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Allergies and PND

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
smelly cat
Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:38 pm

Allergies and PND

Post by smelly cat »

So I went to the clinic yesterday and this is the second time I've been to see them about post nasal drip this year. The first time since it was in the spring, she assumed it was allergies and gave me steroidal nose spray and claritin I think. They did absolutely nothing for me which I let this doctor know. So she suggested that I try some other OTC stuff and also suggested a neti pot. Has anyone tried the neti pot?

Anyways, she gave me a referral to see an allergist later this month and hopefully they will give me something more helpful than saying "oh try this or that"

I guess my question is has anyone who has PND from allergies had any real relief from trying anything OTC or home remedies? Hopefully once the cold settles in my allergies will die down. (crossing fingers) [-o<

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Post by caramiamine98 »

I used to have PND until I cut out wheat from my diet. I also use something similar to a neti pot most days and I find it keeps everything under control. A lot of people do nasal irrigations and find it helpful. I'm allergic and/or sensitive to 3 things that I know of-wheat, ice cream and canned clams. My daughter has a severe allergy to 'listening' also known as 'NOT LISTEN ITIS'. Of course, I had that when I was a child too so I know where she gets it. :D
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