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being a parent with BB.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:12 pm
by shirl
Just wanted to ask those who can remember there parents having BB and what you actually felt about it?

I'm asking this because i am a mum to a 7 year old and find myself restricted because of bb and my son never hesitates to let me know i smell :lol: kids god love so truthful. but i feel so bad for him and feel i am not worthy, just wanted a bit of perspective from a kids point of view, thanks.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:16 pm
by vilenin89
hey shirl, dont feel bad about something you can't control. be mad at it, and do your best to try to cure yourself, but dont blame it on yourself or let your kid suffer because your insecure about being around him/her.

why dont you post with some more detail about your situation, it might be painful, but I would love to try to give you some constructive advice.

good luck.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:44 pm
by rich1988
Feel happy you even have kids! I dont think I will ever get that far, Im not ugly or fat either I would love to have a relationship but it just aint ever happening :(

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:05 am
by tiredofcrying
I have a 3 yr old and I know that day is coming. It will break my heart when he tells me my breath stinks. I wish I knew how to make it better. I just finished nursing school and I don't want to even work as a nurse now cuz I know my co-workers will be talking about how bad I stink behind my back, cuz its happened at every job I've had.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:48 pm
by Charley
shirl, i dont want to make u feel any worse than you already do but.... i remember my mum having bb, still does now but what far outweighs that memory is the disgust at her selfishness of having children and putting them through the same trauma.

i've lived 25 years with this and refuse to have children because i dont want them to have the crap existance and inhability to be able to live a normal life that i've had.

lets face it, to have children is a selfish decision, we do it for our own reasons not for the childs sake - i wish my mother had chosen not to have me and spared me the pain of life without being able to be close to someone. why on earth would you knowingly do that to another soul?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:36 am
by Susie
Wow! I really wanted to get mad at you when I read your post, but I couldn't even get mad. I could only feel sorry for what a miserable soul you must be. You need some serious counseling. I mean that with all the sincerity I have in my heart.

I have 2 kids. One will be 16 in Dec. and the other will be 1 y/o in Dec. And I hope to god they never feel that way. I already know my almost 16 y/o girl doesn't have bb and with me having this problem she is one of the most compassionate people around b/c of it. I wouldn't change that for anything. Who knows if I hadn't had this problem she might be a different person. And my baby boy.....well, I have big plans for that boy! I will encourage him with everything I have in me to become a research scientist, cause I honestly feel that is what he is here for. He was a miracle baby.

And one more thing.....thanks so much for not reproducing! It is greatly appreciated.


Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:42 am
by me
Man this is a curse!! seriously.. I abandoned college, social life in general and I can't even keep the crapiest of jobs. Seriously I'm currently working only 3 days a week and even that feels like it is 2 much. Not to mention that I call in sick all the time. Seriously I wouldn't mind not waking up the next day. Anyway I keep my fingers crossed that some day I'll at least find the cause of this curse. Because that is the worst not knowing even what is causing this awful smell.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:42 am
by OneDay111
Wow! I really wanted to get mad at you when I read your post, but I couldn't even get mad. I could only feel sorry for what a miserable soul you must be. You need some serious counseling. I mean that with all the sincerity I have in my heart.
That was quite harsh. 8)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:47 am
by halitosisux
The issue here is surely whether or not you believe BB is something which you can potentially pass on to your children.
And since when was bringing children into this world a guaranteed ticket to health and happiness for them, suffering of any kind is relative to the situation. Everyone thinks they have it worst, it just depends on the perspective each individual has on life.

I think each life is a clean slate regarding the development of BB, even TMAU requires that BOTH parents carry defective genes (extremely low probability) and even then its very low probability of that leading to the defective FMO3 responsible for primary TMAU.
Of course there are certain traits and characteristics which might make it more likely for offspring to develop BB, like passing on a history of sinus troubles or gastric diseases like hernias etc. Life is full of risks and congrats to you susie for being so positive and achieving what you have.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:44 pm
by Susie
I really didn't mean for it to sound harsh. I just think sometimes we get so caught up in all the crap that comes with bb that we start blaming everything and everyone for it. Trust me I'm just as guilty sometimes! It's not a bad thing to go talk to a counselor. It can be a real positive thing.

And when I hear that people that don't want to have kids don't I think that is wonderful b/c when you have kids you got to give them everything you have. It's not easy when you are burdened with bb. But you can do it and they can turn out happy and healthy.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:55 pm
by Susie
thank you halitosisux.

Life is hard with or without bb. We just got to be a little stronger than the next person. It's not fair but it's reality.


Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:11 am
by shirl
Thanks for your replies.

Don't get me wrong i am positive towards my son and his life, he has a full life, but it was i don't want him to be embarrassed of me.

Thankfully i have a understanding husband who loves me for me and see's my daily ritual in the bathroom and knows how much i take care of myself...but still cannot stop the BB.

As i do know lots of his friends and my so called friends have called me names in the past, as i have heard them and also been told. I just didn't want my son to hear this and if he did how would he feel, as i do tend to take a back seat when it comes to things like events and social situations, but i also have CFS which i think has been caused by my extreme stress of my situation. But this gives me a pass should a say to opt out of lots of social gatherings, but my son still goes with his dad.

So i try my best and have been to all his school things, but i just don't want him to be embarrassed by me or get teased because of me.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:36 am
by Happylife

Did you had BB b'fore Marriage?. I don't know if i can ever think of getting married without curing this prob.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:58 am
by bbforyears
Please ask your doctor for a prescription for Carafate. You may have Bile Reflux and not know it. If the Carafate helps then you have your answer: You have Bile Reflux.

Speaking from experience....

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:57 am
by shirl
Happylife wrote:Shirl,

Did you had BB b'fore Marriage?. I don't know if i can ever think of getting married without curing this prob.
Hi, i did have BB when when i married but it was intermittant, as then i had tonsils and tonsil stones, so the BB would only happen when i had build up of stones....but i had them removed thinking this was the wrong could i be.

It seems all the bacteria that was stored in the tonsils has transferred into my mouth and now its worse than ever and i like the rest of you are constantly searching for help.

But i am sure that my hubbie and son have become a bit immune to my smell, as where others recoil, my hubbie and son don't. My BB is not only close up but travels across a room when i speak or move.