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Found the problem, and the cure...

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:14 pm
by ElGrizzle
Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

Is a broad term as to why the candida/bacteria/virus is able to continually take over, even after antibiotics. The immune system takes a long time to build up, therefor a change in diet is necessary until the immune system builds up an strengthens. The immune system requires a healthy environment to build up and strengthen.

If you have these symptoms, this will apply to you.

inflamed sinus
post nasal drip
tongue coating
bad taste
bad odor from mouth/sinus/throat
poor digestion
food allergies
skin conditions
anal itching
ear itching

One must go on a complete Candida diet. There is much information, and I have no time to post it all, but for the first few weeks even exclude fruit. Meat is ok, and so is quinoa or brown rice. But mostly eat raw (organic if you can) vegetables, especially kale. And nothing else! Avoid tap water as it has chlorine which will disturb the flora. Drink plenty of fresh spring water. Once you feel the symptoms have been healed, then you can introduce fruit. Then once your immune system is tip top, and you feel great, you can have things like beer or sugar on the occasion. But dont overload yourself!

- Use this before your meals...

Golden Seal
Pau D'arco
Oil of Oregano
Clove of raw garlic with your meal

If you already have them use them all, if you dont, then maybe just buy one of them, especially golden seal. Dont use golden seal more than 2 weeks though. take a break of a week, then continue. Golden seal has incredible anti candida properties, immune boosting properties, and also controls the anti-microbial abilities of the mucous membranes including that of the sinus and intestine, so it is excellent for curing the disease, but only with the proper diet.

- An hour after your meals

Probiotic (Try to find one with a wide variety of strains, if you dont know what this means, ask me)

Do this 3 times a day. you can have more meals too, but keep the dosing of pills to 3 times a day. It is important to cycle your candida killing herbs, with your bacterial rejuvenation probiotics. always separate them by an hour!

The vegetables themselves will be the main healer here. Eat as much of these raw healers as you can! Wikipedia kale, and look at all the healing properties!

- If you have sinus issues.

Put 4 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of hot water, and inhale the fumes 4-5 times, 3 times a day. This may need to be done for a while.

Even if you are using the supplements, the diet is the most important part.

Let me know what you think... I just started this yesterday, I will let you know my progress!

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:54 pm
by meowkity1
All except anal itching for me

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:05 pm
by halitosisux
Do people with suppressed or deficient immune systems, AIDS or those on anti-rejection drugs all have BAD BREATH? People in this situation tend to suffer with frequent and sometimes dangerous fungal infections for example, but there is no link between this situation and BB. If there was even a hint of a connection, then the mystery of BB would have long since been solved.

So if people in this situation dont automatically suffer with BB, do you seriously believe it to be the cause for anyone else?

Besides, if anyone wants to rule out their immune system as a potential cause of their problems they only have to have a few simple blood tests, not spend months on diets on which nothing is proven.

Still, anything is worth trying, but this sounds so much like stuff that's been tried unsuccessfully over and over again. If its about building up the immune system then most people on here already eat healthily, or they have had phases where they have, without curing themselves. So many people swear by "candida diets" but yet they always seem to come back again.

Will be interesting discussing this further.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:25 am
by Susie
Don't mean to get into to much detail here, but when I was pregnant I had yeast infection after yeast infection and I had never had them before even when I was pregnant 15 years ago with my first child or since. So that tells me that I had really high yeast when I was pregnant but the yeast is back in control now and I still have bb. Although it did get extremely worse when I was pregnant.


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:52 pm
by meowkity1
Susie same with me. First child 4 yeast, second child 2 yeast
Not pregnant no yeast
I a past post I mentioned breath got worse while pregnant

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:02 pm
by Hank

Reference your comment: "Besides, if anyone wants to rule out their immune system as a potential cause of their problems they only have to have a few simple blood tests, not spend months on diets on which nothing is proven."

To what blood tests are you referring?


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:55 pm
by lore_x21
Susie and Meowkity1:

Hormonal changes make yeast/candidiasis worst and permits the fungus to grow at a faster rate.Even though your "yeast in back in control now" doesn't mean there is not a slight possibility that you still have it.

Testing for Candida: ( this is a simple self-test you can do)
" Before you go to sleep at night set a clear glass of water (filtered water) next to your bed. When you wake up in the morning (before you clear your throat, swallow or speak), deposit your saliva into the glass of water. If within 30 minutes your saliva sinks to the bottom or there are strands of saliva running down into the water or the water turns cloudy, you probably have an abundance of yeast in your body."

"Lab testing can be done for a definitive diagnosis of Candidiasis. Saliva, stool and blood samples can all be tested to look for specific immunoglobulin antibodies against Candida"

you can find info on this website on how the self test should be done

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:06 pm
by ElGrizzle
halitosisux wrote:Do people with suppressed or deficient immune systems, AIDS or those on anti-rejection drugs all have BAD BREATH? People in this situation tend to suffer with frequent and sometimes dangerous fungal infections for example, but there is no link between this situation and BB. If there was even a hint of a connection, then the mystery of BB would have long since been solved.

