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I'm cured. Hope my story can help you.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:32 pm
by curedfor2years

The reason why I am posting my story is because I remember how my bad breath was ruining my ability to communicate at work and socially.

I had bad breath for about 3 years.. it was pretty bad. People would always ask if someone had farted. I would play along, knowing full well it was probably my breath. It was awful.

As most of you know, the problem is anaerobic bacteria.

Anyway.. to get to the point. I'm now cured and this is how I did it. Hopefully it will work for you as well... I feel really bad for people who are going through what i went through.

1) a one week course of metronidazole prescribed by the doctor (DO NOT take antibiotics long term - i've seen this suggested and it is crazy. Not only are you harming yourself, but you are also creating strains of superbacteria that will end up harming the rest of us as well. Don't be selfish, don't do it.) I have not needed to go back onto metronidazole after this one week course.... If my breath starts going bad, i increase the frequency and intensity of the regime below.
2) A regular toothbrush to brush my tongue. I do this for about 3-5 mins in the morning and in the evening. I continue to do it until i can lick the back of my hand (especially with the back parts of the tongue) and it doesn't smell. You have to try and clean the back of your tongue as well. This may cause you to gag, especially in the early morning). Gag reflex can be stopped to some extent by squeezing the tip of your tongue with your free hand). Brush as far back as you can go without vomiting. Sometimes you will gag... at least you know you're getting far back enough!! You're less likely to gag if you brush from the back to the front rather than from front to back. Get rid of all the white/green gunk from your tongue using this method.

3) Dental Floss - Floss your teeth well. Smell the floss after each tooth and check the colour. If it's yellow and/or smells, keep going. If it bleeds, you probably have gum disease or you haven't flossed in a while.

4) Electric toothbrush. Don't brush too hard but brush thoroughly and methodically. You'll realise that it's your tongue that caused the bad breath, not your teeth..unless you haven't flossed. So go easy on your teeth!

5) A VSC eliminating dental mouthwash (i use VSC dentyl and did use retardex, but it was a bit expensive).. Once I have fininshed brushing I gargle a capful of the mouthwash. I rub my tongue across the roof of my mouth loads of times to ensure the mouthwash gets into the rough texture of the tongue, front and back. I also make the same movement with my tongue that you use to 'scratch' the back of your throat when it's itchy. This gets the mouthwash to the back as well. Then i gargle for 20 secs or so. My whole mouthwash regime lasts for 10 mins. I do this regime while i am showering. I do not know the negative effects of keeping mouthwash in my mouth for 10 mins. You should consult a doctor if you are not sure Do not rinse your mouth with water when you have finished.

6) Drink water every couple of hours and stay hydrated. My bad breath will start to come back if i'm dehydrated. Check your breath at work by licking the back of your hand. If it smells, you have bad breath. The more it smells, the worse is your breath. If you don't have any mouthwash to hand, gargle some water thoroughly and with the water in your mouth, rub the roof of your mouth loads with your tongue until your saliva doesn't smell anymore. Spit the water and repeat if necessary.

My bad breath will come back gradually if i don't follow the above. If i don't do the above for one day, my breath is bad. If i don't do the above for 3 days, my breath is back to how it used to be!!!

But i have to say that I am cured. I never worry about my breath any more and I can talk to people up close, face to face, without needing to turn my head away when i talk. I haven't heard the "has someone farted" comment for years!

OH and one more thing, I get 'post nasal drip' quite badly. For this reason, my breath gets stale quicker than it would for other people, but with the above, it's definitely not ruining my life anymore.

I really hope this works for some of you. Let me know the results!


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:27 pm
by Susie
Wow! Congratulations! It sounds like your curse has been lifted!


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:53 pm
by asd
so basicly you improved oral hygiene and took antibiotics sometime in the time you suffered from BB. And you still are highly susceptible to BB but you are using a strict regime to keep it at bay.

Maybeits just me but my vision of being cured from BB would be not having to do all this extra shit just to keep breath at a tolerable level whilst always panicing and drinking water.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:59 am
by curedfor2years
I don't panic about BB anymore, ever, because I know it's completely under control. In fact, although I wrote it above, I don't actually need to drink water every two hours to keep it at bay. I often go the whole day at work without drinking any water and my breath is perfectly fine. However, I said that I drink water every 2 hours because: a) I really ought to - I think my senses that tell me I'm 'thirsty' are slightly distorted so I have a tendency to be dehydrated which is bad for my skin (i get eczema as a result) b) anaerobic bacteria thrive in a dehydrated mouth. c) if others on this forum are more susceptible to bad breath than me, it *could* be because they are more dehydrated than me and therefore should drink more water than me.

The turning point was the metronidazole. Before that, my oral hygiene was just as thorough as it is now, if not more. (i haven't had a tooth filling in 17 years...) I tried everything from nasal flushes to tea tree oil and my bad breath would come back within 1 or two hours. I would scrub and scrape my tongue until it bled and I'd brush my teeth for ages - and then gargle with mouthwashes (i've tried nearly all of them) I also tried humidifiers and changing my diet. Things got so bad that I even smoked cigarettes just to mask the smell when I was in pubs and clubs. I was at a really low point in my life and effectively turned into a social recluse.

