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Another theory - Mold theory - BENZALKONIUM SERIOUS REACTION

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:38 pm
by Jimi Stein
I have this mold reapperaing on my walls all the time. I used the chlorine cleaning detergent - I do not exactly what is the name for it and the mold dissapears for some time and then it comes back.

But yesterday the woman in the store told me that I should buy another preparation that is more stronger and she used it and the mold never came back.

SO this coul dbe the same theory with our bad breath.

After getting rid of bacteria in our mouth the bad breath still comes back because some bacterias are still there. But if we totally remove all the bacterias from our mouth, they will not colonize anymore right?

So the bacterias is hiding in tongue or somewhere else so we had to clean that area once and foll all.

What do you think about that theory?

I think we are not using enough strong solution that will really kill all of the bacterias.

And also I do not think that we had to low good bacteria in our mouth, maybe we have this other bacteria that somehow colonize it in our mouth and the other people do not have it at all.

theories are good...

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:03 pm
by LJ
HI Jimi:
It's Laura from your sister site at Breathhelp4u. I wanted to make a few comments today about what I've been reading on your site (which is great by the way) and urge us all to compile our theories and experiment as much as possible.
I was reading a post that was a good description of what we have to do to understand our personal bad breath situation. This person posted a list of possible categories we can put ourselves in.
This is a really good point. We have a symptom; not a diagnosis. We may all have different sources that are causing our odor; but I believe we will find that there is more of a common cause that the majority will have.
Regarding theories and experiements; I am going to tell you that I tried the soap. I used it lightly in respect of what I don't know about it. Two things happened that concerned me; first, I did see some relief as far as the odor for the first few days. Progressively though, it's effectiveness went away; my mouth and throat became irritated and dry. (I did not use any other products during this time).
Then something strange happened. I can't with all certainty that it's related to the soap or it's active ingredient; but I think it's something people should know.
After brushing with the soap one desperate morning; after about a week or so of usin the stuff; I used my liquid b-vitamins as I do everyday. But when I swallowed the vitamins, suddenly I couldn't breath. I couldn't cough; inhale or exhale. It seems my throat constricted. It was a long few minutes as I struggled to get air into my lungs; I sounded like I was dying. I even picked up the phone for 911 just in case I couldn't get it going. (not that I could've talked and explained my condition) I watched the clock and realized I only had so much time to get air; so like sucking on a straw with a finger on the end; I pulled with all my might to bring in air. The sound would have scared you.
Finally, I was able to bring in a little air and then after about ten minutes of struggling; it went away.
My throat has been sore ever since. I did not think initially it was the soap. I just didn't know. I've never had anything like it. I don't have asthma; and I asked my friends with asthma if that was what I had; and they said it sounded more like my throat closed off.
Then I did some research yesterday on the Benzalkonium; and found to my fright, that this can cause what they described as "bronchioconstriction."
Now, I'm thinking I had a reaction; allergic possibly; toxic maybe; a chemical burn; and I want those who are using this to know that this is a possibility.
Not everyone has allergic reactions; depends on what shape your body and immune system is in. Mine may not be in great shape. But those who use this for prolonged periods could reach a stage where this type of thing or worse could happen.
If you ever experience this; call 911 immediately. You don't know if it will go away in time to save you from brain damage.
Aside from that; because of the lingering burning in my throat; and now a yeast/garbage smell has set in since I stopped the soap; I was looking for something to soothe the area. I used Jojoba oil. I gargled it (of course before I did it I looked up any toxicity it might have and there was none) and immediately it eased the pain. I did it twice yesterday.
But this experience gave rise to my notion that maybe we cannot kill everything off and not expect to harm or compromise either or oral mucosa or our teeth in the process.
Maybe like with science today; they are looking to find something other than antibiotics to treat infections and such. They are creating smart bombs that don't kill everything; they are creating bacteria to introduce that actually disable the offending bacteria rather than killing.
This maybe the direction for us as well in the future. We need to try and direct this existing science to our cause.
If scientists are realizing that antibiotics that kill everything are not the best way to address disorders; then we should take that into consideration as well.
Recolonizing: I noticed on the site that we have discussed adding the probiotic after wiping out all of the bacteria in our mouths.
I think it's possible that could be done; hell at this point anything is possible and should be discussed. However, I am not sure that we have the current technology to do this. considering we are unable to identify most of the bacteria in our mouths and their function or reason for being there.
My new approach is going to be one of peace. I don't want to kill anymore; I want to nurture my mouth, teeth, tongue, cheeks, pallets and throat with products that will hydrate and keep the environment more healthy.
I feel this killing off has caused an increase in my odor over the years; and a mutation in the characteristic of the odors.
I know we, the only experts in halitosis; no Rosenberg or Katz or any of them knows what goes on in my mouth on a daily basis; but I do.
We need help only with information at this point; I believe this disorder is each of our own personal challenge. We owe it ourselves to continue to research; think of many possiblities; contact potential assistants, such as chemists, botanists and such that can aid in our search.
There will be a cure in the next 25 years; the science that is out there is increasingly going to a level of stem cells and genetics. They are also looking at new ways of controlling bacteria. This will happen.
But in the meantime, we need to find some relief. You know we have to continue our efforts; the odds are now pointing in our favor: hell, we've tried everything, so the odds say one of these items or a combination will help give us some containment of our odor.
We have to be patient though; my fear is in my frenetic, frightened drive to cure myself; I may have overlooked or under utilized something that would have worked.
Now, my interest is in creating a potion that will ease the suffering of my mouth and throat. A peaceful approach. This is not going to be something I will tell you two days from now works and is great. Most likely this approach will take time to see if there are benefits. Patience.
Anyway, I also wanted to tell you all that if Melissa from the Tyra show has something to offer us in exchange for an appearance; I am willing to do it.
Now, I don't really "want" to do it. But if it will benefit us in some way, I will put myself out there and give the real story.
If you have not decided what your next step is in saving the quality of our lives; I suggest that everyone start writing to whoever you want. I think pharmaceutical companies should be hit and hit hard. They have the big bucks and the researchers.
Then there's the experimenting. Do some tests; try some products; try combinations of products; do a two or three step approach; sanitize, colonize and moisturize.
Whatever you come up with may just be the one thing we've been looking for. Anyone here could come across the product, regimine or whatever that helps us.
Remember: Penicillin was discovered by accident and went on to save people's lives. But if they weren't looking, seeking, they would not have had that wonderful accident.
Anyway, please be safe with what you do. And let's all keep trying. It's there.
I won't live to see the cure; but I expect to get some relief and live out the rest of my life in some sort of tranquil state of mind. Thanks, Laura

