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Cant wait till I die

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:55 pm
by OneDay111
My death will be the greatest day of my life. As i right this half of me says death cant wait and the other half says how badly i dont want to die. I wish i could have a normal life as i write this i cry i weep. is god listening? the same one i worship i cant take this anymore someone just kill my. please man just fuccckkkkkkk killl
cant take it i cant take it ****ing KAOFNNKKILL MEEEE....

AS I edit this for the first time i decide to talk my emotional journey thru bb

sooo have i changed as a person? yes. what doesnt ****ing kill you makes you stronger get it how have i changed ? ive become kinderr and all. However as i see people happy my biology of my body changes i feel hate for them i hate hate hate... geett it?!??

I think ive gone crazy this is not a joke.... Why me u pathetic lunatic in the sky? as i think i wonder why do we think ppl with cancer is better i'll tell u why

Other ilneesses what ppl think:

Poor guy lets have a chat with him
He was a great guy

Think about us

****ing lunatic stinks
cant he brush his teeth
phsyfucking CO

oh and we cant speak ?

Someone help mee pleasleeeea ****ing help me ive gone crazy im currently tensing my mucsles as i right this, this is the end of OneDay111.....If i ever get cured i will tell you for now im leaving bb is getting into my head... trying 2 stay strong.

I will still see sight.............................sdpfdd


As i walk into my 5th Tonsillitis in 3 months i say to the man in the sky One Day... One Day...

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:27 am
by dreamweaver
I know, we all know what you're going through. I don't want to downplay or undermine what you're feeling, but I do want to offer some sincere advice to take your mind off your "at the moment" emotions. Take a walk, watch something funny on TV or online, drink some water, eat something you like to eat when you're angry or depressed. One thing that helps me when I'm down is writing, whether it's a poem or a complaint to God, or whatever I'm feeling at the moment.

Hang in there man. Everyone struggles in life. This is our struggle. We'll get through it, sooner or later.

Good luck.

Full-on strategy for One-Day

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:03 am
by Sara
Oneday, don't add to the problem by freaking out - it could dry your mouth or do other things to add to the problem.

What is your regime? Can you post it? That way people can advise you.

OK, now, Oneday, turn into SevenDay for a week.

Even if you have chronic tonsillitis you should be able to mitigate the bad breath symptoms with a full frontal assault on the bacteria. Remember, BB is caused by the side-effects of bacteria munching on protein etc in your system. Even if you have tonsillitis, you can get the bacteria out of your mouth. You just have to apply the techniques as often as necessary.

And you just have to make a start - I know that's hard when you're depressed.

Don't get into a frame of mind where you think it will take a long time.

Here's a one week strategy for your BB, followed by a maintenance strategy. Try it and report back!

Before you start
Do the breath test. Clean and dry the inside of your wrist. Lick it, let it dry for 10 seconds. Then sniff it. That is how your breath smells.

Hygiene tools:
For at home:
Each day, prepare a pint of salt water with the salt thoroughly dissolved
Soft toothbrush
Tooth floss
pro-biotic capsules (or powder)
Amosan mouthwash (sodium perborate monohydrage and sodium bitartrate)
Nasal spray (salt water)
Do not rinse your mouth with lemon juice or mouthwash with alcohol

Extra nutrition tools: only take the recommended daily allowance, other than vitamin C, which you can take up to the maximum.
Brazil nuts for selenium: four a day
Vitamins E, D, C
Magnesium, zinc, Iron, folic acid

Fresh mouth feel tools
A bunch of fresh mint every day
Fennel seeds
Cardamom pods
Take a "kit" of these items with you wherever you go.

What to do
on rising
Drink a pint of warm water on rising. (not the salt water!)
Do the nasal spray thing with at least 8 squirts on each side to clear out your sinuses.
After breakfast, salt water gargle 3 x 30 seconds (and I've note somewhere else on this site: "gargle six times a day! Who does that!" - well, I do!
Brush teeth, gums and tongue with salt water solution, gently. Always floss.
Then brush teeth with your usual toothpaste (not necessary)
Through the day
Drink a glass of water three times a day on top of your coffee or other intake.
Through the day, salt water gargle 10 minutes after EVERY time you eat. No exceptions. You will soon find that you won't bother to snack unless you're hungry, because you won't have the snack taste lingering. If you are embarrassed to gargle at work, take a jar of concentrated salt water with silk squares in it. In the cubicle, just rub around your mouth with the square, then dispose of it. After EVERY snack, chew a few mint leaves and a pod of cardamom and some fennel. Do this as many times a day as you feel like.

Monitor progress

If you get the feeling during the day that your breath is taking a turn for the worse, go somewhere where you can do the 'lick test' and do the full salt gargle thing.

Check your tongue for white coating - if it's there, max out the treatment.

If you aren't eating protein between meals, though, the bacteria won't have anything to feed on and your breath should stay in OK shape.

Do not overeat. Three meals a day and the correct no. of calories for your constitution and lifestyle. However, do not diet below the recommended calorie intake: dieting produces that awful ketone breath.
No soft drinks - including diet versions. Drink water.
No cheese
No citrus
Only eat protein at mealtimes; no protein in between meals. Have your main protein meal at night (so that your morning rinse etc will deal thoroughly with the bacteria who have snacked on the protein all night).
Eat fresh fruit four times a day, particularly grapes, pawpaw.
Eat leafy greens with lunch and dinner
Drink black coffee and tea only, other than at mealtime, or use cream rather than milk. Milk has protein.

