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Should I Quit?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:51 am
by bleh

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:58 pm
by thf
Don't you quit!! I get the same thing at work. I get people who purposely try to talk to me "just to see" how bad my breath is. Other than that no one speaks to me.

What you need to do is find out what the laws are against workplace harassment in your state and possibly speak to an attorney. Check with your state bar association, you can ususally find information regarding lawyer referrals there. If you can, start documenting all the comments. I'm not an attorney, but I recently had something very mean done to me at work as well and I'm not going to take any crap from anyone. I have a medical condition that is out of my control and for that I will not be harassed and neither should you!!!

Stay strong!!!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:15 am
by NYConfused
all i can say is dont quit..

do you think youll be any happier being unemployed? or working a low paying job? youll probably have the same/similar worries and be making far less money doing so

btw, you mentioned how it was great and how your boss loved u a few months back... what happened since then? have you added something to your regimen that could be making it worse?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:35 am
by bleh

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:16 am
by NYConfused
do you feel like your boss knows u have bb and just deals with it and likes u despite the fact? do you talk to her face to face? guess im just curious

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:52 am
by bleh

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:14 am
by halitosisux
Bleh, im so sorry to hear what you are having to endure with these merciless co-workers. But try to remember that's ALL they are. If you leave you probably wont even see or hear from them ever again. So they are just not worth losing your sanity over. Treat them for what they are for now. Rise above them. Try to focus on what you do best, you are valued on what's important and that's why you are still there.

I just wanted to ask you a question. Has anyone ever actually told you that you have BB? Have you ever considered that tastes might be driving you insane because you are interpreting that as the state of your breath? I have read stories of people who go through an entire lifetime CONVINCED their breath smells bad, based on a single bad reaction, which may well have been real for a brief moment in their life, but its left them convinced and forever conscious that the status of their breath is BAD. The fact is with BB we have no SURE way of knowing, whether people tell us we do or we dont, its only down to the trust. And so many times i come across people who have BB yet they are oblivious - so if they can get it so wrong HAVING BB, then it could also work vice versa and people get it so wrong when they DO NOT have BB.

I think i read that you have nasal odours and bad congestion, have you ever condidered you could have intermittent BB causing all your confusions? this is common with sinus infections because the small sinus openings can be blocked and the odour/discharge only releasing when the particular side opens up, or sneezing etc.

If you have been throughly examined and told you do not have any nasal issues, but your PND smells bad, this is not something anyone should ever have to accept and should be continually focused on until something is discovered. Are you sure you mean your nasal mucus is foul before it reaches your throat and not after it does?

I noticed you said you have very strong odourous PND, if this is dripping onto the rear of your tongue its guaranteed to cause your tongue to smell. I have experienced what its like to go from never really knowing a life without BB to being completely free of it. All it took was some foul discharge from a gum which had been sitting there for YEARS and prior to that a childhood of poor oral hygiene to make me believe this was an incurable problem i'd been born with, until i discovered this and had it dealt with. That was all it took to make my tongue smell constantly vile.

Even if your PND is odourless (before it hits your throat) if the quantity is as bad as you describe it to be then its likely to result in some increase of bacterial activity on the back of your tongue, resulting in odd tastes, but not necessarily resulting in any perceivable odours in your breath. And the sense of taste and smell can really trick the mind and confuse it.

Im a bit confused by the paranoia you are feeling because it sounds a though you are not sure whether or not you have BB, yet in a few posts ive read you sound 100% certain that you do.

There is a phenomenon where people can stink a whole room out but ONLY when they sneeze. I think this an area where those who suspect very strong nasal odours should research more into, since it might be connected in some way.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:53 am
by April
Hi bleh

halitosisux is right if you have sinus issues you can actually have bb on and off. This may lead you to think your bb is always there. I have this very issue dealing with and now I am unsure if I do have bb after all the procedures I've had done.

I am still confused about people who have PND, but have no bb and those that have PND with a bad odour. I have never been able to detect any odour from my PND, but can actually sense when my breath smells, especially when I have a sinus or chest (which touch wood I haven’t had in years) infection.

