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Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:21 pm
by danger
ok, so i now have a tung brush
it is sort of my last hope for my tongue where i know this smell is coming from
i can smell it myself, the rotten egg smell
hopefully this tung brush will get rid of all this crap and my mouth can feel fresh

but what i want to know by people who have used it is

1- how often do you change your brush? it says on the packet every 3 months
2- how often do you use it? and does 1 squirt of tongue gel on the brush do for 1 clean of the tongue? and how long do you brush for each time?
3- how long does one tub of the gel last?
4- did it help with your bad breath? it is my last hope really


not cured

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:54 pm
by meowkity1
I am not cured yet. But ever since I took antibiotics, I dont have the rotten egg smell. Exhaling was the worst back then. I would say I am probably not cronic anymore, because of the disappearance of the rotten egg smell. My mouth is always hot. And I have some pretty goood metthods for getting my tongue clean. But the white comes back, unless I drink constantly

Re: not cured

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:32 pm
by danger
meowkity1 wrote:I am not cured yet. But ever since I took antibiotics, I dont have the rotten egg smell. Exhaling was the worst back then. I would say I am probably not cronic anymore, because of the disappearance of the rotten egg smell. My mouth is always hot. And I have some pretty goood metthods for getting my tongue clean. But the white comes back, unless I drink constantly
meow, was this rotten egg smell coming from your tongue? and what antibiotics did you use to get rid of it? did you get them from your doctor?



Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:21 pm
by meowkity1
Amoxclav 10 day treatment.. Prescription needed. Being on this must have killed the bacterial strain that was causing rotten egg. I have not tasted rotten egg since Feb when I took antibiotic. I m sure it was on my tongue. But back then when I exhaled I could tell it was comjng up from my lungs. I dont taste any thing from lungs now. I just have alot of white on sides of tongue. My mouth still tastes pretty bad, but I feel almost blessed to have that smell gone. It was like pure poop coming right out of my mouth


Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:25 pm
by meowkity1
tung brush ids a really good product. I bet it would really be effective if it would spin. When using have your water on the highest pressure to clean bacteris out of bristols. Every few days I put my brushes in peroxide or bleach.Its the best because I can get far back and the sides. My toothbrush cannot get the sides very well.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:57 pm
by danger
so i have started using this recently and it has freshened my mouth up a bit but not as much as i hoped

and another thing if anybody can help?

how long does a tube of gel last?
if i use it twice a day like i was going to i will be lucky if it lasts a week i think

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:44 am
by elliott
There really isn't anything else that works like a tung brush, the bristles are unlike any toothbrush. But having said that, imo the tung brush isn't any special weapon. It simply brushes matter off the tongue. If you have constant bacteria, mucous, or whatever the "matter" is, it will probably come right back. I do see it as a good gauge of my condition though. The easier it is to brush the white coating off, the better I seem to feel. On good days I don't need the tung brush at all. I know which foods (and drinks :D) that cause white tongue.

The gel, I don't use since it doesn't come with the brush I get at the store. When I ordered online, I got the gel. It doesn't do any different than baking soda, however I know some people have claimed to have worse odor from the baking soda. When my breath is at it's worse, I have also noticed a slight foul taste/odor after using baking soda, so that's another way I can sort of gauge my condition.

I wonder if people who use it... do you brush rigorously (hard) or gently? I used to scrub the heck out of it, but now I've been doing soft straight strokes, back to front... with my mouth under the faucet. I like to have the running water clean the tongue while I brush it. It seems to work a lot better.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:12 pm
by john
I know which foods (and drinks Very Happy) that cause white tongue
well, wich foods and drinks wil give you a white tunque?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:52 pm
by danger
also the last couple of days i have noticed i have been getting a sore throat

i think i must be puting too much gel on the brush, how much gel do people who use it put on the brush?

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:05 pm
by danger
the tung brush and tung gel is the biggest pile of rubbish i think i have ever used

first, the tung gel seemed to get stuck in my throat which gave my a sore throat for a few days, which i kept coughing up even more phlegm than usual

when i just started using the brush without gel it hardly took anything off my tongue

i cant believe this has got so many good reviews


Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:23 pm
by meowkity1
Its the brush with the good reviews not the paste. If I use the paste its after I used everything else. If you tongu is coated white this jel will not clean it off. First you must get your tongue clean and then use gel. First I brush with toothpaste special or not. Then I use tung brush with peroxide and baking soda twice, 1 time just peroxide, then mouthwash, then tung jell, then I take thera breath toothpaste, a big glob with my finger, and I rub it all over the back of tongue, and I leave it there until I cant take it anymore. Sometimes it burns. An dI use fruity gum. Dont use mint its the worst

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:46 am
by elliott
john wrote:
I know which foods (and drinks Very Happy) that cause white tongue
well, wich foods and drinks wil give you a white tunque?
Anything with sugar, including fruit (but you can get away with apples, I have found)

Alcoholic beverages.

White bread, white pasta

Chips fried in oil.

Abundance of protein, especially red meats.

Avoid these and you will see/taste/smell a difference. The issue is sticking with it, which apparently I cannot do.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:02 pm
by noptical
danger wrote:the tung brush and tung gel is the biggest pile of rubbish i think i have ever used

first, the tung gel seemed to get stuck in my throat which gave my a sore throat for a few days, which i kept coughing up even more phlegm than usual

when i just started using the brush without gel it hardly took anything off my tongue

i cant believe this has got so many good reviews
The tung brush saved me. Been using it for 2 years now, with plain toothpaste, no tung gel. Stop spreading false info. It may not work for you but I guarantee it will work for anyone who has bb coming from the tongue. Stop trying all those bullshit mouthwashes that cost you a fortune, get a tung brush for 5$.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:08 pm
by meowkity1
Same here. I don't think I could live without it.

Tongue brushes are important

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:28 pm
by mgg
I agree. Tongue brushes are important, but like meowkitty was saying, sometimes bad breath is caused by a bacteria and may not always originate in the mouth. I located a site with some good information on the causes of bad breathas well as some really interesting bad breath stories.