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WTF the tonsil stone?!

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Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:41 am

WTF the tonsil stone?!

Post by sharon »

So the day before yesturday I finally made a visit to Dr.Krespi. To my disappointment, Dr.Krespi didn't find anything very wrong with me, the most disappointing thing is he didn't see any tonsil stone there, and he didn't admit I have bad breath. maybe he's right, I do have no tonsil stones for almost a year. My problem is somewhere deeper hidden.

I was told to find a new position the same day by my advisor. I've already have nothing to lose. On my way home I bought in beef, chicken, shrimps, foods I've not touched for a long time, since the doctor said tonsil or sinus breath wont depend on diet. But anyway, I only had shrimps, bean curd, flaxseed oil and apples, which is the only deffrence on my diet than days before.

Today is the third day since my visit to the doctor. What's the hell? I spitted out a nasty stone! (gross, sorry!) for so long a time, after which I developed intense itchy inner ear at the position I feel the stone came out, also I blew out a lot of white gunks with mucus from my nose.

Now I'm totally confused. what am I going to do now? All these strange symptoms suddenly happened after I was told that my sinuses, tonsils, ear all look good???!!! WTF???