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Almost Cured!?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:18 am
by bb_girl
Hi everyone! I've already shared my BB story many months ago, but I wanted to mention today that I have come the closest to not having BB!

For the last so many years, I have spent so much money on Therabreath, Probiotics, Colon Cleansers, Breath Rx, Grapefruit Seed Extract, etc... you name it, I probably bought it!

I recently realized that when I floss between my back molars the floss really really smelled horrible! So I decided to make an appt with my dentist to see if there was anything wrong with those teeth.

I have been going to the dentist twice a year for that last 7 years or so, and I have never had a cavity since that last time I had fillings that time I went 7 years ago. SO I NEVER THOUGHT MY BB WAS CAUSED BY MY TEETH.

OMG, I was so glad I went to see my dentist. He took xrays of the molars, and sure enough, the root canal I had on one of the molars was infected, and the 2 crowns on both molars had to be replaced because there was leakage.

The next day I went to get my root canal done again, and the following day I got 2 temporary crowns . Unfortunately I have to wait 2 weeks until I get the crowns permanently. I have atrip soon so I was hoping it would have been done before it, but oh well...

Anyway, I've noticed since I got the temporary crowns that:

1) My friends and coworkers are not covering their noses or coughing as though they are choking to death as much as before.

2) I work in customer service, and I noticed that the only time people cover their noses is when I am hungry (my BB is always at an all time high when I am hungry.)

3) I always have BB coming from my nose as well, but my nose hasn't felt 'dirty' as much.

4) My white coating on my tongue is nearly gone! (Of course, except for those times I drink dairy products, but much easier to scrape off than before.)

I wish I could get my crowns already...I am trying not to chew on that side as much as possible so I don't get more bacteria...

I also realized that I had BB about 2 years since my root canal and crowns. I am afraid that in another 2 years I will go through this problem again, but at least I will have an idea what may be the cause of BB.

So IF you ever had a root canal or a crown, it won't hurt to get them looked at. I am glad I did. I can't say my BB is gone for good, but I have been a pretty happy person for the last week or so.

I am normally far away from the counter when I pay for things at stores, but today I was leaning on the counter facing the casher and she didn't do a thing! I hope this lasts...

Sorry so long!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:39 am
Congrats bb_girl.

Well done.

Its good that you shared your story because maybe someone can learn from your example especially if they have root canals.

Well done. It must be such a relief not to have people react to your bad breath.

Most of the things you mentioned I can agree to trying myself but nothing work so far.

It sounds really promising if you notice this big change in your breath with temporary crowns. I can only guess that you might get even a bigger change when you have your permanent crowns fitted.

This is looking really promising. Wow no reactions from cashiers? This sounds really good bb_girl. I also lok out for reactions from cashiers to test my bb to see how bad it is on a particular day.

You mentioned that you only seem to get slight reaction when you are hungry. Could that just be normal hunger breath and thirst from not chewing for a prolonged time?

congrats again. It sounds really exciting. I hope this is your cure. :D

Please keep us updated.

P.s bb_girl. How long ago did you have the procedure done?

Hope you get your new crowns soon.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:29 am
by Snobuni
Hi BB Girl,

That's pretty cool for you, so you're almost convinced that your bb was caused by these crowns?

I have a friend who had bb for around a year, it turned out he needed a root canal and when he had this filled his bb disappered and hasn't returned. I don't have crowns but I have a fair few fillings. I'm going back to my dentist for x-rays so I'll ask him to especially check around my fillings and see if he turns anything up.

Keep me updated on what happens once you've had your pemanent crowns fitted, hopefully your improvement will continue.

Good luck! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:41 pm
by halitosisux
bb_girl, that is fantastic news, i hope this is the answer for you. Please keep us updated.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:45 pm
by Green
hey guys,

I have a question for BB_girl

Do you find that ur nasal odor has decreased...In other words, do u get less reactions breathing out of the nose as opposed to
earlier without getting those teeth fixed? I wonder...becasue I believe that my nasal odor may also be caused due to the fact I have teeth cavities (which I have yet to fill)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:37 pm
by bb_girl
Hi everyone! Thanks for the comments!

Drastic: I just got these temp crowns last week, and was told to wait 2 weeks for the permanent crowns...I can't wait for them!

Green: I actually did notice that the odor from my nose has lessened. Not sure if this is all just a coincidence, or what, but it really is interesting to think that everything from my nose to my mouth to my tonsils...everything may have been affected from the bacteria around my teeth!

Will report later when I get my permanent crowns! My biggest test would be this one store I go where the cashiers are always giving me the face like I am so disgusting!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:53 pm
Wow bb_girl. Thanks for your response. I know you cant wait because you are excited but before you know it the two weeks will be gone very quick and you will have your new crowns.

Please let me know how it goes when you test it out on the cashier. I have very similar experience to you with cashiers. Infact, there is a cashier near where I shop and She gives me the same disgusted look. So, let me know about your progress.

Also its good to hear that you have a decrease in Nasal odour.

This is all great and exciting news bb_girl.

Keep us posted.

Drastic :D

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:57 am
by bb_girl
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I updated!

Well...unfortunately...I still have BB. And for the last two weeks or so, it has been really bad. I guess it wasn't my teeth (I don't want to keep rememebring that I just spent close to $6000 for it! Ack!)