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:34 pm
by Jimi Stein
Laura that is terrible. I am shocked, it seems like you had an alergic reaction to banzalkolium.

I am afraid to test it now. Let's wait what John has dome with experiments.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:59 pm
by Busted
I don't think your theory is possible, because the bacteria in your mouth responsible for producing the VSC's are part of someone. If normal people eat stuff like beef they can have a little bad breath too because those bacteria break down proteins from the food. Though it's never as bad as ours, maybe because they have something in their saliva that control these bacteria a bit from overgrowth. The reason why our bb is so strong is because the bacteria are breaking down way too much proteins to produce these vsc's. There are a lot of reasons, but I think the biggest reason is post nasal drip, since mucous contains a lot of protein, and they constantly feed themselves with it.

no impossibilities

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:04 pm
by LJ
I don't think your theory is possible

Hi Busted:
There's only one response I can give and that's that any thing is possible. Think of all the things we assumed were incorrect or impossible throughout the ages and proved to be the opposite.
I just want to say we can't close our minds to any avenues at this point. We should be wary of some though; as they can have delitirous effects on our health as I described earlier.
Just keep thinking of your own ideas and carry them out. See what happens and report back.
Nobody needs to use what I'm doing or even agree with me. But I will keep posing ideas; creating experiments until the one comes down the line that actually works. And I'm always interested in the ideas of others; as it has inspired my own. Laura

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:45 am
by coeric
Very well said John. I agree 100%. If your stuff works, I hope you become as rich as you want to be in life.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:24 am
by austuser
I have already found two different nasal sprays with benzalkonium chloride. The one i bought today says its only as a preservative it contails 0.2 mg/ml

I dont think it's too dangerous. It seems you only had the reaction when you took your pills. Maybe the pills and BK combined had an adverse effect...