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Tongue coating is not bacteria, it's Keratin, who knew?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:35 pm
by asd
Who knew this already? I find it quite a revelation to me. All of the mainstream oral 'experts' just say its bacteria, which is even more evidence they lie.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:40 pm
by asd
I researched t, its buildup is causes either because the diet is too soft and it is not broken down, or because the tongue is irritated enough for the keratin production to be higher than its rate of removal. Kinda interesting for me. What irritates the tongue is hot drinks and tobacco (presumably acid from reflux too, and maybe some other things).

Re: Tongue coating is not bacteria, it's Keratin, who knew?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:15 am
by sharon
From Chinese medicine, white and moist tongue usually means you have too much moist in your body, especially when you don't feel like thirsty often. I knew the white coating is not 100% bacteria.
asd wrote:Who knew this already? I find it quite a revelation to me. All of the mainstream oral 'experts' just say its bacteria, which is even more evidence they lie.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:40 am
by Snobuni
It still seems important to scrape this coating off though? As the bacteria are living beneath it and perhaps feeding on it. So the way to get rid of a tongue coating will be to stop eating foods which irritate the tongue rather thatn scraping it several times a day? I've noticed that my bb is worse after scraping my tongue, brushing my teeth and drinking hot herbal teas. I also like my food very very hot (temperature not spice), maybe I should try eating it when it's a bit cooler.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:39 pm
by halitosisux
Snobuni, welcome back!
try this for 10 days... dont touch your tongue, no scraping, no brushing, no mouthwashes, nothing.
Just eat some toast or something dry with your breakfast, and after 10 days come back and say whether your tongue cleaning rituals make the slightest difference to your BB compared to leaving it alone.
The keratin is the tips of the papillae that toughen when they get injured and by brushing and scraping you are just creating a vicious circle. Normal eating and drinking keeps a soft tongue coating, which normal abrasion will take care of.
This whole business of tongue scraping i think has been created by katz & co. to hook people into this whole concept so that you feel compelled to try as harder and harder, buying expensive shit which doesnt make any difference.
If you have a coating because of dehydration, that's another matter. Deal with the hydration.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:50 pm
by iva

I left my tongue in peace for 4 days and it was pink and ok.
Scraping is not Katz` invention; it is smth old people also recommend, they just tell u to do it with a spoon.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:57 pm
by halitosisux
yeah, i should have said promote, not create.
They probably make all this fuss about bacteria on the tongue being the sole cause of the odours there, but after my own experience, now that i know what the characteristics of a normal tongue are supposed to be, im thinking they just fool people into thinking we just just happen to have "excessive bacterial activity" and need to do what they say, when the truth is that the odours are coming from somewhere else which just happen to contaminate the tongue surface.
I may be wrong, but i know that's what happened with me.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:15 pm
by asd
By making us believe we have BB just because of bacterial overgrowth, while giving no reasons for the overgrowth, they are setting themselves up in a moneymaking position. It's excactly the sort of technique they always use. If everyone sees their coated tongue and goes oh yea thats the cause and spends time scraping it off that is what they want.

But ha in your f***ing face!! I am cured without buying your stupid shit and so will loads more.

You are going down halitomafia

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:13 pm
by Snobuni
Hi Halitosisux,

Is keratin not also dead skin cells, like hair and nails? Doesn't this feed the bacteria? Also, doesn't the tongue coating contain the excretia of bacteria (ie sulphur compounds?) You think we don't need to remove this at all?

The thought of not scraping my tongue really scares me, but I'm willing to give it a go. I used to think that way about my antibacterial mouthwashes, but when I stopped using those my mouth became alot more moist and my bb, although it didn't get any better, it didn't get any worse.

It's so strange, how it's drummed into us to clean our tongues and use mouthwash, when in reality these things, at best, work temporarily, and at worst, increase the conditions that bb bacteria love.

I have had a wee bit of a decrease in my bb this past week, I don't want to start a thread about it, 'cos I'm not sure how real it is, but I started using my steriod nasal spray again a couple of days before my antibiotics finished. I'd say there's been a small improvement in my bb and the smell I get from my mucous seems to have lessened. It's by no means gone away, and it's still very bad after scraping and brushing, and in the morning. I'm not sure what to make of this...

I'll stop the tongue scraping and see what happens though, did you stop even running your toothbrush over it?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:38 pm
by OdourFree
asd, well put. I think that even 'halitosis-free' people would find this site a revelation when it comes to using all these supposed miracle breath freshening/halitosis cure products, and realise that most of them are a scam. My husband, whose breath smells 'sweet as a nut' all day with or without using mouthwash has a panic attack when we run out - it just shows how brainwashed we all are. In 16 years of putting all sorts of c**p in my mouth there is only one mouth rinse that I feel has had any impact on my breath, and even then it is one people could make at home because the active ingredients are quite easily available.

Halitosisux, I've been slowly weaning myself off the twice daily scrapping and brushing of the tongue routine after you mentioned on another thread how we end up in a vicious cycle. What we don't realise is that the white, furry stuff on the tongue is going to win every time. Although the taste and smell are slightly less after I scrape, it is short-lived.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:21 pm
by asd
To be honest it may be good to just forget any information you have read about BB outside of this forum.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:11 am
by never_bn_kissed
sorry guys but I just can't believe that the white coating is a normal thing

whether its on TV or in real life, i've noticed that the people with no breath smells have perfectly pink smooth tongues, while those with bad breath have white coating and bumps all over the tongue (oddly, i have lots of gross bumps under the tongue, but not so much above it)

i've also noticed that when i scrape/tung and clean my tongue until its pink-ish, my smell and taste greatly improve which has been my indicator for better breath

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:13 am
by asd
loads of ppl have coated tongues and no BB. Fact.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:26 am
by halitosisux
From my own experience, i used to have an awful smelling tongue. I had no idea why. I used to brush it. Then i had a tonsillectomy because i was convinced the stink from my tonsils must be the reason. Turned out it wasnt. I had no clue why my tongue stunk, but i suspected like most people it was all this bacteria which live on there. I had and still have quite a lot of clear odourless PND and i just assumed it might be this feeding the bacteria and i was powerless to do anything about it. But i realised that leaving my tongue completely alone was the same for my breath as spending 10 mins twice a day scrubbing it, so what's the point? Then i soon realised that unslightly coating was far less leaving it alone than by anything i could achieve by physical removal.
Now i've had this wisdom tooth out, neither my tongue or my breath smell anymore. I still have the same bacteria in my mouth of course, but my tongue isnt being contaminated with odourous discharge from my tooth pocket.
So my conclusion from this is that only when something favours bacterial overgrowth on the tongue, such as dehydration, is the bacteria OF the tongue responsible for the odour on it (as happens to just about everyone during sleep).
The fresh breath industry just wants us to believe we have excessive bacterial activity on our tongues - absolutely amazing isnt it how NO ONE can give a definitive reason WHY that is so, apart from the obvious things which anyone who is fighting BB knows all about (like dryness).
In the position i now find myself in, its so obvious to me why people have smelly tongues that are giving them BB - its odour produced ELSEWHERE which contaminates the tongue. TEETH OR SINUSES most probably

True asd, i see many people with coated tongues without any BB. Its probably accurate to say that people with BB mostly tend to have coated tongues, but that's probably cos they all brush them!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:59 am
by asd
This is kind of surreal for me. I feel as if we are really getting somewhere, 6 months ago we were clueless. I never thought we would get any answers.