If you feel strongly that the BB is coming from your gut, switch your diet radically to a diet that won't produce an acid constitution. That means, LOTS of fresh fruit, fresh veg, salad, and cut down on refined foods. Reduce your sugar consumption. Prepare foods from scratch. Eat good protein such as fish and meat. If you're vegetarian, try to avoid a lot of soy and rely on other pulses.

Take chlorophyl dose according to the directions
Take pro-biotics twice a day

In the evening
Do an extra careful salt water gargle
Clean your teeth gently and thoroughly, and floss
Do the nasal spray thing
Gargle with the Amosan

Do not drink a bedtime drink after this regime! If you do, you'll have to repeat it.

You'll need to keep the regime this intensive for as long as it takes. You will find that it works, and you simply up the intensity if you've, say, eaten protein in between meals, or any other thing. Luckily, you can do what you want - you just have to take mitigating steps.

As above - but you decide what's necessary. You'll find that you make it more or less intensive according to the specifics of the day ...

Good luck and report back!

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:30 am
Hi Oneday,

Please know that we are all here for you.

I know how you feel. Its like being stuck in a nightmare and we cant wake up.

Please dont stress out yourself anymore. Please reconsider because life is very precious.

I hope you and us all find peace one day. I am just like you looking for a cure.

Take care and dont give up.

like your name says, ONE DAY, you too will be cured.

PS. No use being angry at God. God will come thru for you one day in his time. Just be patient.

Take care.


Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:46 pm
by crazybb
Hello Sara,
I really like your post but am wondering if one can have the time to do all that yoy wrote. I have never heard about Amosan. What is it and where can I get it.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:37 pm
by Hal

You will be due time. You will be made stronger by going through this bearing this burden. Every human carries their burden, there is every conceivable form of pain and suffering in this world. Look around in the world and try to perceive the circumstances that some are called to endure. Please don't misunderstand me. I am in no way trying to minimize your own burden...I'm sure it seems like more than you can bear at times. I know it is for me ( not just my bb but other things as well). As chaotic and unjust and random as life appears it is all for a good purpose. Not one ounce of our pain and suffering will go to waste... we will be rewarded for having borne it. I know it probably feels like you're carrying a 150 lb backpack and you can't take another step and when you can't go on, just lay down and rest for a while and know that you're not alone...know that every single one of us has a backpack on and we all need to lay down at times. And when you're ready to go again maybe some of us that are feeling strong at the moment will grab hold of that son of bitch and help you back up...but we're not leaving your ass here. In the meantime we might sit down with you and talk about good days to come....because they will my brother they will. One day all captives will be set free and our freedom will be enhanced because of our captivity.

P.S. Note the amount of effort that Sara put into her response...know that it is God reaching out through her and the others on here.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:35 pm
by dreamweaver

Very well said. Thanks for your inspiring, powerful, and beautiful words.

Let's keep our heads up friends. We need all our energy and will power to battle this condition. The more depressed and frustrated we get, the harder it will be to make progress. We know there will be ups and downs. We need to learn our own ways of dealing with the downs, otherwise, we'll be inching towards giving up and we just can't allow that to happen.


Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:00 am
by Sara
crazybb wrote:Hello Sara,
I really like your post but am wondering if one can have the time to do all that yoy wrote. I have never heard about Amosan. What is it and where can I get it.
Hi crazybb,

It's sort of a matter of prioritising, isn't it? If BB is affecting the rest of my life, it makes sense to allocate the time. I'd say my regime takes me about half an hour a day, and the food preparation takes more time than buying the kinds of readymade foods that help create bad breath. Amosan is manufactured by OralB, but if you search for the chemicals, you'll probably find it under a different name if it isn't AMosan where you are ...I got it at the local pharmacy ... good luck!


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:09 pm
by vilenin89
this was OneDay111 just a few months ago and now he is cured. Don't give up hope people!

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:41 pm
by meowkity1
oneday111 what the hell happened, You just recently posted What the cure feels like
Arent you that person . What happened.
I was so happy for you thinking God 1 of us final made it
You are that person that posted under (what the cure feels like) arent you

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:13 pm
by sandy
meowkity1- I know excatly how he feels, i had my share's of hopes being high than drops like a bomb later only advice dont give up.keep on trying on the next thing until we get to the bottom of this.
Hal very inspiration what you wrote and it's nice were all here for another to pick up our feet when we fall. Never give up hope!!
I believe this may be a curse but not from high above, he is the good one....remember God sacraficed watching Jesus dying on the cross so he can save all his children to go to heaven. When feeling pain deep inside I offer my pain to Jesus & not a minute later I start feeling better again. I try to keep God in my life, its the evil spirit telling me to give up but God is telling me to keep living & be strong..there is hope..

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:23 pm
by Susie
looks like that was a post from April. He has been cured.


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:27 pm
by meowkity1
Oh I get it now. Someone just brought up the old post
Thank god, I thought it was saying he was doing bad again. What a relief

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:31 am
by Susie
I've gotten mixed up before when someone would post something old. It can be confusing.


Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:34 pm
by OneDay111
Thanx for your kindness but this is a old post. However reading this was very scary for me and every bone in my body was shaking. I couldnt imagine ever writing something so, raw, and filthy.

Just shows what bad breath makes you become, I wish you all to find a cure.

Time has made me forget of all these harsh times. Its amazing how easily we forget.