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BB caused by nose. can anyone help?

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BB caused by nose. can anyone help?

Post by longislander »

Ok so I am 27. When I was 23 I broke my nose. Nothing major, but it gave me a slightly deviated septum. My nose used to be moist but ever since I broke it my nose has been bone dry and I have had terrible bad breath. It has caused my whole mouth, throat, nose, sinues, and eyes to be dry. When I wake up it feels like I drank the night before because I am so dried out. My eyes are always shot, I am all dried out, and my breath is terrible. I clean my tougne and mouth like crazy so I feel like its coming from my tonsils. I have bad breath even when I don't talk, it comes out of my nose!! I have used triclosan toothpaste combined with non alchohol mouth wash and it seems to work for a little while but always returns after a few hours.. I eat mini altoids constantly, and even use those ultra moist dics that ahere to the top of your mouth...Anyway I'm you've all heard this before but I figured I would give it a shot to see if anyone else has dealt with a similar cause. I was always a very outgoing/fun person and this bb problem has made me isolated and afraid to talk. I actually feel much better now that i have discovered this board. At least I know I am not alone!! thanks in advance. Even if no one can help I feel like its at least a good thing to talk about it...I'm sure everyone I know notices is it but I've never had a conversation with anyone about it...

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Post by Archimonde »

i'll say the obvious: why not have the operation that corrects a deviated septum? A while ago, there was someone on this forum who was cured with that op.
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Post by longislander »

Archimonde wrote:i'll say the obvious: why not have the operation that corrects a deviated septum? A while ago, there was someone on this forum who was cured with that op.
I should have mentioned that. I had my nose fixed shortly after but the problem still remains. I just remember always having moisture in my nose,now its always bone dry. Even after having it fixed. Thanks for the input though.
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Post by Archimonde »

i see. Did the odor problem start after you broke your nose or after you had the operation?
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Post by longislander »

after i broke my nose.. the days following the nose break I kept sneezing and blowing my nose.. and all of this tissue type thick stuff was coming out of my nose.. it was almost as if the mucous lining was coming out of my nose.. and since then its been real real dry, like I never ever get a runny nose or ever have to blow my nose at all...theres literally never any moisture..
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