So if people in this situation dont automatically suffer with BB, do you seriously believe it to be the cause for anyone else?

Besides, if anyone wants to rule out their immune system as a potential cause of their problems they only have to have a few simple blood tests, not spend months on diets on which nothing is proven.

Still, anything is worth trying, but this sounds so much like stuff that's been tried unsuccessfully over and over again. If its about building up the immune system then most people on here already eat healthily, or they have had phases where they have, without curing themselves. So many people swear by "candida diets" but yet they always seem to come back again.

Will be interesting discussing this further.
This is not the same as AIDS.

That and the only true results anyone has noticed on this forum is from the anti-candida/low carb diet.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:29 pm
by Susie
My breath was so bad the last 3 months of pregnancy, but I was so miserable I could of cared less who the heck smelled it. I was also extremely constipated the last 3 months of pregnacy also. No kidding in one month I only poohed 4 times....I swear CRAZY! What we have to go through for babies!!


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:38 am
by Jesper

Can you please tell me what probiotics would you choose to order from this `shop? ... =probiotic.

I m trying this diet as soon as the procutcs arrive.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:05 am
by halitosisux
Hank, there are various tests for determining any potential disorders of the immune system, speak to your doctor about them. Lots of information here:- ... n_immunity

ElGrizzle, I never said "it" was the same as AIDS, I meant that if any aspect of immune system dysfunction was responsible for causing chronic BB, I think someone would have noticed a pattern by now, for instance in AIDS patients, or anyone else with a compromised immune system - but there isnt.
And yes the only true results anyone has noticed on this forum is from the anti-candida/low carb diets - but that doesnt necessarily mean that anyone actually knows the true reasons why these diets help them (hence why no one actually gets cured by them) and correlation to candida is totally ambiguous - just because certain foods might have antifungal properties in a test tube, does not mean that any health benefits (including improvements to BB) confirm them to have anything to do with candida in the digestive system - this kind of ambiguity is the basis of all alternative medicine and quakery.
All those symptoms you listed above can be caused for other common reasons.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:57 pm
by ElGrizzle
ElGrizzle, I never said "it" was the same as AIDS, I meant that if any aspect of immune system dysfunction was responsible for causing chronic BB, I think someone would have noticed a pattern by now, for instance in AIDS patients, or anyone else with a compromised immune system - but there isnt.
That is not correct. The immune system is quite complex. Those who suffer from the autoimmune disease of type 1 diabetes often experience bad breath(its a symptom). Those with AIDS are predisposed to candida albicans infections, and one of the symptoms of candida albicans is bad breath. But an infection for an AIDS patient could kill them without intensive care.

What I am suggesting is that the immune system in chronic bad breath sufferers is not working properly, allowing bacterial/fungal/parasitic infections to take over again, and again, even after anti-biotic/anti-fungal treatment such as Metrinodazole.

Metrinodazole works, but the BB/infection comes back. Why else would this happen, but a compromised immune system? There is also the lack of bacterial flora, but indeed still with probiotics, it comes back. This is why the diet is completely necessary. The food will be the main medicine here. Probably one of the main causes of this disease is a poor diet, and even stress.

[qoute] And yes the only true results anyone has noticed on this forum is from the anti-candida/low carb diets - but that doesnt necessarily mean that anyone actually knows the true reasons why these diets help them (hence why no one actually gets cured by them) [/qoute]

We do know the reason why these diets help. Bacteria/fungus/parasites cannot live in an acidic/sugar free environment. It does work, I have noticed myself, and I have heard from others. It comes back when we change the diet. The cure lies in the persistence, and patience to find the right diet for the building of our immune system, so that the next time a sugar enters our body, it will not result in a parasite consuming it, and creating toxins.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:22 pm
by ElGrizzle
Jesper I would go with the Natrol biobeads. No need to spend a whackload of cash. They have a good coating to bypass the stomach acid, and a good range of strains.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:31 am
by elliott
All makes sense to me. I think the key is persistence.

I think someone (maybe I might) make a food thread for us to discuss ways to prepare things so it's not total torture. Or compare which foods seem to be good or not. Meat does seem to be fine, but for me, mainly processed meats, like organic chicken hot dogs, or turkey slices. Anything fibrous and I can feel/tell the difference. I'm not sure about wheat yet, but for the hell of it, I have avoided gluten and wheat for awhile now.

I leave the garlic for others to try.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:12 am
by Alex
I am going to try human growth hormones for my immune system.
If they do what they say they do, it think it could help.
Immune system, healthy hair, thickened skin, increased muscle mass, mental clarity etc. Basically it sounds like they make you super healthy.
I don't care if they are indeed unsafe, Iv'e had a gutful of safe all natural products. They don't work. I want synthetic hardcore chemical drugs