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metrogyl 200

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:03 pm
by Guest
Hi ppl, after years of reading forums I actually have decided I may be able to contribute something worthwhile.

To get to the point, after 20 years of bad breath, which included a stint of bodybuilding, healthy eating and excellent oral hygeine I could not get rid of the sewer in my mouth.

Two years ago bitterly complained to my new doctor and he prescribed a course of Metronidazole tablets which are 200mg doses. There are 21 tablets in the container and you take one morning noon and night for 1 week.

Problem solved so simply after so long.

This treatment is meant to be, among other things, for bacteria control on patients who have just had operations, it is not claimed to be or produced for breath problems.

I also have a problem with mucus down the back of my throat, a white tongue and I am a mouth breather due to sinus passages not formed correctly. All this is supposed to contribute to the problem from what I have read in various sites, these issues still remain and yet the bad breath is gone.

Not brushing teeth regularly can cause a bit of a whiff, but at least that is normal and the occasional morning breath is there, but a cup of tea gets rid of morning breath and the toothbrush takes care of excercising the gums.

I have only just started reading posts on bad breath in the last month out of curiosity and am surprised by the amount of money being made out of peoples suffering.

I am in Adelaide, Australia, the medication is available with a doctors prescription.

Oh, and I was just like you people, couldn't speak to someone without them visibly cringing from me.

It worked for me so I hope it works for some of you if not all.

Re: metrogyl 200

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:37 pm
by oceanside
jonnyath wrote:Hi ppl, after years of reading forums I actually have decided I may be able to contribute something worthwhile.

To get to the point, after 20 years of bad breath, which included a stint of bodybuilding, healthy eating and excellent oral hygeine I could not get rid of the sewer in my mouth.

Two years ago bitterly complained to my new doctor and he prescribed a course of Metronidazole tablets which are 200mg doses. There are 21 tablets in the container and you take one morning noon and night for 1 week.

Problem solved so simply after so long.

It worked for me so I hope it works for some of you if not all.

Metronidazole tablets which are 200mg doses. Congradulations. I've hear heard several people talked about this anitbiotc, but never heard an acutual sufferer reported relief/cure. I will aggressive seek the help of my doctor for a prescription of this medss.

You have the greatest news to contribute. Don't ever feel what you have to say aint worth listening. Thank you for sharing this news with us. I believe there are cures. I also believe that those who get cured often don't return to share their success and cure with us, thus we continued to live in shame and anguish.

Again, thanks for sharing this bit of news with us.


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:41 pm
by oceanside
Forgot to ask you, how long have you been cured using Metronidazole tablets which are 200mg doses? Antibiotics kills bacteria but if you have been getting relief/cure for months now, or even years, than truly you are saved, you are cured. I would give anything to be cured.

Please let us know how long we've been free of halitosis since taking the medication?


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:15 pm
by oceanside
Dear Jonnyath,

I just can't stop thinking about your news. I am so glad to hear something that actually works. I just called my doctor and have an 10:30 am appiontment with him tomorrow. I copied your email and I will show him what you reported. I want a prescription from him as he has tried all kinds of stuff to help releif my halitosis problem without success. He referred me to an ENT, again without sucesss. So you are cured after two years of using the medication? Wow!

Please respond with any answers that are helpful to us.


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:33 pm
by noptical
oceanside wrote:Dear Jonnyath,

I just can't stop thinking about your news. I am so glad to hear something that actually works. I just called my doctor and have an 10:30 am appiontment with him tomorrow. I copied your email and I will show him what you reported. I want a prescription from him as he has tried all kinds of stuff to help releif my halitosis problem without success. He referred me to an ENT, again without sucesss. So you are cured after two years of using the medication? Wow!

Please respond with any answers that are helpful to us.

lol I will bang my head on a wall from relief and anger if that thing works. I spent i-dont-know-how-much on shitty regimens and mouthwashes, I had a surgery, I paid even more to docs (ENTs and allergist) and if something sooo simple works I WILL BUILD YOU A ****ing MONUMENT JONNYATH :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:51 pm
by noptical
And I was wondering where else I have heard the word "Metronidazole".

