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Post by hali_grl »

Ok everyone the holidays are right around the corner and I'm sure that everyone of us may have been shut off from alot of friends and family while suffering from this horrendous malody. I'm just wondering fefore this holiday season is anyone trying or thinking of trying something new? I know for a fact none of us want to spend the holidays season at a party (the brave ones) worrying about bb. Before last Christmas I spend every holiday, birthday, and family gathering with my loved ones. It was until this year that I stop showing up for birthday parties, dinners, graduations, and even Thanksgiving dinner. All of this happen because of the horrible Christmas I had last year. I stated this on a prev post so I won't go into detail but a distant cousin who I hadn't seen in years before the bb (probably drunk slightly) was making reallly nasty comments subliminally literally right behind my back. I was in ear distance from him and he spoke loud enough so i can hear. My brother and his friends were laughing and it just made me really uncomfortable so I went home immediately i didn't want tosee anyone not even my boyfriend at the time that night and once in my sanctuary I just began crying and crying and crying. I spent Christmas night alone crying my heart out writing a letter to God asking him why me? I was very suicidal that night and if it wasn't for my strength I would've gave up. It's something for strangers to talk about us like that but when it's family it cuts even painful. I can't spend another Christmas like that. That's why I'm trying anything in my power to control this thing before the holidays I haven't spent real time with my family in a year I miss them. I hope others are out their like me and not just accepting another holiday in the dumps but actually find ways to beat or at least manage this problem. Let us know.......

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Post by hali_grl »

c'mon guys im suprised and baffled that no one else other than is trying anything new before the holiday season? :-k I hear alot of sad stories and theories about things that may be the issue or may help but it seems no one is actually doing the leg work to try these things out and see. Lets not accept this we have to fight! I know its tough especially if it doesn't work but atleast you know you've tried those who don't try never fail, but those who don't try never succeed either. Let's always dust ourselves off and try again no matter how many times we fall.
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Post by elliott »

I don't need any additional pressure on myself. Really the holidays are just another day fo me. My life is all about trying to keep a job while my breath is likely to take another one away from me, and I'm gonna have to go thru the interview process again. I don't think it's going to be easy to get a job this time, I was lucky the last. I am going to be homeless soon, because I am late on rent and have went to court on it. My health is getting bad.

I'm not worried about 1 or 2 days in winter, I am worried about which street I plan to live on, how to stay warm, and which method I'll use to get $ from people, since a homeless guy with BB is less likely to be able to beg in crowds.

Holidays come and go. BB is here everyday every second of our lives, this life is worse then death imo. Life with no joy is pointless. Trying to fake joy for the holidays just makes it harder. YMMV. The one thing I will be is honest about how I feel about this, so save the "oh be positive, don't tell us how you really feel, we only want to hear that the cure is coming soon"
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Post by hali_grl »


Im not saying try to find cures for your breath ONLY because the holidays are coming I'm just saying that it's surprising that it doesn't get us extra motivated to do so especially if in the process of losing your job and becoming homeless. That would just give me more reasons to fight and try to beat this thing even more.

I first came to this site in your same position if you look at my first post I spoke about my prev job hating work going in my car on breaks crying my eyes out the anxiety of my bb on top of the insensitivity of my co-workers caused me to quit. But like you said I'm a positive person just like i faithfully spend hours looking for ways to beat my bb, i was equally faithfully looking for a legitiamte online job. Which I currently have and love as well as going back to school online as well.

My point in this is we can either wallow in our suffering or do something about it. If you believe your bb will cause u to lose your job or not be able to keep a roof over your head etc Isn't that more than enough ammo to beat it? that's all im saying.....

Also, do u really want to just sit back and hear the cure is coming soon meanwhile everything around you is falling apart. C'mon don't go out like that. We are the cure no bb guru is going to cure us they may come out with a miracle solution to control bb but curing where is the profit in that? Be your own advocate.
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Post by Phantasist »

I am not enamored of Dr. Katz's products because I tried his whole regimen several years ago and it didn't work for me. Besides, everyone on this website thinks Katz is a scammer, which he probably is. However, two of his products seem to greatly diminish my bad breath for several hours.
After regular brushing and tongue scraping with a U-shaped copper scraper that reaches all the way back, I bend my head down and vigorously clear the mucus out of my throat. (I think the stale mucus is a breeding ground for bacteria.) Then I brush my tongue (as far back as possible) with TheraBreath Plus toothpaste with OXYD-8 and Zinc Rx and then rinse with TheraBreath Plus Oral Rinse with OXYD-8 and Zinc Rx. This is not a cure for bad breath because the odor always comes back, but it is a great help to me in most situations where I have to be fairly close to people, such as meetings.
As far as the holidays are concerned, I don't visit with my family. But I'm lucky in one respect: I do have one friend who comes to visit me, and he seems to be fairly oblivious to my breath odor, so I feel comfortable with him.
The hand we are dealt is fate. How we play the cards is free will.
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