Anyway, it's my stupid tonsil stones. There's always a HUGE one that I have to taket out every so often. I saw a HUGE one emerging from one of the crypts last night but missed pulling it out and somehow it's stuck inside somewhere. Since it's my day off from work today, I was so determined to get it's almost time for me to go to sleep but can't find it! Everytime I poke around the area, I taste a salty taste, and the qtip or little stick I use is sooooo stinky! I just feel like cutting my tonsils and taking them out!

My ENT doesn't recommend getting my tonsils out, but I'm seriously thinking of going to a different ENT for a second opinion.

*SIGH* I feel so sad...But I really appreciate this site very much! Keeps me a bit more positive!

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:53 pm
by tonsolloliths
Hi bb_girl,

I was just wondering how long is it between pulling a tonsil stone from the same spot. I'm trying to figure out how long it takes for those smelly things to form. The reason why is because I'm thinking about getting the laser surgery to seal off the crypts, but if I can have my ENT remove the ones I cannot get to every so often, then the cost/suffering might be significantly less than having the surgery. I'm a math teacher and a bit of a comparative shopper.

Any insight on this subject is greatly appreciated as the medical community has no information as to the rate at which these form.


Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:36 pm
by bb_girl
I would say about 1-2 weeks or so. When I get rid of the stones, my breath feels a lot better, but I can tell within 2 weeks or so that something is starting to build up again!

I wonder even if you get the laser surgery to close the crypts, there is a chance that you will develop crypts again in the future.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:02 pm
by halitosisux
while I still had tonsils and the wisdom tooth causing my BB, I could dig out a stone just about every morning. Very interestingly though, and something which I only realised fairly recently, is that it was my right side which smelled the worst and was the side which produced the most stones. The wisdom tooth was also on my right side - this could be a coincidence, but when I think back to the smell around the back there near that tooth the more I feel that it was all related.
I will never know now, but it would have been such an important insight had I removed the tooth and found that the tonsils stones disappeared, but like so many people, as soon as I discovered where these stinking clumps came from I wanted my tonsils cut out immediately.

By the way, my own personal opinion on tonsil stones is that having them and the corresponding smell around the tonsils does not, in itself, correspond giving a person BB, but more a symptom of something else going on elsewhere which does happen to be causing BB. Foul VSCs and debris then coagulate inside the tonsils forming these stinking clumps. Tonsil stones only really smell bad when they are crushed, i dont think the mere presense of them inside the tonsil crypts causes much (if any) odour to be exhaled in the breath.

To put it another way, my trusted confidant (my brother) informed me that my tonsillectomy made NO difference at all to my breath. But I could feel this for myself - my depression a few days after my tonsillecomy because I knew my mouth still felt like the sewer it always was. So if it didnt make any difference, then it was unlikely (if at all) in itself to have been contributing much to my BB.

Anyone considering tonsillectomy, I would advise you to leave this until you have completely exhausted all possibilities. SERIOUSLY
And as for laser cryptolysis, you can also have tonsils removed altogether with laser surgery under local anaesthetic with minimal discomfort compared to ordinary tonsillectomy. DAMN I wish I has known about this 12 years ago!
I know how awful it feels to breathe out through your nose and have that awful "taste" back there, but I honestly dont think the odour is travelling as far as the mind makes it feel it is.

For the time being, I hear that lightly irrigating the tonsils with a water pik is quite effective at preventing stones and gunk from building up there.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:28 am
by tonsolloliths
Thanks for the info. Well daily to every 2 weeks is definitely leaving me to lean more to the choice of cryptolysis(sp). From what I've read about crypts it seems that some people have cryptic tonsils and others don't, hereditary maybe?

I've been cleaning out with the water pik, but I think there are some that I cannot get to. Also, the saliva glands really start to produce lots of saliva when I'm back there with the waterpik, which makes the process difficult. The ones that I initially removed were smelly all by themselves without being crushed. I removed one large one from each tonsil but there may be other crypts that I cannot find.

Here is a video

of one being removed on YouTube and the crypt was hiding behind what seemed to be normal mouth tissue, but it was actually flapped over the crypt. This is a small stone compared to mine.

I'm still waiting to see the ENT on Aug. 18. I'm going to try ang get into my dentist before school starts and maybe get him to find some and remove.


Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:16 pm
by halitosisux
bb_girl, I only just noticed your reply regarding the replacement crowns and treatment etc.. DAMN that's such tough luck, im sorry to hear none of it helped, but congrats for trying and ruling these things out. Keep persevering because trial and error and stubborn persistance is what you need if ur gonna have any chance of solving this problem.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:38 am
by vilenin89
Hey guys I'm in the same situation as you.. I really need to see an ENT before school starts.

I think I have TMAU as well, but I'm pretty sure most of my problem came from my breath. I had an impacted tooth and a filling that completely needed replacing.. my dentist said that latter was probably causing some bad breath.

So basically my teeth after an embarrassing trip to the dentist office will be fine... but I do notice a nasal odor and I have constant PND so I need to go to the dentist too

I'm on the low choline diet but i dont get my results for another few weeks.


This seriously sucks. I feel like we are living psuedo-lives, and just watching everyone else live theres. I hope we all get cured, honestly.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:40 am
by vilenin89
btw I did nasal irrigation today and my mouth does feel a bit fresher, so maybe a large chunk of my problem was PND related.