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Hating every second of my life

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:52 am
by kingpin
I am so depressed. I don't go out anymore. I stay away from my friends and have made up every excuse in the book to not hang out.
I dread going to work because I know people look at me and say, nice girl but horredous breath.
I've overheard so many conversations about my breath and when I overhear these conversations, I just want to curl into a ball and die.
I have tried everything. I've seen so many doctors and dentists and they say that they can't find anything wrong with me.
I pray every night that I'll wake up and a miracle has occurred and I don't have to suffer anymore.

I don't know what to do anymore

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:32 am
by bimms
My advice is:

1. Get off grains. Cut all grains out of your diet.

2. Whenever you feel the urge to eat grains, eat fruit instead.

3. Drink a green smoothie everyday. It seems like the chlorophyll in the green smoothie helps get rid of bad breath.

4. If that regime does not work, try cutting out meat and dairy as well. I know it's tough, but I'm getting more and more convinced that chronic BB is caused by grains primarily, and then secondarily by meat and dairy.

5. Research the raw diet. Fruits for breakfast, vegetables for lunch, green smoothie for dinner, and nuts for supper. This is almost guaranteed to work. I kid you not.

6. Once you get your body used to the Raw diet, it is okay to sometimes go off it. For example, my rule is, I go off the diet on the weekends when hanging out with friends. My bad breath comes back the next day, but that's okay, I just go back on the raw diet when that happens.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:30 am
by Archimonde
bimms wrote:
3. Drink a green smoothie everyday. It seems like the chlorophyll in the green smoothie helps get rid of bad breath.
bimms, that statement, is it something you've experienced yourself or you've read that in a book/forum? I'm asking because if you've personally noticed that chlorophyll makes your breath better, why not drink juiced greens/smoothies every meal and use chlorophyll supplements?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:24 pm
by i-want-this-gone
bimms wrote:My advice is:

1. Get off grains. Cut all grains out of your diet.

2. Whenever you feel the urge to eat grains, eat fruit instead.

3. Drink a green smoothie everyday. It seems like the chlorophyll in the green smoothie helps get rid of bad breath.

4. If that regime does not work, try cutting out meat and dairy as well. I know it's tough, but I'm getting more and more convinced that chronic BB is caused by grains primarily, and then secondarily by meat and dairy.

5. Research the raw diet. Fruits for breakfast, vegetables for lunch, green smoothie for dinner, and nuts for supper. This is almost guaranteed to work. I kid you not.

6. Once you get your body used to the Raw diet, it is okay to sometimes go off it. For example, my rule is, I go off the diet on the weekends when hanging out with friends. My bad breath comes back the next day, but that's okay, I just go back on the raw diet when that happens.

If CHRONIC bad breath was caused by the food we ate then everybody would have it . some foods do give u bad breath, but most people get rid of it by brushing their teeth or chewing gum or sucking on a mint.
chronic bad breath in the other hand is different. we just simply have it all the time and cant get rid it no matter what we eat.
some foods do make chronic bad breath smell even worse but those same foods that makes our breath smell even nastier are the same that most people eat and they dont have chonic bad breath, they just get the usual bad breath that most people have, and they get rid of easily.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:56 pm
by Archimonde

1- if you spent less time posting messages that have zero value and spent more time reading, you'd see that dieting has helped several people, including me, and cured a few people.

i-want-this-gone wrote:If CHRONIC bad breath was caused by the food we ate then everybody would have it .
2- Your logic is terrible. Some people can suffocate and die simply from eating peanuts. Some people get sick from eating gluten, others not. My point is, we're all different. If you don't wanna diet, that's fine but discourage other people.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:05 am
by Susie
I want this gone,
I guess I must not have any logic either b/c your post made perfect sense to me.


Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:20 am
by i-want-this-gone
Archimonde wrote:@i-want-this-gone,

1- if you spent less time posting messages that have zero value and spent more time reading, you'd see that dieting has helped several people, including me, and cured a few people.

i-want-this-gone wrote:If CHRONIC bad breath was caused by the food we ate then everybody would have it .
2- Your logic is terrible. Some people can suffocate and die simply from eating peanuts. Some people get sick from eating gluten, others not. My point is, we're all different. If you don't wanna diet, that's fine but discourage other people.
oh i dont doubt that it has helped a lot of people, but acute bad breath wont go away just by dieting, maybe the kind of bad breath thats in the middle, the kind of bad breath most people get. and i know people can suffocate by eating peanuts, but thats because they are allergic to it, it has nothing to do with bad breath. i am not trying to discourage other people,but a low carb diet is not good for ur teeth. eating fruits and veggies can clean ur teeth and make ur breath fresher, but it doesnt cure chronic bad breath or even make a noticeable difference, ur breath will still stink.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:27 am
by i-want-this-gone
Susie wrote:I want this gone,
I guess I must not have any logic either b/c your post made perfect sense to me.

