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Chronic Halitosis=infection in our body

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Chronic Halitosis=infection in our body

Post by hopeful »

Caught a clip on a local tv station today and a dental clinic in town was interviewed about testing for chronic halitosis and prescribing the appropriate treatment. The dentist they interviewed kept repeating that chronic halitosis means there is an infection in our body. Went to the clinic's website and they use OraFresh(courtesy of Ann Bosey). Anyways, the infection theory is an interesting one as people who take metronidizole seem to find temporary relief. Of course she also mentioned that chronic halitosis stems from having too many of the bad bacterias in our mouth that disrupts the normal balance and creates those VSC. She seemed to know more that the typical dentist but I still don't see how some customized mouthrinse will fix it all.

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Post by seeviper »

been reading a lot of stuff over at forums and have come across a few people who cured themselves after killing off ringworm, and general system cleansing. One lady's husband did threse things: stop coffee, liver flush, parasite and bowel cleanse then his BB was gone. I'm not sure this is the same kind of "infection" the doc on TV was talking about but its what came to my mind

I am trying to solve all of my health issues OTHER than BB in hopes that one of them is the cause for it. I have been eating healthier but what is really helping my digestion problems is bowel cleansing , my tummy feeels about 80% better already and I am on day 3.. has anyone tried any of these things?
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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Seeviper,

What kind of bowel cleanse are you using? I have terrible consipation and more fibre and water, etc, don't seem to help me much.

Thanks :D
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon May 04, 2009 7:59 am

Post by seeviper »

Snobuni wrote:Hi Seeviper,

What kind of bowel cleanse are you using? I have terrible consipation and more fibre and water, etc, don't seem to help me much.

Thanks :D
from (i really suggest going here and clicking on "cleansing" at the top of the page to see all the things you could be doing assuming you haven't already!) this is standard bowel cleansing:


fasting on water, juices, raw fruits and vegetables


Psyllium husk and/or seeds or flax seeds

Bentonite (green clay)

salt water enema

My little cleanse is psyllium husk (metamucil) 3x a day, probiotics, chlorophyl, and a crazy ass diet. I only eat oatmeal, vegetables, chicken (no skin), brown rice. I try not to touch the fruit because of the sugar... no carbonated drinks or drinks with sugar... I could be doing more for the cleanse but I think so far it is working good. Have to give it a few weeks to really tell though.

I'm sorry that the fibre route didn't work for you. How long were you doing it? And were you reaching the recommended 20-30g of fibre each day?

I feel like I am going through these really drastic measures to get rid of BB... but I know I have the will power & I'd be better off not wondering WHAT IF. I've been running through the archives on and noting down all the methods people have claimed to use to get rid of their BB. I am gonna try the liver flush on thursday it is only a 2 day process and is cheap, just like any of the cleanses.
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