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List of my symptoms... Anyone advice?

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List of my symptoms... Anyone advice?

Post by Hank »

Hey all,

This is kind of a lame and irresponsible post but I'm feeling powerless against this problem today and need some fresh perspective...

So here's my key symptoms:

- Thick mucous in throat. I would'nt say "hard to swallow", just kind of "sticky to swallow."
- Always stuffy nose. Maybe 60% blockage always. Can easily snort snot from throat and swallow it.
- PND obviously.
- White-ish tongue.
- Bad taste in mouth. Never feels fresh for long.

Lately, I'm just brushing, flossing, tongue brush, and gargle with SmartMouth. Probably have okay breath for matter of few minutes, to get me through short meetings with people. Tried doing saline rinse of sinuses but they got too dry.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


Posts: 38
Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 6:38 pm

Post by bhd »

i had same symptoms as you except less blockage.

i suggest following the candida diet as much as possible (you don't have it, but its a good diet)

the BIGGEST thing is no sweets, no wheat/grain, no fastfood. organic everything and veggies are good.

also stay away from all dairy products.
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