However, the metronidazole restored the bacteria balance in my mouth. I was shocked at how much this helped. Prior to that, I guess I had cultivated far too much anaerobic bacteria and I was unable to get rid of them. I assume they were growing in areas at the back of my tongue, mouth, oesophagus, tonsils etc..that I couldn't reach. The regime I do now prevents this overgrowth from happening to such a chronic extent. Yes, it is quite onerous, and i'd rather wake up and spend just 3 mins on my mouth, but I know that it has to be done.

But, I have accepted that I am more susceptible to bad breath than other people - probably because of a combination of my dehydration (which i assume leads to eczema, hayfever and post nasal drip), just as some people are more susceptible to BO or dandruff etc.. The environment in your mouth and anaerobic activity is dependent on so many variables that a single 'miracle cure' (not involving antibiotics) would not work for everyone. The best thing you can do is eliminate as many of the variables as possible.

There will be rare occasions, usually when I'm hungover, dehydrated and haven't been as thorough on my oral hygiene, when my breath is 'bad'. But it's never like it used to be. This is normal, everyone gets it.

by the way, it's almost impossible to smell your own breath, unless there is an instant change in its smell that your brain has not become conditioned to. The best way is to lick the back of your hand with the whole of your tongue, including as far back as possible, let it dry, then smell it. It's a good indicator of the smell.

There are times when I think my breath reeks (because of how my mouth feels), but when I lick the back of my hand and smell it, there's nothing. My girlfriend has confirmed that there are times when I think my breath is horrendous, and it doesn't smell at all.

The regime i have posted works 100% for me, it only takes up about 25 mins a day, and if it works for just one other person, then I will be glad that I posted it.

Good luck!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:08 pm
by halitosisux
There are lots of cases of people being cured of chronic bb by a simple course of metronidazole. This could well be for the reasons you've suggested as well as other bacterial reasons such as nasal/sinus infections or mild gum problems. Parasites are also known to be potential causes of chronic bb and if im correct metronidazole is also used against certain types parasites. It will be interesting to hear more of your views because this particular antibiotic has been discussed many times on this forum. Have you ever had any symptoms of h. pylori for instance, or is there anything you suspect may have been eradicated with metronidazole.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:17 am
by ginger tabby
can I share my experience too?

I hope you dont mind. My English is not really good but I hope you can understand what I am about to tell you.

Well... I had my bb problem for about 12 years and I have been using many products like Breeze Bad breath which is quite expensive for me. I even use herbs to cure my bb problems but it didnt improve my bb problem. :(

Last week I read about ancient ways on how to clean the mouth. This practice still being followed in Muslim countries. They use a natural toothbrush made from a twig of Salvadora persica tree which is called Miswak. In some countries they use olive or walnut.

After reading all the benefits of Miswak, I asked my husband to drive me to a nearby Muslim bookshop called ' Darul Khutub' and bought a couple of miswak.

So before I went to the bed that night, I brushed my teeth like usual and then I started Miswak experiment by following the instruction on the package. Something like this :



Simply scrape off about half an inch from the tip.


Then chew the tip gently until brush-like


Start brushing horizontally.


After brushing wash the tip.


Store miswak in packet provided so it doesn’t become dirty.


Before going sleep store the miswak in a glass filled with water and put the part of the miswak that was used and leave it overnight to be soaked.


In the morning cut the bristles and start from step one again, this ensures u have clean bristles every day so that it is more hygienic and effective.

source: ... 32&Itemid=

When I woke up the next day, I felt really fresh. Even my husband was amazed by my new finding cure for my bb problems.

Since that day, I change my way of cleaning my mouth. Morning, after lunch, after dinner and before bedtime I'll floss my teeth then brush it and rinse it. Then I wet the Miswak tip before brushing it to my teeth, gum and even use it as tongue scrapper. At first it taste a bit bitter but I get used to the taste. When I soak Miswak with a glass of water overnight, I'll use the water as mouthwash.

Even if I forgot to use my Miswak, the bad smell never returned. Thank God I found this cure. I dont have to spend hundreds just to cure my bad breath. I bought Miswak for about Rm 1.00 for one stick. It lasts for about a week.

I am really happy with my new cure. So I am so excited and try to find a bad breath forum so I can share it with others who have bb problems.

I dont do this for money, I cant be a millionaire by selling Miswak sticks/ twigs :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Actually I promised to myself if I find a cure for my bad breath problem, I would spread this info to bad breath suffers.

Thank you for reading this. :mrgreen: .

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:47 pm
by billie
I used this miswak thing a couple of yeares ago.
This guy from somali gave it to me and it does make your teeth white.
I used it also for like a week but it did not help.
But my problem is candida i think, so that´s why it did not help.

