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H. Pylori

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H. Pylori

Post by yeagermeister »

I went to a gastro dr and asked to be tested for h. pylori. He sends me to a lab to have thee blood work done. I get a letter from him several days later stating there is "some evidence of h. pylori" from my blood test along with a prescription for Prevpac. I take the whole deal for two weeks and it has no affect on my halitosis, still stinking badly. Anyways I got to thinking, should I continue to pursue this even though the meds didn`t work. From what I`ve read alot of people carry h.pylori without any BB, so could something else be causing my BB even with "some evidence" of it in my blood test.

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Post by thf »

I also had (or have) h.pylori( i also had gastric ulcer), I had a different procedure done, they actually put a tube in my gut and took pics and a biospy. I was treated for h. pylori twice, if I remember correctly I did get some relief for a short period of time. Since than my bb and nasal breath have gotten worst.

I plan on going back as soon as I get a referral from my dr to see a gastro dr and have this procedure done again. I now without a doubt believe my bb is coming from my stomach. I've found a great ent who has worked with me and has told me this is not coming from my nose or mouth. I've had everything else checked and re-checked except for my stomach.

So my advice to you is go back and have them check it again, this time ask for them to do an endosocpy.
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Post by popaloo »

My uncle got told he had h.pylori and the dr told him to contact all the blood relatives in the family to take the anti-biotics as a preventative cure.
This was maybe 11 years ago.
I had never heard of h.pylori until then and never heard anything of it until reading this post! What is the link then with it and bb?
I can't seem to remember being any different since i took the medication all those years ago.
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Post by thf »


If you google h.pylori one of the sites that comes up is the h.pylori foundation, it has lots of info on this condition. One of the symptoms of this condition is bb.
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Post by Harry_2K »

Hi Guys,

Check this out and you will have enough evidence that relates BB with H-Pylori. ... ylori.html

The site is also useful in finding out various therapies that would deal with H-Pylori.

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Natural remedies for H - Pylori

Post by Harry_2K »

Hi again Guys,

Check this site for natural remedies for HP.

The bactericidal activity of 21 plant extracts on Helicobacter pylori was tested and results are published here.

For all those for whom Anti-biotics are not working, I suggest you to try this. If you find any good results, please let us know. Others with HP can also try.

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Post by dreamweaver »


this is very good information. thanks for sharing.

I will be having an endoscopy done in a couple of weeks. The doctor said she will test for H. pylori.

Let's see what happens.
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Post by halitosisux »

Everyone needs to be certain they have ruled this infection out. There is a lot of evidence of people seemingly cured following treatment.
The goal is to get it eradicated using well established guidelines with antibiotic therapy. Eradication success rate is very high, but in some cases this requires persistance due to antibiotic resistance and care taken to avoid reinfection from others/pets etc. Nobody should need to venture into alternative approaches, there is no evidence of anyone actually eradicating hp infection with alternative methods.
There are lots of different tests to confirm presense/eradication.

Also there is no "evidence that BB relates with h pylori" at all. The case study is almost circumstantial. There are some theories which explain how hp might cause BB, but nothing is proven. The antibiotics used against hp in this case study could have acted on infections elsewhere such as the sinuses. And the reason why previous courses of antibiotics had not cleared her BB in the past might simply be due to the powerful combination of drugs required to be effective against such an infection as hp, particularly the drugs used to minimise the effect of stomach acid on the medication, and increasing the antibiotic effectiveness. Perhaps the duration of treatment was also a factor.

Also if you read the case study carefully you'll see that this person's BB was cured after taking the antibiotic therapy, DESPITE the fact she was found afterwards to be still infected with hp.
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