I have found that staying focused on your goals, such as work or study and finding the cause of my bb the best ways to overcome comments like 'smells strong'. I have had this a few months ago when I had a sinus infection, which I knew was bad, but I had to be among people simply because I don't want this problem to control my life any more.

It is good to think rationally about things, although I know it can be difficult at times. You are only around these people for a few hours a day, after which you don't need to be in contact with them anymore. I also find that poorly ventilated offices can be a problem, simply because every odour in the room sometimes gets concentrated in one area.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:59 am
by bleh

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 9:22 pm
by viva
Bleh wrote:
I even went to see "Dr." Dailey and he said my bb was mild and read a 115 on the halitmeter. After I left he gave me Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Trioral and a tongue scraper and sent me on my way. He was I was forever cured and everything else was in my head.
Same thing.Dr Dailey refutes stomach and digestive tract related BB.
He distracted me from my real cause of BB wich is GERD and LPR( confirmed by other gastro and ENT doctors,tests and camera pics).

Whoever claims that:"BB comes from teeth.We allknow that" sounds like dr.Dailey.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 9:26 pm
by halitosisux
bleh, could it be that this guy at work is just a bastard who has sensed you are conscious of your BB and trying to torment you over it? Its quite easy to tell when someone is conscious because they either try to mask it all the time or the usual looking away whilst talking or covering mouth with hand etc.

Im not saying its all in your head, but to keep in mind that the head really can play tricks on us.

I never went to any breath clinics or had halimeter tests. How can anyone trust these people who claim their products WORK 100% guaranteed when they clearly DO NOT. They probably have a plan where ultimately they convince and trick their patients into believing that they NEED their products, when infact it might even be making the situation it worse.

Also, important to remember, is that sometimes people will say to each other that breath stinks, when all they are merely stating is breath smells of alcohol or garlic or some other harmless odour. People can be so reckless and dont realise the damage they could be inflicting. And children especially. So maybe if a person is HYPERSENSITIVE they are susceptible to falling into this psychological nightmare of BB, in the same way that other obsessions take over.

Maybe its this GUY who stinks and because of his ignorance he is certain it must be the people around him so he picks on the nearest weakest people.

Best thing to do is confide in as many people as you can.. get as much feedback as you can.. and focus on finding out what's causing it instead of torturing yourself wondering if you do or dont.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:13 pm
by bleh

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:17 pm
by Archimonde
viva wrote: He distracted me from my real cause of BB wich is GERD and LPR( confirmed by other gastro and ENT doctors,tests and camera pics).
What exactly did doctors confirm, that you have GERD+LPR or that your BB is caused by GERD+LPR ?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:09 am
by NYConfused
halitosisux wrote: I have experienced what its like to go from never really knowing a life without BB to being completely free of it. All it took was some foul discharge from a gum which had been sitting there for YEARS and prior to that a childhood of poor oral hygiene to make me believe this was an incurable problem i'd been born with, until i discovered this and had it dealt with. That was all it took to make my tongue smell constantly vile.
how did you fix the problem? i also had some "discharge" in my gums (which would "bubble") when i was younger and i would prod at it and all. not sure how long i had it but it was for a while as far as i remember. also had poor hygiene as a kid

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:54 am
by viva
Archimonde wrote:
What exactly did doctors confirm, that you have GERD+LPR or that your BB is caused by GERD+LPR ?
In my case GERD and LPR are the causes of my BB.Dental and nasal causes were eliminated long time ago by a dentist and ENT.

With Gerd and LPR stomach juices plus food burps into eusophagus and vocal cord box.When this happens I feel fermented sour taste and smell from the back of the throat. This happens when I overeat.Fermented odour of what I ate is confirmed by my boyfriend. It smells like when you eat something and than vomit; smells like fermented something depending on what you ate.
OR If I'm getting hungry and postpone with eating my mouth feels and smells sour.
To keep this under control I eat small portions and often.Then my breath is fine( confirmed by BF and 2 more people that I could ask).

Also with GERD andeusophageal sphincter weak stomach odours may leak outside.