nobody is spraying deodorant around my back or making cruel comments about taking showers. So I was able to use my experience of not sweating (due to the botox) to calm myself down when I feel heated up and feel like i'm about to sweat. Also, that deodorant, the rexona for men clinical protection really worked for me, perhaps you might like to try that first and see if it works first (perhaps botox might be too expensive for you to afford at the moment). I hope this helps Keepfaith. I would love to hear any thoughts you have on this matter, I'd like to know your progress. Thank you.
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Post by rikki »

I have moderate BO as well as BB. It gets much worse when I eat sugar and carbs. Even if I eat eat fruit my BO gets worse. I tried taking antibiotics in January (a strong dose of amoxicillin and clarithromycin) praying that it would help my bb. For the first three days, my bb was gone, but it slowly came back with a vengeance even while still finishing the course of antibiotics. After the 7 day course my BO was so bad. I was literally emitting a foul odor from my pores worse than ever before. In addition to this, my IBS was at its worst from the antibiotics. I completely cut out all sugar and carbs from my diet and took massive amounts of probiotics (not sure if this made a difference) and within 2 weeks my BO returned to being just moderate as opposed to horrid. I believe that this has to be some sort of bacteria. What else would be causing our bodies to emit odor? Aside from the BO, do any of you also have IBS like symptoms?
Also, I find that my BO is worse from nervous sweating than it us from heat sweating (this is common in most people though) however I sweat a lot, and constantly! More than the average man and I am a 120lbs woman.
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Post by keepfaith »

Hi....yes im goin to tr botox im sure its so painful? I use the underarm pad...i feel those pads help soo much..the attach to your also 125 and sweat like a man.milk of magnesium helps so much..i apply it like deodorant 3 times a day.. I use aluminum free deodorant thats what dr told me to use...oh and i wash my clothes with importent...and stay away from polyester..i dnt know if anyone of u are mothers but if ur wondering if u got pg would u give ur baby bb...well i just had one..and shes bb free..i was so keep u posted
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Post by keepfaith »

Hi....yes im goin to tr botox im sure its so painful? I use the underarm pad...i feel those pads help soo much..the attach to your also 125 and sweat like a man.milk of magnesium helps so much..i apply it like deodorant 3 times a day.. I use aluminum free deodorant thats what dr told me to use...oh and i wash my clothes with importent...and stay away from polyester..i dnt know if anyone of u are mothers but if ur wondering if u got pg would u give ur baby bb...well i just had one..and shes bb free..i was so keep u posted
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Post by flavouredpig »

Botox injections are painful for about 5 minutes (on each underarm). maybe it could've been 2 minutes or so but it felt like the pain was 5 minutes long. But perhaps you could ask the doctor for an ice pack or some ice to put on your underarms to numb the area a bit first prior to having the injections Keepfaith. I'm not a mother but I don't think that bb can be passed onto your children unless you passed a gene like tmau (Trimethylaminuria) to your baby (if you do have Trimethylaminuria of course). I agree with wearing thin flowy fabrics that allow your skin to breathe, in summer I usually wear shirts or dresses that are spaghetti straps so it exposes my back and my underarms. I would love to hear the results of the botox if you do choose to try it out Keepfaith. Thank you.
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Post by billie »

Yep, I smell like shit when not following a diet high in veggies. My bo is really bad right now and the smell is worse under my right armpit.
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Post by loyd99 »

research tmau an seek out a gut specalist would be my advice
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