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nearly 50 years of foul breath

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:20 pm
by cg
Just found this forum tonight. I've suffered from chronic bad breath most my life. I'm mid 50s now and the first time someone told me I was about 8. Anyone who tells you that you can't smell your own bad breath doesn't suffer from it. It has adversely affected every day of my lifor for nearly 50 years. I've never in all that time spoken to anyone (except my GP) about it because I'm too ashamed and accutely embarrassed. I was prescribed Metronidazol a couple of times and it works brilliantly. I was euphoric and thought my problems were over but, alas, it doesn't last. I've even resorted to buying it on the internet but don't take it often as I know it's not good for me and will make me resistant to antibiotics. I was recently diagnosed as having selective IgA deficiency, discovered when I had blood tests for a cough that wouldn'tgo away. It means I have no antibodies in the mouth and gut that normally would be the first line of defence against germs and infections. I now believe this to be the cause of my bad breath but, alas, knowing the cause doesn't make it go away. My oral hygiene regime is second to none and I've tried every product on the market, all useless. This is the first time I've shared this with anyone and acutally admiting it seems like a milestone. If anyone has any suggestions I'm more than willing to give them a try - cg

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:24 pm
by orange111
do you get a white tongue after brushing?
how long after brushing does the taste in your mouth go bad?

have you got PND?

i find the more fury white my tongue is, the worse my bad breath is

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:29 pm
by cg
My tongue is a bit white, especially in the morning, I brush or scrape it until it gets pinker. The badness comes back quickly after about 10 minutes and gets gradually worse.


Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:05 pm
by Archimonde
and i thought i was 'hardcore' with my 21 years of BB. 50 years.. sorry :(

I'm curious what's your life like, have you been able to find some happiness, friends, a wife/husband, jobs, children?

Why did you wait so long to find a BB forum (not that it helps..) ? The 1st one was created in 1999 if i remember correctly.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:22 am
by Laka
What has helped me and a bunch of others is to take this chewable vitamin c tablets available at GNC. I also use a toothpaste that contains baking soda, I feel it makes a big difference! Thoroughly brush your tongue, also at the back with the baking soda toothpaste (I use AIM available at 99 cents store or Rite Aid). Then suck on a vitamin c. What I have also just recently noticed is that Zinc (I swallow a pill a day) seems to help me as well! Do you still have your tonsils? A lot of odor also comes from tonsil stones stuck in the tonsils.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:21 pm
by cg
Do you think 50 years is some kind of record, if it is it's one I could do without. Yes I have a hsuband and have a grown up child (both great people, they're the fantastic part of my life) and a job but believe you me I've worked at it all very hard and life is always a constant battle to try and give the least offence to whoever I speak to. But you tell me what is the alternative, I really believe that life is not meant to be easy and I try to convince myself that people have to put up with worst things and that other area's of my life are good. At least that's what I try but it doesn't always work. I always think that people must think I'm dirty and that I don't have good hygiene, if only they knew what a struggle I have and they can't have a clue that my oral hygiene regime would make theirs look none existant. I've only recrntly started getting interested in the internet hence my lateness to this site and I must admit it's good to give my thoughts an airing for the first ever time. I don't have my tonsils any more that was something I tried many years ago. I may give the zinc a go, it's one I've not tried yet and I'm never going to give up. Thanks for all suggestions and taking the trouble to think about me

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:25 pm
by lore_x21
Hey everyone..I KNOW HOW YOU GUYS FEEL BUT BELIEVE ME THERE IS A CURE OUT THERE..just have faith in yourselves and in God.This is my email if you have any questions. [email protected] I recently and thank god got in touch with a lady who had bb for 14 years and then finally found a cure..she used herbs and natural medicine and that is what im doing right now as well and it truly works!! well i hope i can help in some way..nobody deserves to go through all the shyt that this puts us through...well if you have any questions email me or just ask..Lorena

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:19 am
by jakki
There is a site that says the food we eat causes bad breath. Also it states certain blood types should eat certain foods. What is good for one blood type is toxic to another blood type. I have been following this food list and it helps me a lot. I couldn't understand why I had gas when I ate dairy products and why oatmeal which is an antioxidant made me sick. When I read the food list for my blood type I found that dairy products and oatmeal was toxic to my body because of my blood type. I had noticed that my breath was very bad when I ate those foods. Now I only eat the foods for my blood type and my breath is 100% better. Also, I drink more water. I also learned that protein in meats such as beef causes bad breath and fruits should be eaten on an empty somach to keep from rotting in your stomach before it is digested. ... html?cat=5

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:13 am
by jc
CG, I think you have a good chance cuz` I knew some people that have temporary relief from flagyl that cured their bb with other means. I think the hydrogen sulfide & m.mercaptan can be binded by zinc with the exception of dimethyl sulfide.If you don`t have elevated levels of DMS then you have a good chance.