glad to hear someone thinks the same way. i just dont believe eating raw food will help a lot with bad breath. going from ur regular diet to a raw diet can cause bad breath also. we all know eating fruits and veggies are good for us, drinking a lot of water. i drink like 10 glasses of water a day but it doesnt do anything. i eat fruits, i eat salads (no dressing) just tomatoes and lettuce, all the time, it doesnt help, it might help other things but not chronic bad breath.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:53 am
by halitosisux
i_want_this_gone wrote: If CHRONIC bad breath was caused by the food we ate then everybody would have it
So are you saying that there is no such thing some people having certain metabolic disorders affected by diet and leading to the buildup of foul smelling chemicals which lead to chronic and acute cases of bad breath? or proven food allergies and intolerances which have far reaching effects that lead to someone having bad breath? Are you saying there are no illnesses which are affected by diet that cause bad breath?

Obviously if someone has an oral/nasal disease process taking place, for example, than its nothing to do with diet, but the majority of people feel certain they've ruled these out.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:29 pm
by i-want-this-gone
no im not saying any of those things. what i am trying to say is that acute bad breath is rarely ever caused by the food we eat. if u have a shitty diet that only consists of junk food and nothing nutritious then you are going to get sick obviously, u can have have all kinds of problems, and might lead you to having some kind of bad breath. but you rarely find that, who eats cheese and onions garlic and all this stuff that gives you TEMPORARY bad breath all the time?. i wouldnt really call that bad breath really to me it would be the smell of the onion just coming out of the persons mouth, cuz as soon as he brushes its gone, it was just the smelll of the food. we all here are aware of our problem, and im sure we all try to avoid some kinds of foods and try to eat something else that wont make our breath smell even worse. but does it really help? or does it ONLY keep ur breath from stinking even more than what it already does by avoiding certain foods?. i have an uncle who eats onions just with salt, he doesnt have bad breath, when he is eating onions his breath isnt offensive really, i just smell onions. i know people with really unhealthy diets who are overweight, they dont have bad breath. at work i see a fat man eating nothing but junk food, i see him eat a whole pack of hot dogs.he doesnt have bad breath, im sure he has other health problems but obviously one of those problems isnt bad breath. i know we are not all the same, but im sure the cause of acute bad breath has rarely ever something to do with the food we eat.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:37 pm
by OneDay111
Im confused read my begginners guide

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:20 am
by bimms
I want this gone:

Some people have different food allergies than others. It is a very big mistake to say that since some people react certain ways to a food, that therefore all people react the same way to that food.

My belief is that those of us with lifelong bad breath are allergic to some kind of food, and our BB is a reaction to that.

My opinion, yet to be 100 percent proven, is that GRAINS are a major, if not THE major cause of bad breath.

My secondary opinion, also yet to be proven, is that since dairy cattle are fed GRAINS.... and meat cattle are fed GRAINS right before being slaughtered, this might have a secondary effect as well.

If somebody ate just organic, grass fed beef (the old natural way that had nothing to do with grains) then meat and dairy would possibly be fine.

However, after reading the book "Going against the grain" lately, I am pretty well convinced that eating grains is a terrible nutritional experiment, that the human race has not been doing very long, and our health has declined because of it. Including bad breath in my view.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:34 am
by bimms

I've personally noticed that my bad breath tends to go away when I drink green smoothies.

I think it might have to do with pH. (The acid-alkaline balance in our body). When you drink green smoothies, and eat a lot of vegetables, your body pH shifts toward alkaline status, which helps with bad breath.

I also made a mental connection with TMAU, since they use a chlorophyll-type substance to control their TMAU symptoms. It hit me that green smoothies also have chlorophyll and I made that connection.

However, it is not realistic to drink green smoothies every meal. That would get boring and I need variety in what I eat. You know, it might be worth trying, but I don't know how long I could stand eating the exact same green smoothie every single meal. Maybe if somebody else on this forum feels like they want to try that experiment.

But anyway, I don't think you have to do 100 percent green smoothies. In fact, just eating 80 to 90 percent raw, with major emphasis on vegetables and green smoothies, seems to effectively ALKALIZE my body, which gets rid of BB in my case.

Good idea about taking chlorophyll supplements. I'll have to check into that, couldn't hurt.