Anyone read the article about H-Pylori on frontpage? I was going to ask my gastro to have a test for this and probably follow a therapy after reading this:
Antibody titers with specific ELISA were strongly positive for H. pylori and therapy was initiated with tetracycline/metronidazole/bismuth. Although the patient experienced some nausea she completed the prescribed treatment and it was noted that the halitosis had abated. In the ensuing months serological tests demonstrated a reduction in antibody titer though at six months it was clear that eradication had not been achieved and a second treatment was completed. The patient continues to be free of halitosis.
Maybe we'll finally find out whats with people who have allergies, sinusitis, acid reflux etc but still dont experience any halitosis...

The cause may not be just one, but a combination of many factors working together.

I mean, it wasn't meant such simple thing as a little dry mouth or sinusitis would cause havok. Else most people on the earth would have from at least moderate to horrible halitosis.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:04 pm
by Guest
sorry, its 3 am here and I went off for some kabana and eggs.

Anyway I went and found the original prescriptions so here goes:-

first course was taken 04/03/05 I took it for 6 days only as by then my breath had cleared up and I don't like drugs even if they are prescription. This is the Alphapharm brand marketed as METROGYL 200. It came in a screwtop plastic container.

A year later ( 31/01/06 ) I had a bad depression problem and stopped looking after myself, because I wasn't taking care of my oral hygene I thought that my bad breath was coming back so I went back to my doctor and he prescribed another course of treatment. This time the pharmacist gave me the Aventis Pharma brand marketed as FLAGYL 200. This lot was in a box in a blister pack.

I only took 3 tablets the second time as I realized the problem was my lack of oral hygene not my sewer breath coming back.

Both brands are 200mg Metronidazole tablets so Metronidazole is the important information to tell your doctor.

I still have the containers and the leftover tablets as I make a point of telling people about it when the subject of bad breath comes up in conversation, and it is too long a name to remember so I always keep them to be able to tell people the name.

The important thing for anyone who is reading this carefully enough to pay attention is that there is no substitute for good oral hygene.

If you are looking after yourself properly and your teeth are shiny white and your gums are light pink but you still have a breath problem that is the only time you need to look at outside help, this was my problem from way back in 1984 and no dentist had a clue about how to help me.

If you have red gums and they bleed when you brush first solve that problem and that will get rid of most peoples bad breath problems. Too many people think they can cry halitosis and want an instant cure just because they can't be bothered brushing their teeth.

I hope this works for other sufferers. I know what you are all going thru.

By the way it doesn't solve girl problems, it just means you can talk to them without knocking them out, you still have to come up with your own good pickup lines, they haven't made a pill for that yet.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:42 pm
by oceanside
jonnyath wrote: Too many people think they can cry halitosis and want an instant cure just because they can't be bothered brushing their teeth.

I hope this works for other sufferers. I know what you are all going thru.

By the way it doesn't solve girl problems, it just means you can talk to them without knocking them out, you still have to come up with your own good pickup lines, they haven't made a pill for that yet.

Thank you, buddy. If it works for me, I will buid a bigger monument right next to Noptical's.

Don't worry about me, I am not haliphopic, have poor hygyne, or lazy. In fact, I had wished so many time those were my problem b/c they're fixable. Halitosis..., nothing worked. I am really excited to see my doctor tomorrow. I truly can't wait. I hope and pray this time it's for real.

What?! There's a pill for picking up girls, too? I wan't the name of that pill as well. Just kidding.

Well..., if my raw sewage breath problem goes away using this medication I won't have to worry about finding a gorgous girl. I am lucky to have charms, smarts, and good looks, too. At lease that was what my last girlfriend said to me. She just couldn't bear kissing raw sewage everyday. I don't blame her.

