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Has bad breath caused you to have severe paranoia?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Has bad breath caused you to have severe paranoia?

Post by bleh »

Last edited by bleh on Mon May 04, 2009 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

trust me you are not alone, most of us experience exactly the same thing
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Post by popaloo »

Hi there, im new to this forum.
What you mention could be a sample from my own life or i guess from most the people on here.
I went to the doctors and told him my concerns, he said it was all in my head and put me on prozac. This was seven years ago and thank god i managed to come off them at the start of this year.
My anxiety didnt change or my paranoia as it wasnt all in my head! lol
At present i work part-time as this is all i am comfortable with.
I suffer with post-nasal drip and congestion which is what i think my bad breath stems from. I have started to see a homeopath as i have tried many medications, both from the doctor and over the counter.
I use therabreath toothpaste/mouthwash twice a day, floss, tounge scrape but nothing seems to work.
Hmmmmmm i realise i have gone off topic a bit! but yeah everything you mention is what happens to me, so no you are not going crazy!
Actually maybe we are.... ](*,)
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Re: Has bad breath caused you to have severe paranoia?

Post by sad lady »

bleh wrote:I've had bad breath since grade school. I feel like over the years my constant paranoia about bad breath has caused me to have paranoia over EVERYTHING. I feel like if I'm at work and someone is whispering in the next cube, they're talking about how much they hate me and how bad I smell. If I hear someone laughing and I hear the word "smells" or "someone farted" I assume they're talking about me. This has caused me serious personal issues and stress at work. Is this uncommon??? Am I going crazy because I feel like everyone is plotting against me mainly because of my bad breath? People have told me many times that I'm paranoid, but if I hear someone laughing and saying "smells" is it right to assume they're talking about me? If I think someone is talking about me at work, I'll hold extreme grudges towards that person even if I don't know for sure they were talking bad about me.
i feel your pain. i go through this every day of my life. at work,in stores,even in my own house. someone can be laughing and i automatically think they are laughing at me when that may not be the case at all. the thing is, i have so many men looking at me. i don't mean to sound arrogant,i'm just trying to show another example of this curse. men will be looking at me,and they will sometimes be nice looking men. they'll stare and smile and flirt,and all the while i'm thinking "if only he knew that my breath smelled like pure doo-doo".
it's so embarrassing and unfair. i have to pray that no man will actually try and approach me. usually i'll try to dissuade them from coming over by trying to flash my wedding ring and make it obvious that i'm married,or i'll get this demeanor about myself that will make me seem unapproachable,but sometimes it doesn't work and they'll come over to me anyway. i'll do everything i can not to have to look or breathe their way because my nose wind actually stinks,too.
most times the man will get a clue and just walk away. but sometimes,they will just assume that i'm a stuck-up bitch and leave but not before calling me some terrible names. one man called me a 'poop-mouth bitch' and said he really didn't want my 'stank mouth ass' ,anyway .he just wanted to "smash". OMG, i cried in my car all the way home. some times i just cry and say "why me"? all my friends are so happy and carefree and don't have to worry about their breath. i'd do anything to trade places with them.
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Post by TiredofThis »

I can absolutely relate to this. I no longer have bad breath but the second I hear somebody laughing or saying "smells", I automatically go bonkers and think oh God, is it back? I get so paranoid and it literally ruins my whole day. I think I'll always feel like that. I have also had bb since grade school and really, after 13 years or so, it does a lot of damage. I'm TRYING to be normal but it's damn hard since I've had to live like a hermit for so long. I think now I just suffer from Halitiphobia..but really, how can you not? After dealing with it for so long, I think it's to be expected.
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Post by sadgirlbb »

That's me.... total constant paranoia.
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Post by bleh »

Last edited by bleh on Mon May 04, 2009 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Has bad breath caused you to have severe paranoia?

Post by findacure »

sad lady wrote: one man called me a 'poop-mouth bitch' and said he really didn't want my 'stank mouth ass' ,anyway .he just wanted to "smash". OMG, i cried in my car all the way home. some times i just cry and say "why me"?
Eww what an idiot he was...i feel sorry for his future wife..if he ever does get one.

Ive had a similar experience, i had a guy hit on me at work, he regulary comes into the buidling with a group of other people.

And when i didnt accept his advances..not because of my breath, just because i wasnt into him // he went over to his group of collegues and said something very quieltly..i then heard a few of them laughing, some asked whats the joke and i heard one of them say he said that she stinks. // i just though what a ignorant fool. why the hell would i want to be with someone so small minded // anyaway he came into my buildng the next day trying to talk to me // i just told him that he was chilldish and not to talk to me again // he asked why but i just completely ignored him // I felt empowered... i stuck up for myself for once.
Last edited by findacure on Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sara »

sadlady, find-a-cure, be careful of believing your ears. When you're in a hypersensitive state, it's easy to misinterpret words, and of course particularly whispers. If you've reached the point where you think you're getting paranoid, do seek professional assistance, or ask family members openly whether it seems possible that those things have occurred. It sounds unlikely to me - most people going about their business do not actively bitch at strangers. I think some of this may well be in your heads. I have similar internal reactions, but I make my rational mind kick in and over-ride the paranoid thoughts ...
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Post by findacure »

Sara wrote:sadlady, find-a-cure, be careful of believing your ears. When you're in a hypersensitive state, it's easy to misinterpret words, and of course particularly whispers. If you've reached the point where you think you're getting paranoid, do seek professional assistance, or ask family members openly whether it seems possible that those things have occurred. It sounds unlikely to me - most people going about their business do not actively bitch at strangers. I think some of this may well be in your heads. I have similar internal reactions, but I make my rational mind kick in and over-ride the paranoid thoughts ...
[-X Oh i do dislike when people say "its all in your head" ](*,)

I defintaly heard what i heard "he said she stinks" and that was all because, i didnt show any interest in his advances towards me.

I know i have CH, from the age of 17 i have had reactions all day every day - its either the hand to the nose, or the step back from me while im talking. Snide comments, offering of chewing gum ... Sometimes i dont even have to say anything. Im not paraniod. Family member, friends, boyfriends, strangers, they all react the same way.
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Post by bleh »

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Post by meowkity1 »

ParanoidI wouldve tought it was impossible for someone to smell someone elses breath way across the street and some. People cough alot around me and sneeze. I wish I could believe I am paranoid. I would rather be imagining this. But I am not because people from major distances cough main;y when I open my mouth. Everything can be finebut if I open my mouth neighbors 2 houses down cough.I wish I could understan what it could be at that distance. Is it an actual smell or a tickle to their nose or throat.
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Re: p

Post by Archimonde »

meowkity1 wrote:neighbors 2 houses down cough.I wish I could understan what it could be at that distance. Is it an actual smell or a tickle to their nose or throat.
Whenever i tell someone (with or without BB) on the 'net that i make people cough from a far distance, they never believe me.

And btw, it's a tickle, not a smell. There was someone on another forum who asked a family member and he was told it tickles a.k.a allergy reaction. Coughs/sneezes/scratching a body part have nothing to do with a bad smell. There's a forum dedicated to that condition and almost all the people there don't have BB.
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