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Need help

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Need help

Post by thf »

I'm new to this board and I hope to find some answers here. I've had bb for about 6 years now. My breath is bad most of the time, and every three months or so I breathe this foul odor out of my nose and the breath is twice as bad. You can smell me from several away!!

I've been to several dentist and I've been told this is not "in my mouth". I've been to the gastro doctor and a procedure done, I've had a hernia and h. pylori. I was treated for the h. pylori twice. I've always had digestion problems, I take prilosec daily to prevent the bloating and discomfort.

I stopped eating wheat and gluten several months ago, i believed something triggered it by bb. That didn't work. For the past three weeks i've not eaten any meat or dairy, hoping this will help.

Any one have this same issue? I notice that some have been cured of their bb, how did you do it?

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Re: Need help

Post by Archimonde »

thf wrote: I breathe this foul odor out of my nose and the breath is twice as bad. You can smell me from several away!
When i'm on a very strict diet, i get that too, i don't understand why either. I never have nasal odor except when dieting, it doesn't make sense at all since the taste in my mouth improves but every ~2-3 days, i will get this nasty odor in my throat that comes out of my nose for a few hours. People's reactions from this odor or whatever THIS BEAST is are much stronger than the typical BB reaction, has that been your experience too?

I asked on a forum not related to BB why i get that and some people have suggested that might be a detox effect. /shrug

Welcome to the forum :)
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