Again, thanks for the great news. I'll be glad to never have to use soap in my mouth again, if it works.

Please keep us posted because you will have many members asking you questions in the coming days.


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:46 pm
by austuser
well being the skeptic i am i have to say why wouldnt more dodctors know about this? Plus I have heard people being prescribed antibiotics for bad breath and it cures it for a while but then comes back when you finish the course.

Still, I am excited to be seeing my doctor tommorow and will DEMAND he prescribe me Metrogyl 200!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:51 pm
by oceanside
austuser wrote:well being the skeptic i am i have to say why wouldnt more dodctors know about this? Plus I have heard people being prescribed antibiotics for bad breath and it cures it for a while but then comes back when you finish the course.

Still, I am excited to be seeing my doctor tommorow and will DEMAND he prescribe me Metrogyl 200!!!!!!!!!

Make a copy of jonnyath's email to show your doctor b/c doctors never believe what their patients say. I made a copy to show him, but my doctor he listens to me b/c he had tried to help my halitosis problem but has no idea about this brand of antibiotics. We knew that doctors don't know everything so why should they know how to treat halitosis. Maybe throug us, if we're cured, the words will go around that there is a viable cure using this medication.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:54 pm
by oceanside

Maybe you can write a long story telling us how your life has changed since being cured, freed from this nightmare, and curse? Goosh, I will tell the world if it works for me.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:30 pm
by austuser
im excited but aint gonna get my hopes up.

Im foccused on keeping my sinuses clear and reducing my post nasal drip, and this is working for me. If this antibiotic cures me, great. But if not, Im not gonna go get depressed over it.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:50 pm
by Guest
PPL, I only came across this site a few hours ago, most of my casual browsing of forums has been about money making on the net and what scams to avoid.

I just happened to be researching the different subjects people write e-books on and this led me to here in a round a bout fashion.

I have definately NOT been down the same path as you guys and gals as far as spending money on treatments goes. I had no idea there is a whole business out there devoted to draining peoples finances over such a problem as halitosis.


Yes I could tell you a long story about what bad breath has caused me to miss out on but I didn't realize the impact it was having on my life until I actually got rid of it. Then everyone came out of the woodwork and basically said thank f__k you did something about it at last, you smelt like you were dead etc etc. I could go on and on about what came out, but in a way my ignorance was a blessing as I did not realize my breath was a lot worse than I figured so I was not conscientious about it like you guys.

I am in my forties now and at that point where I am starting to look at 20 something chicks again. Now my breath is ok, my Richard is still fighting fit, but the 20 something chicks don't look back, that's when you know you look your age.

Anyway its 5 am here and I really need my ugly sleep, so I will post this and log off and check back in later this arvo.

The Metronidazole is a full 7 day course and for those that are going to try it pls do the whole course even if there is an improvement after a few days.

My doctor is also a surgeon not just an everyday general practitioner so I think that might have something to do with him knowing about Metronidazole.

I hope it does the trick for a lot of you.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:55 pm
by Jimi Stein
It seems like this confirms my theory that if the bactria are wiped out completely they will not appear anymore.

But regarding antibiotics I have read only bad things, and after taking them most people breath got worse.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:33 pm
by noptical
Jimi wrote:It seems like this confirms my theory that if the bactria are wiped out completely they will not appear anymore.

But regarding antibiotics I have read only bad things, and after taking them most people breath got worse.
Well I only know that my doc prescribed me a HEAVY antibiotic for sinusitis a few months ago (I just he got tired of me bugging him :P ). It was callad (if i recall correctly) "Dalacin C". He told me if it causes diarrhea, stop it immediately. I took it for a few days but then I noticed it causes me diarrhea so I stopped it before completing the treatment. For a few days I went like 5times/day to the toilet and to this day, whenever I eat any fruit I have to rush to the toilet. CRAP. Anyway, I went back to the doc and he gave me a "lighter" antibiotic but I guess it just didnt help.