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Post by leon4371 »

Is anyone currently using any Therabreath products? Does it work?

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Post by TiredofThis »

Does not work AT.ALL.

Don't even bother wasting your money. It made my mouth incredibly dry and disgusting, and it tastes terrible. I just use BreathRX...I like the way it tastes. it's expensive though. I think the majority of people on here just brush with normal toothpaste and use mouthwash. But I like the BreathRX since it gets my tongue nice and pink and I feel fresh :)
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by meowkity1 »

I dont brush with it, but when I am done with my routine I put a big glob of it on my tongue, and it oes diminish the white
Around fathers day the love of my life and my sons father made plans for us to meet at the park, the day before and all night long I was puting this on my tongu. I must say I had an enjoyable time. He only rubbed once and he actually kissed me.
So I had 1 good day, but it took 1 day of preparation.
i did not eat and I drank water all day wich made me bloated in my cute dress
I actually like the rinse too. But its light as water so 'Im not sue how effective it is
Iv tried the nose spray also, but the bottle is so small it only lasts about a week, so you get discouraged about buying more
Ive been planning on buying extra strength, I just hate paying shipping
I am not all against this product, its pretty expensie to brush with daily. But this paste is the only thing I can put on my tongue and see the white diminish
I like to brush with smart mouth and biotene. Biotene is nice the mint is not very strong, but the tube is so small
Iv finally musterd the courage to ask doctor for testing and ent referal. I go tomorow and shes older and I hope she can help
When iv been to the urgent care for sinuses they have young doctors , and they didnt know any reason a person would have a bad smell come from nose
Iv said before that I really think nose fart is just my breath . If i eat peach gum, my son says nose fart is peachy. If my breath is really bad my nose fart is to and it goes farther.
so ****ing tired
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Re: Therabreath

Post by leon4371 »

Don't be too concern with the white tongue. I have read before that due to the long years of being exposed to these anaerobic bacteria we will have a permanent discolorization of the tongue. I mean, white spots will be on the tongue even though their are no anaerobic bacteria on it.

And one more thing, don't overbrush or use those expensive mouthwashes so long in your mouth. Brushing for at least 2 minutes is enough and rinsing and garling for another minute or two would be fine. These stuff are like medicines. You can't take your medicine all at once right? The same principle applies to these stuff too. Before, I used to spend a lot of time brushing, rinsing but I noticed that it made my breath worse. I stopped and my breath became better.
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Post by meowkity1 »

Leon your from thera breath, arent you? lol
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Post by halitosisux »

Meowkitty please dont be offended because I TOTALLY feel your frustration.. but.. why are you so obsessed with your tongue when, if I remember correctly, it doesnt even smell? Have you ever noticed that some people have coated tongues but dont have BB? Does this not make you think that maybe your tongue and oral bacteria residing on it might have nothing to do with your BB? The fact you have nasal odour CONFIRMED that its something to do with your nose or elsewhere? Your tongue coating is probably due to nothing more than the vicious circle you create by the pointless measures in your daily routines. The tongue has protective mechanisms to purposely grow a thicker coating when its been damaged, and that's precisely what you and EVERYONE who scrubs and scapes and coats it in harsh chemicals is doing. All anyone needs to do is eat rough foods like muesli/toasts/crispbreads etc to naturally clean the slough away, which is what most people have and which tends to get worse when someone isnt eating or run down. I spoke to you about this in another thread but you didnt reply, so maybe that was intentional or you simply didnt see it.
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Post by meowkity1 »

halitosisux, I know your right, but I just want that fresh pink tongue that I used to have. My 2 year old sons tongue is really pink and smooth, and the breath is breath taking
I have my app at 3:00 today, I shouldve went to my primary doctor along time ago, but its so embaressing
But now that I think about it , when I went in labor and I couldnt eat or drink all day, and my mouth smelled like pure shit, so bad when my son came out, all I could do is smile, so shes seen me at my worst
I think your right about my sinus. But before antibiotics, my tongue taste and smelled really bad.
Now I do think lick test and theres nothing, I press tonsils, and nothing, scrape with spoon and smell and nothing
You know how sometimes when you sneeze , sometimes I dont know how but I'll sneeze so hard it goes through my nose and throat, and thats when I really sense it in my mouth from sneezing
I have always been stuffed, and I worked in a moldy environment for a long time. One you said bb and bad tooth couldve just been coincidence, and you may be right.
Although I said I cant sence anything by smelling, but my mouth does taste bad. And one hour after routine the very sides are really white.
My sons ent said this could be from tonsils. So I am hoping for referal today. My tonsils dont smell shity though. I have never had stone
But ent says he has treated people by removing tonsils, because old food gets stuck in them.
My other problem is when I used that dumb ass evora plus with probiora three it put a thin layer of bacteria on my tongue, its not really white, but you can see it, and I havt taken the evora plus since bginning august, and I cannot get this off my tongue. I can see the difference
The back will be very white and think, and the front has thin layer of socalled bacteria. Its hard to explain, but I really wish I wouldnt have taken evora plus
I am never taking anymore probiotics
Maybe she can trat me for hairy tongue too. Ill post again after my app today
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Post by halitosisux »

Meowkitty, leave that tongue alone!!!
I know its hard because doing all these things just helps you to feel like you are least are trying your hardest possible to be clean, even though its got nothing to do with cleanliness. Its not rational, so any attempt to speak rationally or advise rational ideas is likely to be pointless, but PLEASE just try the following if you can:-
Get some live natural yoghurt.
Lock away your therabreath products etc.
Brush twice a day with colgage regular toothpaste and floss once per day.
Twice a day just swish some yoghurt around and let it soak into your tongue - do not scrape it or brush it.
Keep your body hydrated, but dont drink GALLONS unless you enjoying going to the loo every 10 mins.
Leave that nystatin you DO NOT have candida or fungus overgrowth in your mouth, only the slight increase caused by your oral flora imbalance from perpetually disturbing it with your routines. STOP GOING MAD watching your tongue, tongues are SUPPOSED TO BE HAIRY some people have slightly thicker papillae but that in itself is NOT a cause of bad breath, but it can be if you are not eating well and dehydrated and the natural slough isnt shedding itself.
Your tonsils not smelling is a good sign. Do plenty of reseaching and REALLY clue yourself up on matters relating to the nose and sinuses, become your own ENT! And then persue anything you feel needs investigating with doctors. Particularly, research about biofilm formation inside the sinuses and chronic sinusitis, fungal growth etc.
Dont put ANYTHING inside your nose, all you'll probably end up doing is making it worse.
That shiteness when you sneeze is probably the force of the sneeze coming out through your mouth and sucking the air down from the back of your nose as that happens.
Ensure your adenoids are ruled out when you ever get to see an ENT.
calm down and try to resolve this rationally. You did well to see your doctor and get them on board. If it turns out that you have nothing medically wrong with you, then you'll have to start considering metabolic causes and what may be behind that so perhaps you can control it.
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