Anyway i´m tired of this s__t so i´m going to the doctor tomorrow and let him look at my tongue. cause i have hairy tongue And i think that is the problem

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:09 pm
by ginger tabby
billie wrote:I used this miswak thing a couple of yeares ago.
This guy from somali gave it to me and it does make your teeth white.
I used it also for like a week but it did not help.
But my problem is candida i think, so that´s why it did not help.

Anyway i´m tired of this s__t so i´m going to the doctor tomorrow and let him look at my tongue. cause i have hairy tongue And i think that is the problem
Poor soul. Billie did he show you on how to use it? There are some simple steps on using Miswak. A friend of mine said if we dont follow the right steps, we wont get the benefits of Miswak.

I dont spit out my saliva when I use the Miswak. I just swallow it because it contains the antibacterial from Miswak.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:22 pm
by billie
His sisters told us to bite the top so becomes a brush and then just clean your teeth with it. We would just sit in front of the tv and then clean our teeth.
I think this is for people who have gum problem and not for people like me.

But thanx anyway for sharing this with us :)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:40 pm
by ginger tabby
billie wrote:His sisters told us to bite the top so becomes a brush and then just clean your teeth with it. We would just sit in front of the tv and then clean our teeth.
I think this is for people who have gum problem and not for people like me.

But thanx anyway for sharing this with us :)
oh i see O:) ..well i use it to clean my teeth, gum n tongue..5 times a day.. that's pretty intense LOL. Everytime i feel something taste funny in my mouth, i just grabbed my Miswak and start cleaning my mouth again. 8-[

before using Miswak I went to see many specialists, hygenist, ENT .. they checked my nose.. ears and throat :( :( :( even they put a small camera into my nose just want to see what's wrong with me. They said.. I was fine. No sinus, no tonsil no problem. I just had an acute halitosis and dont know where it came from!!!

Miswak was my last resort. I know I am still at the stage of experimenting this wee twig. So far it works.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:42 pm
by ThisSucks
Yep, good oral hygiene cured me too:


But some people just don't wanna listen and take good care of their teeth. How the hell do you want to cure your breath when you have yellow teeth with plaque?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:07 am
by Shekaib
Where can I get Metrozinadole from? Does it have to be prescribed by a doctor?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:11 am
by Shekaib
ThisSucks wrote:Yep, good oral hygiene cured me too:


But some people just don't wanna listen and take good care of their teeth. How the hell do you want to cure your breath when you have yellow teeth with plaque?
Thx for your post dude. It was really helpful! The symptoms you described are the same ones I suffer from. I grew up in a 3rd world country and had a lot of medical problems. So, oral hygiene was NOT a priority for me at the time. I guess I'm paying the price for it now.

Question: Because of my poor oral hygiene in my childhood (not I'm 20), my teeth are somewhat a light shade of yellow. In pictures and everything, it looks white. But when I smile in the mirror, I know it's light-yellow. Could this also contribute to the odor in my mouth?

Re: I'm cured. Hope my story can help you.

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 10:16 pm
by Steve
I've tried to buy Metrozinadole and can't due to my gender. I've been refused in UK. Any suggestions or sites ?


Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 10:20 am
by Smilingagain
ginger tabby wrote: Tue May 12, 2009 2:17 am can I share my experience too?

I hope you dont mind. My English is not really good but I hope you can understand what I am about to tell you.

Well... I had my bb problem for about 12 years and I have been using many products like Breeze Bad breath which is quite expensive for me. I even use herbs to cure my bb problems but it didnt improve my bb problem. :(

Last week I read about ancient ways on how to clean the mouth. This practice still being followed in Muslim countries. They use a natural toothbrush made from a twig of Salvadora persica tree which is called Miswak. In some countries they use olive or walnut.


Start brushing horizontally.


After brushing wash the tip.


In the morning cut the bristles and start from step one again, this ensures u have clean bristles every day so that it is more hygienic and effective.

source: ... 32&Itemid=

I am really happy with my new cure. So I am so excited and try to find a bad breath forum so I can share it with others who have bb problems.

I dont do this for money, I cant be a millionaire by selling Miswak sticks/ twigs :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Actually I promised to myself if I find a cure for my bad breath problem, I would spread this info to bad breath suffers.

Thank you for reading this. :mrgreen: .

"...My English is not really good but I hope you can understand what I am about to tell you..."

"... I had my bb problem for about 12 years and I have been using many products like Breeze Bad breath which is quite expensive for me. I even use herbs to cure my bb problems but it didnt improve my bb problem...."

@ginger tabby, i know the admin will post his comment or opinion in regard's to your comment.

Why should the member's of this community take your comment into consideration? question #1

according to you, you've suffered from bad breath for about 12 year's plus
You signed-up on this forum in 2009 right before me ( currently i'm an advanced member) and uptil date you are still a newbies. meaning you've not be contributing or participating in order to interact,assist or share your idea's with other's.

And, suddenly now you cured and the best way is to start promoting product in here.

well, this is not convincing personally to me but, i will have to dig into this info's.

Thanks and sorry if, am being too harsh. we've seem a lot of spammer's come & go in here.
And, most of us have had enough is like adding salt to injury.

Sorry, this is just a personal opinion. i might be wrong.
