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so, i have been given antibiotics

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Posts: 280
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:07 pm

so, i have been given antibiotics

Post by danger »

i went to the doctors todays and was given a weeks worth of antibiotics, they are called amoxicillin

he said they might work or they might not and also said it is possible my breath could get worse
now i am not sure what to do

and also, is there any danger in eating and drinking probiotic stuff like yogurt and yakult(which i was going to start doing) if you are on antibiotics?


Posts: 280
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:07 pm

Post by danger »

after having a search through the forum i have noticed that somebody has claimed to be cured from antibiotics while other people were cured but it returned after they stopped taking them

what i have been prescribed is a weeks worth of amoxicillin capsules(taking 3 day)
and a weeks worth of metronidazole tablets(taking 3 a day)

i really dont know whether to try these incase my breath comes back worse than it is now

i was thinking of doing the probiotic yogurt thing for 6 weeks to see if that helped and if it didnt try these antiobiotics

does anybody know how long after you have been giving a prescription can you use it?
or would i have to get them now and hold onto them?
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon May 04, 2009 7:59 am

Post by seeviper »

the thing with antibiotics is they kill off all bacteria both good and bad... if you are going to take them make sure you take them religiously and finish them all.. because if it doesnt eliminate the bacteria that may be causing the odor, it will most likely become immune to antibiotic. take as many probiotics as you can acidophilus bifidius etc to help replace the lost good stomach bacteria. yogurt helps, if you dont mind the dairy.

i can tell you personally that I took a small dose of augmentin antibiotic for 5 days... my breath felt better while on them but when I got off them I believe my breath has become worse. more of like a mothball smell but how it really smells I have no clue. its my fault, I took the antibiotic for the heck of it. anyway I was recently tested for h pylori and if it returns positive then I WILL be taking the mega-dose treatment for it. goodf luck

if i were you i'd first find a reason to take them.. and I don't mean just BB, but find something. example, get tested for h pylori, sinus infection, anything else. then get the specific treatment for that, if any infection is found of course
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