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A Possible Cure?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:31 pm
by HopefulOne
Hi everyone,

I 've been reading this forum for awhile praying for a cure. This is my first post. I am 46 and have been suffering since the age of 12 or 13. Bad Breath has ruined my life just like the rest of you. I brush 5 or 6 times a day and have tried every product on the market (spent thousands of dollars). My breath is absolutely horrible and I always have a white coating on my tongue. It gets worse around my menstrual cycle. I have had multiple marriages to losers because of my breath. Of course the decent men dumped me because of my breath. I am currently suffering from depression because of this problem...I had given up finding a cure until recently. I want to meet a wonderful guy, kiss, and talk in his face (like the movies) before I die. My last cure attempt was two weeks ago with the lemon juice, avocado and peroxide with the water pik. The water pik did help some, but my breath was still bad. I know my problem is tonsils are out and I do not have sinus problems.

Two days ago I was in walmart with a friend and a lady was telling us how she lost weight with Relacore. My friend decided to buy a bottle ($20.00). I took four caplets on Tuesday and six on Wednesday to help with the few pounds I want to lose. Tuesday night I noticed my tongue was clearing somewhat. On Wednesday, it was totally after I brushed my teeth, my mouth actually felt clean for the first time in YEARS!! The hydrogen peroxide was barely fizzling. At this time, I didn't know why and then I remembered the only thing I was doing differently was taking the Relacore. I did a search on the internet and found that the main ingredient was magnolia bark which has been proven to kill bad breath bacteria.

I don't know if this is the answer to my prayers yet, but so far so good. My breath smells good even after I drank coffee and yesterday I even had cheese on my salad...I had given up dairy because it my breath smelled like something had died. Sorry this is long, but I'm so freaking excited. I will keep everyone don't go buy this product yet. I know how something seems to work for a few days and then back to halitosis hell. I pray this product will help some of us with the bacteria problem.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:17 pm
by HopefulOne
I just wanted to add, last night I drank three vodkas and ate a handful of cashews before going to bed (forgot to brush) and this morning my breath didn't smell like sh*t and very little tongue coat. The tongue coat went away after I brushed. I just had breakfast and my breath still feels light and fresh. No heavy, nasty taste in my mouth. BTW, I use Biotene toothpaste which I just started...but I still think it's the relacore. I may be going away for the July 4th weekend with a new guy I'm crazy about...I pray I'm able to kiss him and not run him away.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:27 pm
by christyxxx
good luck!! i hope it all goes well for you :D. let us know how it went and if he (or you) noticed any bb.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:57 pm
by girlie girl
I have some sitting in my cabinet. I bought it, but never really gave it a try--I bought it for weight loss and fatigue. I will try it. Are you taking 2 with every meal? I just find that very interesting. I think sometimes people just stumble across their cure and maybe this is yours. Good luck to you.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:25 pm
by Music Lady
Wow that's excellent. I hope this is it for you. I know I have some of that stuff in my medicine cabinet. I may just try it. My only question is do you have H. Pylori? I thought I read somewhere a long time ago that Magnolia Bark helps people with this stomach bacteria.

(I am a 7 year member of these boards and have over a 100 posts. I had to change my log in due to some harassment I'd been getting. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to my old log in at some point.)

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:04 am
by TeamZissou
It's great that you're having success with this.

Where were you able to find out exactly what the ingredients were? The main website for the product doesn't give any useful information on that, and another website that reviews pills like this said they were also unable to find out what was in it.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:25 am
by Help

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:34 am
by Help
TeamZissou wrote:It's great that you're having success with this.

Where were you able to find out exactly what the ingredients were? The main website for the product doesn't give any useful information on that, and another website that reviews pills like this said they were also unable to find out what was in it. ... N%26um%3D1

Compressed Mints and Chewing Gum Containing Magnolia Bark Ex

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:41 am
by Help
Compressed Mints and Chewing Gum Containing Magnolia Bark Ex

Flavors and natural botanic extracts are often used in chewing gum and compressed mints for breath freshening and relief of oral malodor. The oral malodor is a result of bacterial putrification of proteinaceous materials from food or saliva. In this study, magnolia bark extract (MBE) and its two main components, magnolol and honokiol, were evaluated by the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) test. The inhibitory effect of MBE mint was further evaluated by a kill-time assay study. In addition, an in vivo study was performed on nine healthy volunteers postlunch. Saliva samples were taken before and after subjects consumed mints and gum, with and without MBE. Listerine mouthwash was included as a positive control. The testing results indicated that MBE and its two main constituents demonstrated a strong germ-kill effect against bacteria responsible for halitosis and also Streptococcus mutans, bacteria involved in dental caries formation. The MIC of magnolol, honokiol, and MBE on Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and S. mutans ranged from 8 to 31 µg/mL. Kill-time assay results indicated that mints containing 0.2% MBE reduced more than 99.9% of three oral bacteria within 5 min of treatment. The in vivo study demonstrated that MBE containing mints reduced total salivary bacteria by 61.6% at 30 min and 33.8% at 60 min postconsumption. In comparison, the flavorless mint reduced total salivary bacteria by 3.6% at 30 min and increased total bacteria by 47.9% at 60 min. The MBE containing chewing gum reduced total salivary bacteria by 43.0% at 40 min, while placebo gum reduced total salivary bacteria by 18.0%. In conclusion, MBE demonstrated a significant antibacterial activity against organisms responsible for oral malodor and can be incorporated in compressed mints and chewing gum for improved breath-freshening benefits.

