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Our site is 7 months old and doing GREAT!!

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:02 pm
by Jimi Stein
And doing good. The traffic is going up like a rocket, the producer of Tyra Banks have posted on it, we have cured few people of bad breath. Today we already have over 250 unique visitors, that has opened 1400 pages of our site. There are still 5 hours left so I will tell you how much traffic we got till the end of day.

Finally something is really moving, good job people.

But still be careful with the tests, we do not want somebody getting ill.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:22 pm
by noptical
Cool lets see if we can get rank #1 on google :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:41 pm
by Jimi Stein
That is going to be hard one.

Do you know anybody with ad breath at google corp?


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:29 pm
by Jimi Stein
I must say that Katz is not a bad person. He may ave overpriced products and I saw how many packages was he shipping that day. I know he is sucking you dry if you buy his products.

I was at his office few years back and he gave me the whole bag of freebies. They did not help but still. He also used halitometer on me and confirmed my bad breath.

I think his products are for non chronically cases or mild cases. But they did not work for me at all.

And I think these 3 docs are small fishes. They are competition to each other and they are unable to prevent the new cure popping up.

We should be concern of the big pharmacies. But I do not know the real truth.

I am just guessing.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:35 pm
by noptical
Jimi wrote:I must say that Katz is not a bad person. He may ave overpriced products and I saw how many packages was he shipping that day. I know he is sucking you dry if you buy his products.

I was at his office few years back and he gave me the whole bag of freebies. They did not help but still. He also used halitometer on me and confirmed my bad breath.

I think his products are for non chronically cases or mild cases. But they did not work for me at all.

And I think these 3 docs are small fishes. They are competition to each other and they are unable to prevent the new cure popping up.

We should be concern of the big pharmacies. But I do not know the real truth.

I am just guessing.
I just think it would be better if the REAL bb related sites popup at the first places in the results, where people can really find interesting information and hopefully a cure and not some overpriced products that dont work most of the times anyway...

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:48 pm
by Jimi Stein
noptical wrote:
Jimi wrote:I must say that Katz is not a bad person. He may ave overpriced products and I saw how many packages was he shipping that day. I know he is sucking you dry if you buy his products.

I was at his office few years back and he gave me the whole bag of freebies. They did not help but still. He also used halitometer on me and confirmed my bad breath.

I think his products are for non chronically cases or mild cases. But they did not work for me at all.

And I think these 3 docs are small fishes. They are competition to each other and they are unable to prevent the new cure popping up.

We should be concern of the big pharmacies. But I do not know the real truth.

I am just guessing.
I just think it would be better if the REAL bb related sites popup at the first places in the results, where people can really find interesting information and hopefully a cure and not some overpriced products that dont work most of the times anyway...
Yes definitely. We will not promote something that does not work at all.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:55 pm
by Jimi Stein
And these bastards should not lie that the cure is guaranteed. Motherfuckers!!!!!!!

And that fucker who is selling the bad breath bible and he is also charging for it. How can he do it. I would shove that book into his ass that con.

"anger going away"

Phew back to normal.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:04 pm
by noptical
Jimi wrote:And these bastards should not lie that the cure is guaranteed. Motherfuckers!!!!!!!

And that fucker who is selling the bad breath bible and he is also charging for it. How can he do it. I would shove that book into his ass that con.

"anger going away"

Phew back to normal.
I dont know if we speak about the same site, but long time ago I remember reading a 10 meter long site where an idiot was babbling about how we can "get rid of bad breath free! tired of people rubbing their noses blah blah blah blah learn how to get rid of your bad breath using only every day products blah blah blah it will cost you NOTHING blah blah" and on the bottom of the page "Get the Bad Breath Bible NOW for ONLY 29.90" or something like that. I was so fking pissed when I read that after wasting 30 minutes reading that whole page.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:10 pm
by Jimi Stein
Find me that site and we will put a special link as a scam site.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:18 pm
by noptical
Jimi wrote:Find me that site and we will put a special link as a scam site.
heh I wish I could, that was years ago when I initially started looking for a solution to my bb problem.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:31 pm
by baguio
Finally something is really moving, good job people.
Good job yourself Jimi. If we never reach our goal (and hopefully we will), you can be proud of what you've achieved here.
Cool lets see if we can get rank #1 on google
Read through a book on this earlier this week (Search Engine Optomisation) and the most important part of it is having good 'links' from other related sites.
Find me that site and we will put a special link as a scam site
May not be such a good idea. A link from a site like this that is gradually ranking better and better with google/yahoo, etc - to some scammers site will probably help him and his rankings. Furthermore, it could well degrade the rating of your own site!

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:44 pm
by noptical
baguio wrote:May not be such a good idea. A link from a site like this that is gradually ranking better and better with google/yahoo, etc - to some scammers site will probably help him and his rankings. Furthermore, it could well degrade the rating of your own site!
Jimi could just put a url to that site without making it a link :D

Jimi I can help you to optimize the site for search engines if you like. 'tis my job :mrgreen:

A very good addition would be to add support for mod_rewrite. That would help A LOT. You can also register at one of those link-exchange communities and exchange links with other health related sites. We cant beat that katz multimillionaire dumbass but at least we can get into the first page on googe :D

your already no. one!

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:50 pm
by baguio
imi could just put a url to that site without making it a link Very Happy
Same difference.

I just ran a check on how the website was ranking for the keywords 'bad breath forum':

Search Terms
Website URL

Search Engine Position
MSN Search 1
Google Not Found
Yahoo! 1
AltaVista 1

As far as i'm concerned, thats the most important keyword - the one to focus on - and you've got it! Not sure whats going on there with google though?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:54 pm
by noptical
baguio wrote:
imi could just put a url to that site without making it a link Very Happy
Same difference.
Most search engine ignore the url if its not in <a></a> tags and even more when they're just (without http)

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:56 pm
by baguio
Most search engine ignore the url if its not in <a></a> tags and even more when they're just (without http)
Sorry - your right of course. That makes sense.