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Chlorhexidine makes my breath *much* worse!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:50 pm
by Cort
Hello all,

I discovered this forum late last night, and I must say that it is relieving to find an online family of people who share and support each other in their suffering.

I've had chronic bad breath as long as I remember. It is just your common, garden-variety, sulfurous "morning-breath" smell. It is perhaps milder than some cases here, but still quite severe. Therabreath actually does help me (for about fifteen minutes) and reduces morning breath if used at night.

Three weeks ago, I discovered chlorhexidine mouthwash by reading medical journal papers. I discovered that you can buy it in the U.S. by ordering through a British online pharmacy: ... orhexidine

At first, I was amazed at its effect. No coating on my tongue. Absolutely eliminated saliva-on-wrist smell. Before, if I wiped the back of my tongue with a paper towel and let the matter dry, it would turn yellow and smell bad. Chlorhexidine completely eliminates this effect.


Over the past few weeks while using chlorhexidine, I've had a huge increase in negative social feedback about my breath. People at work have started giving very strong hints; they rub/cover their noses from twenty feet away; they lean back and turn on a desk fan when I speak to them. This is confusing, since my tongue is now completely pink and clean, and my saliva has totally lost its offensive smell (to me).

Clearly, the chlorhexidine killed off certain bacteria. But in doing so, I've disturbed some delicate balance in my mouth, allowing certain bad bacteria to really dominate. Now, I'm stopping the chlorhexidine and will try to return to the original not-quite-as-bad breath.

[Now, please do not infer from this that you will experience the same thing with chlorhexidine. Bad breath is an imbalance of oral bacteria, but the precise type of imbalance depends on the individual ecosystem in your mouth.]

Has anybody else experienced similar effects with chlorhexidine? Any advice on how to replenish the original bacteria? (I will try staying home for a day, use no anti-bacterial products, and eat yogurt.)

- Cort

Re: Chlorhexidine makes my breath *much* worse!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:33 pm
by Archimonde
Cort wrote:
Clearly, the chlorhexidine killed off certain bacteria. But in doing so, I've disturbed some delicate balance in my mouth, allowing certain bad bacteria to really dominate.
That's why i never use any mouthwash or special toothpaste, haven't for years. The long-term risks outweigh the temporary relief.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:16 pm
by halitosisux
hi Cort,
I can see you havent mentioned it, but I wonder if you tried actually asking someone about your breath status? The worst possible way to know is to gauge reactions because you'll go around LOOKING for reactions and then the slightest negative gesture which you might interpret as meaning your breath smells bad, like someone twitching their nose (which if you sit there and watch a group of people they do that all the time anyway) along with a lot of other circumstantial things like opening windows etc etc. Lots of people are trying elimination diets at the moment and yet I dont think i've seen anyone yet mention any concrete proof from someone else on their breath condition, only going on inherently unreliable reactions.
I dont mean to be harsh, because its not easy to just ask someone if you havent done that before or are used to having someone you can confide in over such things, but you may just have a mild case and it would be a shame if chlorhexidine (or any other oral hygiene routine) was working for you and halitophobia means that you never got to know it.

Halitophobia is real and its very easy when your confidence is low to fall into that rut where your mind convinces you that you must have BB.

Archimonde is right, its only worth bothering and taking these risks if the benefits make them worthwhile and if chlorhexidine works for you then milder antibacterials might also work.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:45 am
by caramiamine98
Hi Cort,

Sorry to hear of your troubles. You might want to check out this thread.


Personally, I like gargling with plain old baking soda and water. Nothing else seems to make my mouth feel as fresh. Cheers.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:56 am
by halihope
I tried this stuff and it worked for a few minutes. Some lady came over to talk about fam. things and I did the rinse and for about 30 or so minutes my breath was great! No reactions but after that time she begun to make faces, cover nose, tried to sit as far back as possible and since I was annoyed that she came unannounced I just kept on talking and laughing in my head. after she left I poured that stuff down the drain.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:37 am
by thanatos
It only works for a while. Bacteria has been shown to develop a resistance to it.