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Most IBS sufferers have BB

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:31 am
by wnaysha
Hey everyone,

around 2 months ago I was doing a lil research on how/whether ibs is related to bb, and if so what ibs sufferers experience, so I joined an ibs website, and in the forum section I did a search on ibs and badbreath, and believe it or not there were hundreds of pages with ibs members talking about having bb, so I copied some, but finally got tired, here are a few of those comments by IBS sufferers with bb problems. oh and they were actually longer, but I only copied those parts where they mentioned having bb, so hope it helps in any way possible.

"(i digress often sorry) in the month i took it, diflucan helped end my constipation as well as the chronic bad breath i had forever though admitedly the breath could be from being so dehydrated all the time. since i stoped taking it the constipation seems to be back. i hope its not permanent. anyway, what are your other symptoms other than the tongue coating?

Well after a month on the candida diet(i did cheat three different days but mostly stayed on it very strictly) as well as acidophillus, running nightly, threelac, Grapefruit seed extract, UltraGarlic(which i dont take everyday), Candida clear(by nsi not sure about its effectiveness but i take it anyway), and diflucan(two weeks so far) my bad breath is gone. FBO is gone 80% of the time. the leaky gas comes and goes. in the last three days iv had it for about 4 hours total. usually a while after eating bread(whole wheat but thats still not good).

hi, just read your story and know what your going through, I suffer with IBS and lately its got worse, I dont have the sensitive tongue but I suffer with bad breath which is the hardest thing to cope with me, I went to my dentist who done xrays and every possible test he said my teeth and gums were perfect and to go and see my GP my GP give me colpermin with peppermint oil but these have not worked and I am at my wits end.

Hi There,
I'm new to all of this and I have had IBS for some years now, but over the past two years it has got worse!! I have gained weight and also my tongue has been really sensitive (stinging and bad breath) recently. I have had a lot of family stress over the past two years with illness and when I get stressed it just comes on like there is no tomorrow, I feel I have no quality of life at present. Is there anyone who has the problem with their tongue being sensitive and also bad breath.

By the way, I forgot to mention in my post that since my stomach problems began I've had the most horrific bad breath in spite of great oral hygiene. It really sucks especially when you're in a relationship. And another thing comes to mind is when I'm having dinner with my friends and we're eating like a pizza or something.

I have been taking medication for the GERD, and sometimes Imodium for the diarrhea. This medication is helping heaps but, I haven't had this bad breath before.
Am I alone with this problem?

thickthigh's thread about a doctor saying it is all in our heads got me wondering how i could ask a friend/relative if i do smell? i'm certain i do from all the reactions i get, but now that i've fixed my gas/ibs problems i never can smell anything myself. i find i can even control my gas just fine. is this lg? fbo? just really bad bo??? bad breath? heh all of the above?

The other thing I notice when I'm having longer flare ups is bad breath; they type that is like when you were a kid and fell asleep after eating candy. You wake up with this nasty soured feeling in your mouth. That's how I wake up in the mornings in the midst of a flare up and lingers into the day.

bad breath or unpleasant taste in the mouth (16-63%) were
found in three of these four studies to be more common among IBS patients,"

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:31 am
by halitosisux
Wnaysha what are your thoughts on the possibility that this correlation between IBS and BB is connected with the levels of hydration and the effects that de-hydration in the mouth would have on oral bacteria and tongue coating and bad taste etc.

As you have said before, BB for some people might be a combination of different things happening at once, even minor things like allergy and extra mucus drainage onto the tongue. The lack of sufficient saliva and the obvious effects this will have. There are infinite combinations which can cause or exacerbate a condition leading to the difference between a person who has BB and one who doesnt. Women who say their breath gets worse (note i said worse) during their womanly cycles, there are so many different ways BB could be worsened in relation to this, such as swelling of gums during this phase and how this might affect any pre-existing problems in that area, or the "sloughing" of cells during menstruation, whatever controls this process might also be triggering an amount of sloughing all over the body, including the tongue and other mucosal linings.

The reason im saying this is because BB is not always a symptom of IBS so there is no direct connection, but there might be some simple but far reaching connection between them like ive just mentioned regarding hydration.

So many people on here seem to suffer with digestive issues like constipation and slow motility etc, and i know you said recently that constipation is a sign that fluids have been absorbed as much as possible from the intestines and might be getting into the bloodstream etc and exhaled in breath as happens with systemic diseases that cause BB. But could it also be the complete opposite? that for some reason the body itself isnt hydrating the areas it needs to be in order to function correctly, and that the consequence of this in the mouth just happens to be BB and thicker than usual saliva/mucus.

If the digestive system is responsible for BB in some way, the key is establishing HOW this connects with the bacterial activity inside the mouth, since for most people this seems to be where their BB is coming from, as opposed to the systemic pathway of bloodborne halitosis.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:02 am
by wnaysha
halitosisux dry mouth could definitely be one of the causes, but the fact that, I don't know if you can even imagine it, people sooooo far away from us can smell the bb tells us that its probably a little more than that, and from what i've seen in this site, it looks like these are the levels of bb and it only gets worse,

level 1. regular un noticeable bb, that can sometimes be cleaned by the sufferer, usually people 1 ft away can smell it.

level 2. bb that can't be cleaned by the sufferer, people 1-3 feet can smell .

level 3. bb that can't be cleaned + nasal odour, people 1-10 feet away can smell.

As you said the lack of water in certain parts of our body can be causing bb, and it totally makes sense, but there must be something else to it, when bb gets to level 3 where bb is so severe, the part of our body that is causing this illness must be obvious, such as digestive problems in severe bb sufferers. A part of our body must be so damaged, telling us it is where bb is coming from.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:37 am
by halitosisux
Yes, could be some kind of enzyme deficiency, working in similar way to TMAU, which is then clearly released odour in sweat, urine, breath from lungs, and saliva etc. Like you say it depends on being **certain** what "type" of BB a person has. If the odour is being released into saliva then it could be deceiving and lead people to conclude its an oral bacterial cause. Good testing and diagnosis is essential therefore.

You mentioned nasal odours too, and this is a very real fact. There are people who can stink a room out when they sneeze (no they are not accidentally farting lol) clearly something is going on deep in the nose, much further than where doctors bother to look or try to diagnose - especially if the only symptom is odour, its just not serious enough to waste resources on.. but i bet there arent any rich or important people who have this problem.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:40 am
by elliott
halitosisux wrote: but i bet there arent any rich or important people who have this problem.
Yeah because we lose all motivation to become anything, or better yet... no one is going to listen from day one.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 5:46 pm
by Corpsebreath
The way i see it, IBS is to the lower GI, what this is to the upper GI.