Michael Greenberg, Philip Urnezis and Minmin Tian*
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, 1132 West Blackhawk Street, Chicago, Illinois 60622
J. Agric. Food Chem., 2007, 55 (23), pp 9465–9469
DOI: 10.1021/jf072122h
Publication Date (Web): October 20, 2007
Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone: 312-794-6329 . E-mail: [email protected].

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:09 pm
by HopefulOne
I take two caplets three times per day. So far no side effects, the pills make me feel very calm which is good because I'm a very anxious person. So far my tongue is still pink. I have never been tested for h pylori...that's my next step. I am just so sick of doctors brushing me off about this. I was hospitalized for an infection about three years ago and I was on antibiotics for two weeks via IV. My bad breath disappeared but once the antibiotics were stopped, it came back with a vengeance. Sometimes I feel I have this problem because I have taken so many antibiotics as a child & teen and the bacteria in my mouth just mutates. All I know is if this doesn't work, I don't know what I will do...BAD BREATH HAS TOTALLY RUINED MY LIFE!! I feel God has played a huge joke on me. I'm attractive and seem to attract men like flies, but I run the good ones away with my sh@t breath.The losers stay with me and use me for money and a place to stay. Like many of you, I have considered s*****e...who wants to live like this. Friends and co-workers making comments and making you feel nasty and dirty. Dreading plane and car rides and keeping your mouth shut all the time when you have a lot to say. If it were not for my children, I probably would have left this earth a long time ago.

I finally told a good friend of mine (via email) about this problem and she cried with me. She finally understood some of the bad decisions I've made. It felt good to finally tell someone. This week I plan to breathe in her face and get her honest opinion...I'll let you all know the results.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:53 pm
by billie
Wow you just put a smile on my face today .
This makes me feel good.
I hope your breath stays fresh :D

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:45 pm
by why me?
I also have been using the hydrogine peroxide and water pik. This cleared my halitosis for about 2 months and then my breath came back. I knew this time it had to be more than just taking care of my teeth. I tried changing my eating habits and the Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type regimen. For my blood type, I excluded all dairy, wheat, flour, pork, sugar (except honey/ agavi). It also mention taking Bladderwack for H.pylori. I purchased a bottle at Central market and it's used for weight loss and assists cleansing the intestinal lining. It helped some, but as you mentioned before, my bb came back during my monthly menstral cycle and when I consumed dairy. I also noticed when I worked out, my sweat smelled different (sour smell). I don't know if our female productive system goes through certain changes and causes us to give an "inner digestive" smell through our breath. When my menstral cycle ends, I don't have harsh bb and my sweat doesn't smell as bad. Reading a lot of the postings on this site, I don't think the main problem is our lack of care to our teeth, but a variety of problems (i.e. certain foods, pnd, tonsil stones, dry mouth). I know I've spent plenty of time and money on most of the "dental" products out there just like a lot of people here. Some temporarily worked and some are scams. If halitosis stemmed from our gums/teeth only, these products should work and most of us should be cured. I will try the bark and hope it works. There's got to be an explanation for this horrible "disease" and I hope with everyone's participation and knowledge, we'll be able to get a handle on this problem. Have fun on your vacation and hope find the fullfilment to your past absense. Can't wait to find my cure!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:26 pm
by girlie girl
I have started using Claritin or Zyrtec OTC once a day about 2 weeks ago and it has help with PND and bad breath. I have just added Relacore (one with meals) and Mastic Gum 500mg capsules twice a day. I find this is helping alot, but I still have the bad breath just not as much. I have PND and I believe I have silent reflux. I am going to start using toothpaste for sensitive teeth since I have a bad tooth that is very sensitive. I will keep posting as I go. I have tried it everyone else. I get excited and then disappointed all over again when it doesn't work. I am not getting my hopes too high, but at least I am getting some relief. Good luck to you guys.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:56 pm
by Music Lady
This gives me such hope that this might possibly be helping or at a lease a possible cure for some of us. I took two Relacore tabs yesterday and plan to take 4 today so hopefully at that rate I'll know by next week whether its helping or not.

I already take Nexium for heartburn which I've been taking for more than a week. Sometimes I find my breath air is hot and when I take the Nexium the heat goes away, but I don't think the bb does. Anyway Hopeful One, please please keep us updated on your progress. Hopefully your able to have a conversation with out getting any strong reactions or even better someone close to you can confirm that the smell is gone.

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:07 am
by Alex
I wonder if it's the all the B vitamins in the relacore that could be helping.
I am going to start taking Berrocca daily because of the many and large amounts of B vitamins in it